Heather Haynes- Toronto Free Gallery on Sat, 3 Mar 2007 18:25:00 +0100 (CET)
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<nettime-ann> Press Release
Title: Press Release

1 plus 1 equals 3 – at least presents
“Urban Design or Civic Design?”
Toronto Free Gallery
660 Queen St. East
Toronto ON. M4E 2J8
”Imagine small gardens on sidewalks. Imagine buying your fruits and vegetables from inner city farms. Imagine parking lots with trees, where people can gather.”
Toronto Free Gallery and "1 plus 1 equals 3 at least" invite you to join activist groups, artists, designers, architects and urban planners as they re-imagine how design in our city can change in order to foster a greener Toronto.
Thursday, March 15, 2007-
Exhibition Opening starts at 7:00pm
Films screening provided by Streets to Screens
Starts at 8:00pm
Saturday, March 24, 2007-
Panel discussion starts at 1:00pm
Public Forum starts after the break at 3:00pm
Join the discussion with:
Local Community and activist groups:
Spacing Magazine* Toronto Public Space Committee (TPSC)* Evergreen Brickworks*
Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forrest (LEAF)*
Design professionals:
Martin Liefhebber (Breathe Architects)* James Brown (Brown & Storey Architects)* William Woodworth (Beacon to the Ancestors)*
Marlena Zuber* Amanda Rataj* Andrew Chiu* Todd Irvine* Michael Pereira* UpBag*
"One plus One is Three - At Least" invites community members concerned about our shared environments to engage in open-ended collaboration. Our first initiative asks contributors to consider what values influence the design of common spaces and shared infrastructure in our city? As environmental awareness grows and societal values shift, will city planners and designers begin greening city design?
Media Contact:
Andrew Chiu
416 566 8762
URL: www.1plus1equals3.ca
For information:
www.1plus1equlas3.ca <http://www.1plus1equlas3.ca/> or
416 566 8762
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