Send us your best minutes, the minute you surprise yourself with – if your minute glimmers like a fish just under the surface of the water, we want to spear that bad boy. Not to exceed sixty seconds, your films, will compete to be the first screened at this perennial event.
As ever, Lumen Eclipse's mission to bring film and video to a public arena is steadfast. Selections will be screened outdoors under the stars, setting submissions free from dark theatres and computer screens.
Friday, September 27, 2008
6:00 – 10:00 PM
Palmer Street, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA
Submission Guidelines and Prizes at:
www.le60.orgEvent hosted by:
www.lumeneclipse.comSUBMISSION DEADLINE:
postmarked/uploaded by midnight, August 15th, 2008
CECI MOSS - Editor, Rhizome at the New Museum
EMILY DOE – Associate Editor/Producer, Wholphin DVD
JUSTIN HARDER – Director, MTV, VH1, Coke, NIKE and more
RUTH LINGFORD - Professor of the Practice of Animation, Harvard University, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies
DAN HIRSCH - Concert Program Manager, The Museum of Fine Arts & Non-Event, Co-curator
NED HINKLE - Creative Director, Brattle Theater, Cambridge, MA