Károly Tóth [zeroglab rotterdam] on Tue, 23 May 2000 06:21:55 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] 0G_BULLETIN_23_MAY_2000-Prize for media artists in Hungary

zero g artlab rotterdam PROUDLY PRESENTS
diensdag 23 mei 2000
2000, május 23. kedd

the bulletin appears when it is necessary.
editors: zeroglab@freemail.c3.hu, karoly.toth@excite.com
url: users.bart.nl/~terra
0G is an independent art-lab.
We are in an evolving process of exchage
with initiatives of individuals and institutions
based on mutual sympathy.

source: MTI (Hungarian News Agency)

(very fast translation)
On the Wold Day Of  The Communication, on wensday, four young visual artists
have been awarded the Novacom Contemporary Art Award. The award was
established as a recognition
for digital cultural creative work. The the money amount is 3 mln. HUF.
The curatoriom of independent experts awarded the following contemporary

Agnes Eperjesi

Szabolcs KissPal

Kristic Milorad

Tamas St. Auby

The celebration took place at the Olof Palme House in Budapest.

(MTI) A Tavkozles Vilagnapjan, szerdan adtak at a Novacom Kortars Muveszeti
Dijat, amelyet a tavkozlesi kft. a digitalis alkotoi kultura elismeresere
alapitott, mintegy 3 millio forintos osszdijazassal. A fuggetlen
szakertokbol allo kuratorium a dijat negy fiatal alkotonak itelte oda
palyazat utjan. Az elismerest Eperjesi Agnes, KissPal Szabolcs, Kristic
Milorad es St. Auby Tamas kortars kepzomuveszek vehettek at a varosligeti
Olof Palme hazban tartott unnepsegen.  - http://www.novacom.hu

name: Károly Tóth
address: Gedempte Zalmhaven 923
3011 BT Rotterdam NL
tel: +31 (0)10 2400390 or 2400391
e-mail: karoly.toth@excite.com
studio: http://users.bart.nl/~terra
office: www.visto.com/guest/0g

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