Sara ENGELEN on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 20:35:36 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime-ann> Pecha Kucha Night Brussels #16 in Les Halles and CAMPUSTALKS at Rits Café |
Stay tuned: diversity & creativity ! âSpread the word. Share the world. Start with your good intentions for 2011 and join! The next Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol. 16 will take place on Jan. 25th, 2011 in partnership with CPDP Conferences at Halles de Schaerbeek Free but mandatory registration on _ Caroline Bergaud & Janice Richardson - eSafety, European Schoolnet â_ David Bond - Green Lions â_ Serena Borghero - Steelcase â_ Lillie Conney - EPIC â_ Nathalie De Bock - Charivari â_ Johan De Mey - UZ Brussel Radiology â_ Sang Hoon Degeimbre - Chef, L'Air du Tempsâ _ Andreea Druga - deco geometricâ _ Dougald Hine - The Dark Mountain Project â_ Larry Moffett & Kumardev Chatterjee - European Young Innovators Forum â_ Deborah C. Peel - Founder and Chair, Patient Privacy Rightsâ _ Clemente Pestelli & Gionatan Quintini - Les liens invisibles â_ Liv Vaisberg - Ponyhof Gallery, Directorâ_ Peter Westenberg - Constant vzw & videomagazijn + + + + + Meet, Match & Create: Onderzoeksevent Erasmushogeschool Brussel & CAMPUSTALKS #08 Vrijdag 4 februari 2011 vanaf 12u in het Rits Cafà en Cinema Rits Deelname is gratis maar inschrijving vereist voor 1 februari 2011 op Apart inschrijven voor de CAMPUSTALKS sessie is mogelijk. Programma 12u | Meet & Match: Lunch met posters en demo's â14u | Verwelkoming in Cinema Rits en uitreiking van de âEhB-Trofee' door Luc Van de Velde,âalgemeen directeur van de Erasmushogeschool Brussel 14.30u tot 16.15u | CAMPUSTALKS: geanimeerde reeks Pecha Kucha-presentaties georganiseerd in samenwerking met CROSSTALKS (VUB). In deze presentaties worden aan de hand van telkens 20 slides van 20 seconden onderzoeksprojecten van de Erasmushogeschool Brussel en van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel getoond. Dus kort, krachtig en erg visueel! _Mark Runacres (Onderzoeksgroep Stromingsmechanica en Thermodynamica) | Binnenkort windturbines in Brussel?â _Myriam Brisaert (Biomedische Laboratioriumtechnologie)| Antimalariabehandelingen â_Veerle Van Raemdonck (Verpleegkunde) | Teaching Basic Life Supportâ _Bart Vandaele (Lerarenopleiding) | Motor Development in Preschool Childrenâ _Elke Vanempten (Stedenbouw & Ruimtelijke Planning) | Ceci n'est pas d'espace ouvert â_Zahraa Zawawi (Cosmopolis, VUB) | Public spaces in armed conflict timeâ _AurÃlie Lodewick (Toegepaste Taalkunde, Journalistiek, masterstudente) | Ontwijkend antwoordgedrag door politiciâ _Marc Goldchstein (Team Technologisch Ondernemen, vakgroep Bedrijfseconomie en Strategisch Beleid, VUB) | Technology entrepreneurship: c'est arrivà prÃs de chez vousâ _HelÃne Stengers (Kenniscentrum Vreemdetaalverwerving) | Picture this! Imagery in languageâ _Lieselotte Goessens en Lien de Cang (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel en Vrije Universiteit Brussel) | Music in the air â_Bernadette Timmermans (Rits) | Is je stem fuchsia of groen?â _Edouard Vossen (Toegepaste Informatica) | Klantgericht EnquÃteren Sara ENGELEN CROSSTALKS & Technology Transfer Interface Communication and events Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Phone +32 (0)2 629 2218 or 2108 Fax +32 (0)2 629 3640 ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ Before printing this email, think about the environment DISCLAIMER: Unless indicated otherwise, the information contained in this message and/or attachments is privileged and confidential, and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above and others who have been specifically authorized to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message and/or attachments is strictly prohibited. The Vrije Universiteit Brussel accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. Furthermore, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel does not warrant a proper and complete transmission of this information, nor does it accept liability for any delays. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete the message. Thank you. |
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