The Flight of the Moldau
recounted by Heinz Moldau
A documentary film by Alexandra Reill

Screening with English subtitles
Opening words: Elisabeth Kögler
Thematic table with
Alexandra Reill and Tom Wade-West, Heinz Moldau's
brother-in-law, after the screening
Tuesday, 25
June 2013, 7 PM
Admission free, but please reserve your seat:
Austrian Cultural Forum London
28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ
In Vienna 1938-1945, the buildings No 4 and 6, Nelkengasse
represent a particularly tragic location in the 6th district
of Vienna - Mariahilf. In these houses, a high number of
so-called Sammelwohnungen were installed - group flats where
many Jews had to move to after eviction from their homes.
From here, 31 people were deported to the concentration
camps Kielce, Litzmannstadt/Lodz, Kowno, Maly Trostinec, and
Auschwitz and murdered there.[1] Heinz Moldau and his family
lived in 6, Nelkengasse; the father ran a well-reputed
leather goods factory in 26, Westbahnstraße. The factory was
aryanized, and the family - Heinz Moldau then a boy of
sixteen years - had to flee from Vienna. In the interviews,
Heinz Moldau talks about his family, the threats from the
Nazis, the aryanization of the leather goods factory and the
flight from Vienna.
6, Nelkengasse 14 people werde deported and murdered.
Our thxs go to
Heinz Moldau, Michael Moldau, Susanne Moldau, Tom Wade-West
as well as to
Austrian Cultural Forum London
Cultural Commitee of 1060
Department of Culture of the City of Vienna
Vienna / Orkney Islands 2008 / 2012 / 2013
Press Contact
Alexandra Reill
call: ++43[0]6991 820 70 03
mail to:
write to: 12 / 24, richtergasse, A 1070 vienna
Photo Sources:
Left: Living room of the Moldau family in 6,
Nelkengasse; family-owned, date and author of
photography unknown. Centre: Heinz Moldau. Around
1936; family-owned, date and author of photography
unknown. Right: Max Moldau and an employee in the
office of the leather goods factory Molmax in 26,
Westbahnstraße; family-owned, date and author of
photography unknown.
High-resolution download for press purposes only from:
Text Sources:
[1] Cp. Alexandra Reill, Nelkengasse, in: Kilian
Franer, Ulli Fuchs [Hg.], Erinnern für die Zukunft,
echomedia, Vienna 2009, p. 162-163
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