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Who are we?
If you want to meet high demands you have to be able to offer the best, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Top quality is distinct through reliability, just as you can rely on all products of Citadel Hospitality Automation. Our customers rate our products as extremely stabile and reliable. This fact in itself is
not remarkable because we invest a lot of time in Research and Development of our products. Users of our products profit from this through interfaces with 3rd party products. For example, integration to Microsoft Office and external systems like PABX, Call Accounting, Keycard, PayTV etc. User friendliness of the user interface is also a key element of our products. This makes the overall process easier and reduces errors.
The Generator
With over 800 beds, The Generator is one of Europe's largest hostels, and caters for all young travelers, from student groups to backpackers.
The Generator
has chosen for the complete solution of Citadel Hospitality Automation: - The Brilliant PMS, for the reservations, invoices, accounts receivables, reports, allotments, confirmation letters. 15 Computers can access Brilliant PMS at the same time. - The Brilliant Touch POS, for the F&B department. 3 EPOS terminals will be
installed. All of them are integrated within the Brilliant PMS software. - Brilliant Internet Reservations. (For more info see article below)
Third Party : TRACKCARD
With each newsletter we encourage our business partners the opportunity to write an article about themselves. Normally these business partners are vendors that supply hotel or resort products that Brilliant interfaces with. Telephone, Pay TV, Vending, Key Card, Accounting are examples of systems which can be interfaced with the Citadel software. This month the featured firm is Trackcard:
TRACKCARD together with Citadel could eliminate all
cash handling in your hotel. How often are hotel serving staff looking for small change, looking up prices, making mistakes with money and wasting time handling, counting and balancing cash. Even if a bar-tab is posted to a room, can you be sure that the room details are correct or that the slip does not get lost or forgotten along the way? With the introduction of a TRACKCARD, a cash-less payment system, your hotel guests could use their door-key cards to
purchase goods and services efficiently and securely. Citadel Hospitality Automation have a special interface for their Property Management System that enables cash-less sales made via the TRACKCARD system to be instantaneously posted to the relevant room account. This is an example of the innovative attitude that Citadel have towards "Complete Solution" philosophies for their clients.
Brilliant Internet Reservations
You can now receive reservations directly into Brilliant PMS. Through an online module the availability is automatically checked. Guests can choose different room types at different rates. This module is compatible with Brilliant version 783 and higher.
Award SOPHO Certification 2001
One of the products that were awarded SOPHO Certification in 2001 was Citadel Brilliant Property Management Suite, which is provided by Netherlands-based Citadel Hospitality Automation. In the hospitality sector it's common practice for a hotel to link its PBX with what's generally referred as a Property Management System (PMS) - an automated administration system that takes care of things like cost accounting,
registering room status, message handling and wake-up calls. Certification of Brilliant is a recognition of the excellent, proven interface and integration it forms with the SOPHO PBX via PBC's SOPHO SysManager. PBC and Citadel Hospitality Automation see the certification of Brilliant as confirmation of the excellent co-operation between the two, benefiting their mutual clients.
Source: Sophoshare magazine I4/I (the house magazine of Philips Business
Citadel Hospitality Automation celebrates 10 years anniversary
It has now been 10 years that citadel has been providing a world classs solutions for the hospitality industry. Although founded in the USA the corporate head office is still based in Veenendal. During the preceding decade Citadel Hospitality Automation has become the supplier of hotel software in more than 1500
properties around the world.
Welcome Break Ltd. installs Citadel software
Brilliant Front Office in 202-room Days Inn
Welcome Break Group Ltd., the UK's largest motorway service area provider, will install Brilliant Front Office in its 22nd Days Inn property at London Gateway. This property is along the motorway to London and is full serviced with 202 bedrooms and also facilitates conference rooms. All other properties have already been operational with Brilliant Front Office since 2000.
Citadel introduces new Brilliant PMS 2002
New PMS also affordable for smaller properties!!
Citadel Hospitality Automation, solution provider for the hospitality market, announced this week the release of their new Property Management System, Brilliant PMS 2002. Brilliant PMS 2002 will be installed at several pilot sites in the Netherlands.
Citadel in sound and motion
Be sure to experience Citadel Hospitality Automation and all our software products in sound and motion. On our CD you will also find a fully functional demo version of Brilliant PMS.
Order cd!