integer on Tue, 23 May 2000 15:38:26 +0200 (CEST)

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tzzt. + etvaz nato.0+55.modular - kl!k



The Hotwired Live Electronic Resistance Network Art Party Plan

a weekend event of ambient electronic and live theatre from parallel
performance spaces in Toronto (Canada), Moss (Norway) and Amsterdam (the
Netherlands) joined through the internet

                Saturday May 27 and Sunday May 28, 2000, 2-8pm

                Ryerson Polytechnic University   School of Image Arts
                122 Bond Street   Sound Stage   #301

Momentum is a weekend of ambient theatre and live art activities in a
social setting. Participating artists work with analog and digital video
mixing, sound, media based and sculpture installation, and live
performance. Three performance spaces (in Norway, Canada and the
Netherlands) are joined, the Internet is used as a platform for exchange.

The performance space in Toronto is a social space and lab, designed to
facilitate a two day dialogue between space, sound, image, live and
tele-presence. It is divided into work/play stations with lounge "islands",
placed in between. This allows the visitor to wander through these spaces,
sit, relax and even be given the opportunity to participate in the event as
a performer.

Technical misunderstandings, and breakdowns will be handled by the
emergency crew, easily identified by their cheerful orange vests and hats.
First 50 people through the door each day get a free watch.

Alternatively, mediated viewing and participation can be done from anywhere
with an internet connection. Follow the homepage for
more details.


TORONTO: naw (aka Neil Wiernik), Lisa Deanne Smith, Mike Steventon, Louise
Liliefeldt, Jeff Mann, Michelle Kasprzak, Jericho, Michelle Teran, Lewis
Kaye and Prasad Bidaye of Project, Slavica Ceperkovic, Jubal Brown, Adrian

MOSS: Ellen Røed, Ole Johan Skjelbred-Knudsen, Kristopher Schau, Gisle
Frøysland, Leon Cullinane, HC Gilje, Amanda Steggell, Per Platou, Kristine

AMSTERDAM: The Society for Old and New Media.

Coordinated by: Michelle Teran in cooperation with School of Image Arts at
Ryerson Polytechnic University (Toronto), Motherboard in cooperation with
Bergen Electronic Art Centre (Moss) and the Society for Old and New Media

This event is commissioned by Momentum, the second Nordic Art bienalle,
which takes place in Moss, Norway, throughout the summer 2000.
Sponsored in Toronto by School of Image Arts at Ryerson Polytechnic
University and Interaccess Electronic Media Arts Centre. With special thank
yous in Toronto to Ger J. Z. Zielinski, Don Rysdale, Fred Payne of School
of Image Arts, Kathleen Pirrie Adams and Lewis Kaye of Interaccess
Electronic Media Arts Centre.

for more information email or visit the website

                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.     


Netochka Nezvanova
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