david sinden on 27 Oct 2000 18:53:10 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] M A K I N G A R T M A T T E R for Lighthouse [nr]

   M A K I N G  A R T  M A T T E R
   L I G H T H O U S E

Lighthouse is the leading digital media and film centre in the South 
East of England. <http://www.lighthouse.org.uk>

For the Making Art Matter commission, Lighthouse will build on its 
reputation for commissioning innovative artworks that use video, 
multimedia and computer-based technologies.  Projects such as the 
Event Coast series with BN1 in 1999-2000 featured installations along 
the south east coast by Simon Poulter, Tessa Elliot, Susan Kozel, 
Paul Sermon and Heinrich + Palmer.

The Making Art Matter commission will be a new digital artwork 
focusing on public spaces, environments, architecture and light for 
Summer/Autumn 2001.  We aim to develop audiences for contemporary art 
through the use of technology to create illusion, wonderment, 
aesthetics, curiosity, play and humour.  We intend to create more 
positive and dynamic levels of involvement in the viewing and 
creation of contemporary artwork.

It is envisaged that the work will be site-specific and focus on a 
large scale installation, projection or performance/intervention.  It 
is likely that this will be outside and will definitely be 'public'. 
The work may use sound, video, animation, text, sculptural elements 
or web technologies but must be technically robust, tried and tested. 
Lighthouse are open to receive ideas from artists about how they wish 
to approach the commission as long as it is accessible, innovative 
and sited in a public arena.

The commission will be available to one central artist/artist group 
with previous experience of major commissions.  Also 3 support 
commissions will be available to work alongside the central 
commissioned artist(s) through residencies and educational work.  The 
central artist(s)' fee will be 5,000 pounds plus 10,000 pounds 
production expenses.  The support artists' fees will be 2000 pounds 
each plus 2500 pounds production expenses each.  Additional resources 
are available for equipment, education, tech & travel, etc.

The deadline for applications is FRIDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2000.  For more 
information and a Making Art Matters commission application form 
contact Lighthouse asap at <info@lighthouse.org.uk> or phone 01273 
384 222 or fax 01273 384 233.

We look forward to getting some exciting ideas!

   apologies if you got this more than once
   and please pass on. thanks


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..David Sinden . Lighthouse . Lux

....t: +44 (0)79 3138 1136 . e: dvs@appleonline.net

......<http://www.lighthouse.org.uk> . <http://www.lux.org.uk>

   [ lux london to mid-november . then to lighthouse brighton ]

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