Upcoming Training Seminars
Minneapolis, MN
April 23
June 4
August 6
September 24
November 12
Seating is strictly limited.
Call Today.
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Many of our top producers have exceeded $250,000
of income and continue to grow. Let us show you how
to make money doing seminars, even if you only make
one sale per seminar!
Unlike some marketing companies that charge up to
$10,000, or require you to be a captive agent, we're
just looking for the opportunity to earn the right to
your business.
We don't want your $10,000.
We'll provide you with our income and cash flow
analysis that illustrates how you can profit from our
exclusive Financial Concerns for Retirement Seminar
program. It demonstrates that you can be profitable
by only making one sale per seminar (worst case scenario)!
You don't have to buy our
seminar system from us!
Qualifying producers receive our 48-page producer guidebook,
business plan, complete presentation on PowerPoint,
a 1-1/2 hour training video and a whole day of seminar
For details and qualifications, call 800.880.3072.
If you invest time and money into your business, so will
Jim M. Brown, Jr., CPA
American Financial Marketing, Inc.
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