ben moretti on Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:34:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Booklet details experiences of asylum seekers

> This is the print version of story 
> 1.htm] 
> Posted: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 8:17 ACST
> Booklet details experiences of asylum seekers
> A booklet aimed at personalising the experiences of asylum 
> seekers in detention in Australia will be launched in Sydney
> today.
> The Worst of Woomera is a 48-page collection of stories from 
> 30 detainees at the Woomera Detention Centre.
> Co-author Dave McKay says the text covers personal profiles 
> and developments from the Easter breakout earlier this year 
> to hunger strikes and the latest breakout on June 28. 
> He says it attempts to put a human face to the people that 
> are kept in detention and that it is the first collection of 
> its kind to be made available to the public. 
> Any profits from the sale of the booklet will go to the 
> Refugee Embassy in Woomera.

ben moretti

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