bc on Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:29:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Fwd: Out of Ground Zero

  [submission for announcer...]

>From: John Young <jya@PIPELINE.COM>
>Subject:      Out of Ground Zero
>Out of Ground Zero
>An exhibition online and in physical space of ideas, designs,
>concepts and statements for reconstruction of the World
>Trade Center site and the surrounding area of Manhattan.
>Contributions are invited from anyone in the world without
>Contributing materials for exhibit
>Provide contact information and one paragraph biography in
>Materials should be digitized for Internet display and for printing
>in hardcopy for physical exhibit. Images should be in JPEG format,
>and to be legible online and in hardcopy in sizes from A1 to A4, or
>8 1/2" x 11" to 48" x 36".
>Text submitted alone should be in HTML, plain text or Word .DOC.
>Combined images and text should be in JPEG format.
>Sponsors reserve the right to limit material exhibited. Creators of
>material grant permission to exhibit but retain ownership and
>copyright. Material is to be exhibited for educational purposes
>only. No commercial use of the material shall be made except
>by permission of the creator/owner.
>There are no payments or rewards to be made beyond exhibiting
>the material. Submitted material will not be returned. Send
>material by e-mail or on digital media by ground mail to one
>of the exhibition sponsors.
>Exhibition Sponsors
>Michael Sorkin Studio
>145 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
>Tel: 212-431-9120
>Fax: 212-434-0561
>E-mail: sorkin@thing.net
>Natsios Young Architects
>  251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
>Tel: 212-873-8700
>Fax: 212-787-6102
>E-mail: ny@natsios-young.com

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