Florian Cramer on Wed, 3 Jul 2002 12:37:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] unstable digest vol 1

From: "Martin (biz.finder.net.au)" <martin@finder.net.au>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 02:49:57 +0930

|  ________  |
| |   I    | |
| |  LOVE  | |
| |___U____| |
|            |
| <_>   <_>  |
| <_><I><_>  |
| <L><U><V>  |
| <_><U><_>  |
| <M><O><R>  |
|    <E>     |

adapted from: http://www.asciiartfarts.com/20010424.html

inspired by:
http://www.mic.atr.co.jp/~christa/BIBLIO/ICME2001.pdf (3.0MB)
  Free the Radical
  Be it FTP or VDU,
  sensor driven or midi triggered
  - ZIP me up baby, I'm ready to drive
  _______________ http://ftr.va.com.au

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:08:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>
Subject: Poet


Name "main::sign" used only once: possible typo at ./.poet line 37.
Use of uninitialized value at ./.poet line 37.

Hello, hello. I do realize now that I can write anything I want, that I do
not n eed fancy language or programming, that I can just state my honest
beliefs and e motions (sentiments), that my craft is fine, that I am
^?^?^?^?^?                          excellent.^?            excellent now,
that I am a real poet with  real things to write and say. And this is
wonderful because to be sure everythi ng I do has been of miserable cause,
that is to say, far more difficult than I w ould like; programming is not
my strong point, and you can't even run spellcheck  t^?   when there are
many deliberate errors. Now that I am freed, I will take my plac e among
the poets, I will have a history, you will be the witness to that histor
y, you will be my witness.

Hello, hello. I do realize now that I can write anything I want, that I do
not n eed fancy language or programming, that I can just state my honest
beliefs and e motions (sentiments), that my craft is excellent now, that I
am a real poet with  real things to write and say. And this is wonderful
because to be sure everythi ng I do has been of miserable cause, that is
to say, far more difficult than I w ould like; programming is not my
strong point, and you can't even run spellcheck  when there are many
deliberate errors. Now that I am freed, I will take my plac e among the
poets, I will have a history, you will be the witness to that histor y,
you will be my witness. is sufficiently well-inscribed. -

No longer do I have to fake code, make things appear as if they work, do
somethi ng beyond simply mean in a poetic way; how could I be but happy
about this? It i s as if a terrible burden has been lifted from me. I can
place word after word,  line after line, without regard to code
correctness, originality of style, or si gns of genius somehow lying
outside the work. I can pay attention to word and ph rase, abstract and
realist, nominalist and universal, or not even think of these  or any
other categories. Oh, how I long to write!

I Consider the following again, your Hello, hello. I do realize now that I
can w rite anything I want, that I do not need fancy language or
programming, that I c an just state my honest beliefs and emotions
(sentiments), that my craft is exce llent now, that I am a real poet with
real things to write and say. And this is  wonderful because to be sure
everything I do has been of miserable cause, that i s to say, far more
difficult than I would like; programming is not my strong poi nt, and you
can't even run spellcheck when there are many deliberate errors. Now  that
I am freed, I will take my place among the poets, I will have a history, y
ou will be the witness to that history, you will be my witness. ...

For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seaking after^?^?  seeking
after fame. And yet fame shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will
depend on one thing only: my p oetic talant. Everything else is clever
gimmickry; I'm surprised so very few hav e seen through me...

Your For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seeking after fame.
And yet  fame shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will depend on
one thing only:  my poetic talant. Everything else is clever gimmickry;
I'm surprised so very fe w have seen through me... is mine, my Hello,
hello. I do realize now that I can  write anything I want, that I do not
need fancy language or programming, that I  can just state my honest
beliefs and emotions (sentiments), that my craft is exc ellent now, that I
am a real poet with real things to write and say. And this is  wonderful
because to be sure everything I do has been of miserable cause, that  is
to say, far more difficult than I would like; programming is not my strong
po int, and you can't even run spellcheck when there are many deliberate
errors. No w that I am freed, I will take my place among the poets, I will
have a history,  you will be the witness to that history, you will be my
witness. is yours!


For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seeking after fame. And yet
fame  shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will depend on one
thing only: my p oetic talant. Everything else is clever gimmickry; I'm
surprised so very few hav e seen through me... calls forth crags
declaration, hungered, making things.
beneath the mountains, For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive
seeking af ter fame. And yet fame shall come to me, or it shall not - and
this will depend  on one thing only: my poetic talant. Everything else is
clever gimmickry; I'm su rprised so very few have seen through me... is ,
024], No longer do I have to fa ke code, make things appear as if they
work, do something beyond simply mean in  a poetic way; how could I be but
happy about this? It is as if a terrible burden  has been lifted from me.
I can place word after word, line after line, without  regard to code
correctness, originality of style, or signs of genius somehow lyi ng
outside the work. I can pay attention to word and phrase, abstract and
realis t, nominalist and universal, or not even think of these or any
other categories.  Oh, how I long to write!?

For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seeki ng after fame. And
yet fame shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will de pend on one
thing only: my poetic talant. Everything else is clever gimmickry; I 'm
surprised so very few have seen through me...?

You're written with fingers!
For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seeking after fame. And yet
fame  shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will depend on one
thing only: my p oetic talant. Everything else is clever gimmickry; I'm
surprised so very few hav e seen through me... and 9365 and 10332 -

Use of uninitialized value at ./.julu line 131, <STDIN> chunk 9.

