Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society on Fri, 12 Jun 2015 23:42:59 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime-ann> Call for Papers: Early Stage Researchers Colloquium 2015, Berlin | Deadline: 15 Jun 2015 | Final Call |
Please feel invited to submit theoretical, practical or experimental research work. We kindly ask you to follow these submission guidelines:
#ÂAn abstract outlining the relevance of the topic, the research method and questions. Max. 300 words/1800 characters with spaces (possibly printed in the programme)
#ÂA short paper providing more detailed information about your research. 2 to max. 8 pages; File type: PDFÂ
#ÂShort CV. Max. 2 pages; File type: PDF
Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Internet Policy Review, an open-access, short-form, fast-track academic journal published by the HIIG.
Submission will be accepted via the conference systemÂuntil 15 June 2015. Please note that you need to register in order to submit a proposal.Â
AlexanderÂvonÂHumboldt Institute forÂInternet and Society | ||
OberwallstraÃe 9ÂÂÂ10117 BerlinÂÂ Germany TÂ+49Â30Â20 07-60 82Â Â ÂFÂ+49Â30Â20 60-89 60Â Â Â | Â Â ÂÂÂÂ | |
Gesellschaftssitz Berlin Â| ÂAmtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg Â| ÂHRB 140911BÂÂ|ÂÂSteuer-ID 27/601/54619 Forschungsdirektorium: Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann (GeschÃftsfÃhrung)  Prof. Dr. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (GeschÃftsfÃhrung)  Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer  Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz | GeschÃftsfÃhrung: Dr. Karina Preià|
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