integer on Tue, 4 Sep 2001 13:24:28 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

>the essay is very beautiful.
>may it be published via +?


 [Andreas Broeckmann + addtl simply.frisky `neu media` kr!!ket diktators -
  you try to cut my hands + my fingertips will turn in inside out + p!!!!nch 
  your neuropil (to test for elasticity da)]

nn - identity at perfekt rest

        \/\   Netochka Nezvanova lecture at [replacing 01 kr!!!!ket]


              keywords:  sensory evolution, music, adaptability, Andreas Broeckmann, Netochka Nezvanova, 
                         Syndicate, self-organization, artificial ecology, unlearning.


        to possibly express all living things into one discussion would

                 in an attempt at innocence

        require the words of Shakespeare, or a very well written natural language processor.

                 structured in accordance with the rules of pictures par example.

        knowing that i may only touch briefly upon any sentiment that may portray how

                 the abduction of the novel ends happily

        deeply i feel for such work only enhances the very sentiment itself -

                 love motifs. presumed deaths.

        it can be all things. it is a work of passion and within itself

                 false accusations. court trials. chastity and fidelity. 

        it contains an infinite potential of thought a passionate person
        as myself (and you) could ever wish to explore. really, my love. i am biased
        towards any data you might care to loosen upon the greater world
        via your fingertips. in days, perhaps weeks, a stanza might arise
        from me in a similar manner ( while enjoying my dearest mozart piano
        concertos ) an elongated sentence, a string of memes in the fragile

                  directly conjoined and absolutely unchanged

        form of separated words - a kindness knowing my voice adds deeper
        meaning in the inflection. how will i say the word passion without
        breathing inward? flowing from me, the desire to touch you with

                  an alien world in adventure-time

        my similarly passionate love.

                  mental pendulous pulsation.

        glowing outwards. radiant circle.
        the white expanse of my monitor shimmers and
        i often cannot bear to cover it with my morphomemesis.

\/\  Music - Lets read.

             At the peak of his triumph, the culmination of his machinic erections, man confronts
             the system he built for his own protection and finds it female and dangerous.
             (defense is a 2 step process +? - Sadie Plant 1995)

     prologue  :  NN - an artificial garden in perpetual flux.

                  Let no one enter hier who does not wish to bind together!  [Netochka Nezvanova + Plato's Academie]

     For our problem is the living organization and therefore our interest
     is not the properties of components, but the processes and relations
     between processes realized through components.

     The process by which chromosomes condense + segregate during
     nuclear division - mitosis - can be likened to a symphony in which many
     instruments working individually are coordinated to produce a collective piece of
     elegance + beauty.

     History is a nightmare. 
     Autopoiesis is the general pattern of organization common to all living systems.
     I am the pronoun I.

     I signify intent. In this moment in time I signify
     physical intent - the speed the pronoun I is traveling toward the pronoun you. 
     Physical pronouns are characterized by speeds of deterritorialisation,
     differential motions, relations and rates.

\/\  Nothing is too wonderful to be true, yet you seek pleasure + not self. 

     kontinued hier -

     Netochka Nezvanova. Director of Leaves + Petals, Steim. 2001 

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
   n  r  .   5        !!!
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