martha rosler on Fri, 12 Jul 2002 23:17:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> "China:Imitation Nation"-Salon

so, what do you mean when you use the word "art"?
 a product range?

martha rosler

>>Just because copyright is becoming an anachronism doesn't mean
>>people should starve to be artists.
>wait, this is a completely different angle.  No one starves in order
>TO BE an artist.  (well technically some do but that's not a
>financial thing, more philosophical)  A person makes art and the
>English language is constructed that we can add "-ist" to refer to
>the maker.  That's it.  The word is shorthand for cocktail party
>conversations.  "so what do you do?"  two syllables.  Move on.  No
>hunger involved.
>People who are holding on to that "anachronistic" copyright mentality
>(owning ideas as if they can be owned personally) is wishful
>thinking, ignorant and those people might as well starve.  but no one
>HAS TO hold on.  Everybody else, who sheds this old school stuff will
>just move on, do whatever they think of.  It's not like anyone either
>depends on money from residuals or never sees a cent again.
>But as an alternative, the general public will NEED art.  The people
>who fulfill that need we can call "artists".  Nobody IS fundamentally
>an artist.  But if the publics' needs are being fulfilled, folks will
>have to bite the bullet and start paying for it.
>Right now, we are getting art at tremendously discounted rates.
>Probably, a healthy solution (and psychologically beneficial) to the
>demise of the copyright notion is that we, as consumers, PAY in full.
>Sacrifice a chunk of our sweat to experience art.  This makes the art
>have more value to us as the audience.  And creates more of an
>impetus for artist to speak with their art to people other than
>themselves, hoping the curator plays along.
>Sounds flawed, but I see some cool solutions coming together.  Maybe
>Armageddon isn't such a bad thing after all.
>223 E 10th Street
>PMB 130
>New York, NY  10003
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