][g][rep.esque on Sat, 22 Feb 2003 00:46:01 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-bold] /msg positioning. [u.r.in.the.making] |
/. S][l][ession Start: Thu Feb 20 11:15:02 2003 Lesion Ident: silocyben <silocyben> short intervals. notify /m.Sages. <][mez][> . <][mez][> fit.ting[le] in2 ah narrow acceptability niche. <][mez][> take me off. i'd pre.furr that. <silocyben> no, realli. <silocyben> hassle u. /irc. <][mez][> heh <][mez][> . <][mez][> /provide some type of per.serve][r][ entertainment value <][mez][> providing <silocyben> per.verse? <silocyben> pre.serve? <][mez][>][ <][mez][>.][ <][mez][> *dam.nation 4[l]s + sleep dep.ri.vat.ion* <][mez][> *i make no apologies for that* <silocyben> /come in *pretty[hatemachine]bite.size.packages. <][mez][> /ppl hassle <silocyben> i do. <silocyben> it's wonderful. <][mez][> . <][mez][> hmm <][mez][> b[c]it[ation]e sized?;0 <silocyben> :) * silocyben nibbles. <silocyben> =D <silocyben> ok. * silocyben smacks lip[id]s. <][mez][> /msg moment + intentionally causality <silocyben> /msg i'm done. <][mez][> heh <][mez][> anyway <silocyben> in.ten][sion][tionally cruel? /IRC? <silocyben> s][l][e][cherous][xual d.p[g]ravity? <][mez][> /scroll notify. <][mez][> F-fort = *manually* <silocyben> what? <silocyben> f-that. <][mez][> who nos really? <][mez][> heh <][mez][> 1 /msg would kill u?;) <silocyben> :: don't th][l][ink u understand. <][mez][> no. <silocyben> good. <silocyben> it's better that way. <][mez][> heh. <][mez][> yes. <silocyben> /msg look <silocyben> . <][mez][> feel free 2 N-lighten <silocyben> what i understand + u don't. <silocyben> k.no.w /talking? <][mez][> no <][mez][> should i? <silocyben> damn. <][mez][> :) <silocyben> no. <silocyben> *grin* <][mez][> ;) <silocyben> ok. <silocyben> so. <][mez][> f.eel][ing][ free. mess[age] with:) <silocyben> we've covered the fact that. /possibly quit. <silocyben> -e+te. <][mez][> n.deed <silocyben> ho hum. <][mez][> /pick-up multi.logue <][mez][> hmmm <silocyben> yes. <][mez][> i m][l][ean ][2wards *g*hosts][ <silocyben> /loving. <][mez][> heh <][mez][> /][Suri][name + parity u r;) <silocyben> i'm thinking that. combination of facts. /=anywhere. <silocyben> in2 the realty of go. <][mez][> oh, way more than that. <silocyben> realms, even. <silocyben> way more. <][mez][> u 1st. <silocyben> N-light-N me. <][mez][> nono u must N-light-N *me* <silocyben> urm. <silocyben> i can't. <silocyben> X-cept to say. <silocyben> /____________. <silocyben> /____________. <][mez][> hmm <silocyben> and. <silocyben> /msg i want. <][mez][> ehehehe <][mez][>. <silocyben> but. a.par][9][t from that. * silocyben scratc.his.head. <][mez][> fighting [N-lite--] <silocyben> / k need 2. able 2. [though]. <][mez][> [2 do]. <][mez][> yes, indeed. <silocyben> /msg worried. /msg about. /msg obsession. <silocyben> but.. /msg X. <silocyben> /msg former. /notify aint work. <silocyben> /away latter. <silocyben> /away waste. <silocyben> .fuck. <][mez][> hmm <][mez][> /talk POV <][mez][> ...../away money <silocyben> mmm? <][mez][> ...../talk nor... <silocyben> /away u. needed it. <silocyben> grow][th][ ur own? <][mez][> ][pa][/nick ed because. /msg dislocation lies. /msg tied up with $$. <][mez][> i used 2 <silocyben> ic. <][mez][> *much* + mulching... <silocyben> /sniff basic + portioned <silocyben> /scratch like a 10th. <][mez][> ...../left wi[ng]th <][mez][> es <][mez][> +y[es] <][mez][> /trauma she.is.all.i.have /msg in.terms.of.active.affectivity <silocyben> yes. i unda.stood. <silocyben> and unda.stand. <][mez][> . <][mez][> /lvl sameness <silocyben> *shrug*. <][mez][> /accountability <][mez][> /gagging 2 pay [/job] <][mez][> BUT <silocyben> y? <][mez][> /stress basalt in all