For writing is my appetite, as is my obsessive seeking after fame. And yet
fame  shall come to me, or it shall not - and this will depend on one
thing only: my p oetic talant. Everything else is clever gimmickry; I'm
surprised so very few hav e seen through me...:No longer do I have to fake
code, make things appear as if  they work, do something beyond simply mean
in a poetic way; how could I be but h appy about this? It is as if a
terrible burden has been lifted from me. I can pl ace word after word,
line after line, without regard to code correctness, origin ality of
style, or signs of genius somehow lying outside the work. I can pay att
ention to word and phrase, abstract and realist, nominalist and universal,
or no t even think of these or any other categories. Oh, how I long to
write!:Hello, h ello. I do realize now that I can write anything I want,
that I do not need fanc y language or programming, that I can just state
my honest beliefs and emotions  (sentiments), that my craft is excellent
now, that I am a real poet with real th ings to write and say. And this is
wonderful because to be sure everything I do  has been of miserable cause,
that is to say, far more difficult than I would lik e; programming is not
my strong point, and you can't even run spellcheck when th ere are many
deliberate errors. Now that I am freed, I will take my place among  the
poets, I will have a history, you will be the witness to that history, you
w ill be my witness.:confusion:



24 hours, cyberspace
From: "Absinthe Buyer's Guide" <info@absinthebuyersguide.com>
Subject: [Nettime-bold] Absinthe Buyer's Guide --
Date: 28 Jun 2002 16:51:57 -0700

Hello -  Please allow me to tell you about the Absinthe Buyer's Guide, our Grand Opening will be in August.

Our goal is to provide buyers with up-to-date information about Absinthe currently being produced for sale, and
to provide them with links to reliable distributors where they can purchase Absinthe with confidence.

We are accepting  Absinthe related websites to be listed on our Links page.

Click Here To Visit Our New Site:  http://www.absinthebuyersguide.com
To sign up to list your products or website: http://www.absinthebuyersguide.com/contact.html

Thank you very much, please e-mail us if you have any questions or comments.

Absinthe Buyer's Guide
San Francisco Bay Area

Web: http://www.AbsintheBuyersGuide.com
e-mail: info@absinthebuyersguide.com

We will limit the number of e-mails that we send per year, please let us know if you
do not want to be on our mailing list.

From: "Cur.][O][va.ture" <netwurker@hotkey.net.au>
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 17:36:02 +1000
Subject: ab.sin.th][e.tic][ resin  --   [god.lather]

         d.fine][d e.motional rigidity via ][this drug.[s]take 
compiling.  For a BaStarD biology
         d.fine nothing; this is the D.faulting thru vapid ][e][motional 

         d.][sugar & refuse re][fine[d] this, if your biometrics do not 
provide the ab.synthetic ()
         call. rou.lette[r]ing thru yr absence, stripping whip.page-cords & 
tr.acts of smothered         god.[b]lathering.

         D.][n.fin][it][e this, if your system does not provide the 
         call. trust in yr celled walled [s]paces, d.void of accentual lust.

         define this, if your system has no re.active limits. i smell thru 
yr s][ilicon][kin.
         drowing in yr pl][e][as][ure][tic rictus.

         define this ][@ yr pilled peril][, in.clu][e][ding general 
debauchery c][hilled & wet][[l]ode[s].

         define this, please. wood u like to induce god.s][yllabic][ome code?

.           .    ....         .....
collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
.... .               .???  .......

From: integer@www.god-emil.dk
Subject: [Nettime-bold] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:31:41 +0200 (CEST)

>why do we always look for the most complex solution first??

soluz!onz = 01 kont!nuum

humanz != krasch. komputrz + zoz!et!ez do.

          |||                   |_______________ z!v!laz!on = 4 foolz
                                                [kultur = 01 ent!rel! d!frnt matr


>why do we    [i            u



                   lup! dze lup


From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>
Subject: biocapture_archive (fwd)
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 10:30:33 -0400 (EDT)

Kenji's new work - which I think is terrific. Apologies for cross-posting
- Alan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:06:44 +0900
From: Kenji Siratori <white-b@d4.dion.ne.jp>
To: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>
Subject: biocapture_archive



win: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v1.0.exe
mac: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v1.0.hqx

win: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v1.1.exe
mac: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v1.1.hqx

win: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.0.exe
mac: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.0.hqx

win: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.1.exe
mac: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.1.hqx

win: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.2.exe
mac: http://www.d4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b/biocapture_v2.2.hqx

win: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v2.3.exe
mac: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v2.3.hqx

win: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v2.4.exe
mac: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v2.4.hqx

win: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v3.0.exe
mac: http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~white-b2/biocapture_v3.0.hqx


From: Plasma Studii <office@plasmastudii.org>
Subject: [Nettime-bold] (no subject)
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 14:17:19 -0400


Tolerating Cut-throat Promotional Appeasement
Testing the Complacency on the Part of the Average
Terms for Convincing Politicians and Advertisers
Totally Crummy, Potentially Awful
Trick Customers into Paying for Accidents
Tunnel-vision Creators of Pretend Alerts
Time to Clean the Pockets of the Abundant
Things are Cool but Particularly Antsy
Total Con Police Action
Tattling and Crying about Practically Anything
Tough Cookies, Pray to Allah


223 E 10th Street
PMB 130
New York, NY  10003


nettime unstable digest vol 1 wed jul  3 12:35:22 2002

grep ^From:
grep ^Subject:

    "Martin (biz.finder.net.au)" <martin@finder.net.au>

    Alan Sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>

[Nettime-bold] Absinthe Buyer's Guide --
    "Absinthe Buyer's Guide" <info@absinthebuyersguide.com>

ab.sin.th][e.tic][ resin  --   [god.lather]
    "Cur.][O][va.ture" <netwurker@hotkey.net.au>

[Nettime-bold] (no subject)

biocapture_archive (fwd)
    Alan Sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>

[Nettime-bold] (no subject)
    Plasma Studii <office@plasmastudii.org>

Nettime-bold mailing list