integer on Thu, 28 Mar 2002 08:35:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] \\ a g!rl

like you


Goede morgen

>we have managed to

loss of authorship

>raise funds to go ahead  

I am unfamiliar with your institute's policies, nor must I.


   - The NN `book` will be the single best `invention` of this millennium.

Thus several international patents are involved,...

>Since we have managed to
>raise funds to go ahead 

... thus your institute's
financial involvement irrespective of its extravagance
is that. simply. 

>Since we have managed to
>raise funds to go ahead 

NN is a multi-million book. May reserve as much as desired.
Mustn't despair. `I` have more kapital than you.


Shall be rather brief. My solutions
are very very very + extremely messy.

European + American schools teach that Gutenberg's printing
press was one of the greatest inventions in human history.

The Chinese are sharing copious smiles as is an _unnamed printer of ancient Crete
as is _realtime printing.

___... as are our bodies are documents

as am I

for reasons different.

\\ Ansatz

now you wait + I _type the future of the west.

the _future of your ego [a gift from the jews]

NN - labyrinth of the continuum   [ztr!p.zearch


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova          
   n  r  .   5        !!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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