integer on Tue, 1 May 2001 19:28:58 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\ |
"dstreever" <> >As ridiculous and inane as you can be, you manage to always bring a smile to >my face. > >Cheers, NN. > >Beware the crickets. They are MULT!PLY!NG! > >+ tu uold havv DS eat cr!ketz??? = NN !z not zo pervrze! v!zual!z!ng `u` zu!m!ng !n 0+1 f!sh tank. v!rtual pE+z + z!rup lokomotorz + lo.kalor!e op!n!atez `!` feed u gul!bloonz++ f!n-f!n !.m bl!nd. !.m bl!nd. scena 0+25. insolent lo.kalor!e kompaz!onat zm!le >My guess is that just a word or two would >fix everything just right. the bio (perfekt) is sprinkled with many many `errors` [ perfekt 4 crickets ] =cw4t7abs suggested i do so - `i like sneaking into the enemy's nest + giving life` you have selected a non.error. the errors have slipped by in you. i smile. you are a clumsy male ________________________________________________ i love surfing/swimming/drowning in the >quantum foam of "her" evolving story. i will be eating chocolate crickets and >listening to the rustle of autumn leaves & hearts beating (punctuated by the >occasional scream, of course). + nou fareuel. nn !tz vantage l!ez. enter!ng dze tornadoz kore enter!ng dze kr!ket waltzd b! ztorm 2 konf!zkajt dze sh!ft!ng g!v + reprznt dze w!th - out wh!ch dze l!f 4rm who who who Dual processor 500MHz G4 call out my name over and over again cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu @ 747 m!l!on z!klz per zekund. >> all !z full ov sex non +? > >a oui. sometimes overflowing. > >feels like someone vomits in my mouth. nn kontent = 0+0 z!ng m! pra!zez du 68K kr!ket dze fakt dzat 01 d!amond = konztruktd ov durabl data != make !t 01 b!olog!kl! relevnt mater!al benef!t 4 01 woman. !f she = dez!rd dze d!amond az 01 purel! mater!al benef!t she != ud m9nd !f dze xy kr!ket = purchaszd !t on zale 4rom 01 ma!l-ordr katalog. !n real!t! she u!shez h!m 2 pa! dze ultra+full reta!l kost at t!ffan!.z az dzat = romant!k++ !.e. kostl!. moral mar!onetz != ma! konz!dr male generoz!t! moral abr 2 01 woman reze!v!ng 01 romant!k [!.e. ekspenz!v] g!ft dzat = 01 kap!tl v!rtue > |censored| overture. h!er = !zt 01 suan. tend!ng 2 batal!onz ov lettrz dze kr!ketz = d!ne upon. frescoes dekorat dze fasz + nekc >that |censored| dze zpektatorz gaze at bot!celo. taktual sensz. float!ng on 01 bed ov romant!k asp!r!na. mehr !sz krema \ m9ndfzzp 4 dze kr!ketz + addtl nn. tzo ver! z!k ov !mpotent xy kr!ketz n n n n n n v3kt0r.r2!n - ztra!ng !n 2 dze z!ngular!t! - Netochka Nezvanova - serieusement. just sing my praises [unconditionally] f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e - Netochka Nezvanova - the spreading web like rhythm we towards inch with f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST - each impression yes +? 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e alex galloway - simply.OBSTUSZ [.b!olog!kl! + .f!nanz!al!] xy kr!ket vr!!endl!.nn pre.konssept!n meeTz ver!f1kat!n. - Netochka Nezvanova - amf!teatre de l.eternelle sap!ensz f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e >>usability. > >t!p!kl okz!dent kr!ket = fasc!natd avec usability. > > iko d! kr!ket = zang >di kr!ket is learning!:) di kr!ket is t!rd! &) [alred! +? domaj >ok u use space in SJMN wisely, and we'r all happ! ! do _not hav an! ch!ldrn >yihaa >iko >:) he!deger + zartre = za!d. ue = lv++ !nd!v!zbl uholez. ma!z = bertrand ruzel = za!d. du = tzo simple.M)NDED tzo u z. = dze blank zpazez ov d!sz page != blank rel! 1 w!th dze tu!ztr !n v!zta gl!de + dze kr!ket !n dze d!tch w!th r!vr ra!n + turb!nez` trasz w!th!n dze latent marrou ov dze egg. dze ambr ua!vz - !z uear !tz vantage l!ez. i love preliminaries. garbo said (39) my cells match with your eye(s) my cells match with your I // _____++ 1001 zna!l trazez /_/ / \ \/ i should like to be a human plant \/ __ __/ i will shed leaves in the shade \_\ because i like stepping on bugs *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- Netochka Nezvanova! Niemandsland *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*-- _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list