Holly Crawford
Attached to the Mouse, Disney and Contemporary Art, a new
book from Roman and Littlefield is now available
Attached to the
Mouse, we all wear Mouse ears! Or so it has been said. Hi, ho, hi,
my prince will come, when we
wish upon a star. It is part of our childhood, popular culture
worldwide and it is there for
the rest of our lives. The Mouse is in museums from Tokyo to Paris, from
London to Washington
DC. It might be fun to have your child draw the Mouse. Disney will
teach them how. But artists
beware! This is the first art history that analyzes the use of Disney
imagery by such artists as
Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Warhol, Chagoya, Thiebaud, Helnwein, Boltanski,
Dion, Pesanto, Ospina, Finley
and many more. This book explores the impact of Disney, including artists?
economic and psychological
motivations, on contemporary art. Disney refused permission for any
images - their and artists.
"In her
innovative book Attached to the Mouse Holly Crawford examines the
appropriation of the iconic images of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck with thoughtful scholarship
and spirited humor." - Peter Selz, Professor Emeritus, History of Art, UC Berkeley.
"Enjoyable, brilliant,
readable, and enormously informative. The seminal study of how mass media
institution "Disney and Art"
function in our culture, written with flashes of humour. It's likely to
be a premier resource for
years to come." - Professor Manuel Alvarado, Arts & Media, City
University, London, UK
"For at least a half-century
Mickey Mouse, ears and all, has served as one of the most potent icons
in contemporary visual
culture. The poster boy for everything from cinematic innovation to
American cultural
'imperialism,' the animated rodent is freighted with a veritable
encyclopedia of inference. Not surprisingly, artists the world over -- and especially Mickey's
countrymen and -women - have fixated on the simply, distinctively drawn figure. But however much
that (deceptively) ingenuous face and unique silhouette turn up in Pop paintings, social-commentary
cartoons, and even abstract sculpture, writers and historians have let Mickey's ubiquity pass
without substantial comment. Until now. Defying the perils of post-modernist close reading,
pop-culture fetishism, and the fabled wrath of Disney Corp., Holly Crawford proffers an
exhaustive documentation, classification, and analysis of Mickey's many appearances in the visual
art of our time. Her study fills a gap in the critical history of recent art, not to mention in
Mouseology." - Peter Frank, Critic and Curator AC Institutes mission is to
research contemporary art history and criticism through different
projects. Some projects have
resulted in books, monographs, DVDs, and curated projects. At this time
all publications are
outsourced. All royalties from the sale of this book and others have been
transferred to AC Institute
for the research and understanding of contemporary art which has
included Fellowships for
two people.
Crawford, Ph.D. Director AC Institute -
www.artcircles.org NYC
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