corporate/capitalist N-de[a]vours <][mez][> i HAVE <][mez][> didn't he tell u? <][mez][> //sent <silocyben> oh. <silocyben> cool. <silocyben> /none week. <][mez][> ahh <][mez][> k, np <][mez][> /de[s]cent.in.2.nether.hell. <][mez][> well <][mez][> . <silocyben> actually. /crazy, /problems, /heart. <][mez][> [fi]gor[e]y, that <][mez][> /then? <][mez][> in rl? <silocyben> . <][mez][> wow <][mez][> story? <silocyben> /jesus story [wot.do.u.want?] we played /quake 2gether. <silocyben> ;) <][mez][> that will do <][mez][> /story /teller/invoker <][mez][> :) <silocyben> *laugh* /and there r p.lent./y of tell. <][mez][> anyway <][mez][> i'm sure <silocyben> /snip tell stories. <silocyben> the lose + driven slough. <][mez][> no[N]ticed <][mez][> /dilemma <silocyben> oh. yes yes. <silocyben> & [h]o.ur. <][mez][> yes, indeed <silocyben> -s. <][mez][> /msg positioning. /u.r.in.the.making <][mez][> ..in.finite cap[acity]s + goal-relational|belief structure|might[y] up|hold. <][mez][> tem.p[or[tation is far <][mez][> ...../2 wallow in consumerist.muck <][mez][> ..../type 2. /align get-gos + social-b.lather <][mez][> . <][mez][> /sense? <][mez][> /;0) <silocyben> right. <silocyben> /u're. <][mez][> i'm sure i am. <][mez][> /slash simplistic. <][mez][>. <silocyben> *grin* <silocyben> i don't. <][mez][> no, u don't <][mez][> nor <silocyben> i already. <][mez][> ok <][mez][> well <silocyben> y make. <][mez][> ..../says much <][mez][> anyway <][mez][> i'm tired <][mez][> /bite-sized 2day bIT:) <silocyben> i have. <][mez][> yes, u do. <][mez][> /off. *** Added <off> to notify list <silocyben> no apaty and awareness. <silocyben> +h. <silocyben> k. <][mez][> if u say so. <][mez][> *sigh* Session Close: Thu Feb 20 11:49:45 2003 Lession Start: Thu Feb 20 11:49:58 2003 Session IDent: silocyben <silocyben> /think nature? <silocyben> /comple[ting]x + N-tree.cate/simp[ering]listic. <][mez][> nature as. system of. ecological function. bal[l N bat]ance thru. <silocyben> i am. <][mez][> nature d-fined by[e] romance. /ideal of butterflies & victims? prey and bloodlust? <][mez][> ahh <][mez][> /naturefact <][mez][> . <][mez][> +s. <][mez][> *u* <silocyben> *chuckle* <][mez][> /centric <][mez][> anyway <silocyben> but what r? <silocyben> /goals far[goish]. <][mez][> /i am.a.silly.undefined.soul [in a c of] centuries <silocyben> /wish disappointed. <silocyben> so. <][mez][> ahh no <][mez][> come [inside] with rt <][mez][> with bod.EE <silocyben> *laugh* <][mez][> ..../eyes <][mez][>. <silocyben> he. <][mez][> /words cauterize <][mez][> cause, even <silocyben> cya. <][mez][> /s.lump? <][mez][> heh <silocyben>. <][mez][> bye <][mez][> hmm <silocyben> /d.[ee].p.ends. /stretch props + blood flow. <][mez][> hmm <][mez][> /hands? <silocyben> /neglect. <][mez][> [speak softly] <silocyben> [thru the size of my large hands] <silocyben> large joints. <][mez][> hmm <][mez][> /voice? <][mez][> yes <][mez][> i thought so. <][mez][> or <][mez][> simplicity is boiled from the need to x.tract and d.limit complexity <silocyben> sometimes, the problem becomes the complexity to survive the simplicity of others. <][mez][> c a t c h - 22 <][mez][> or, the problem hides i the folds of simplicity N order 2 deny complexity <][mez][> +n <silocyben> mmm. <silocyben> we are walking on different foundations. <][mez][> we r <][mez][> creeping thru semantic jungles <][mez][> :) <silocyben> :) <][mez][> [tactility above all else?] <][mez][> no causality in solid shapes <][mez][> logic definer <][mez][> momentary pleasures + theorizing via strands of cartesian dynamics *** Added silocyben to notify list Session Close: Thu Feb 20 12:23:04 2003 - pro][tein][.logging.txt - - http://www.hotkey.net.au/~netwurker/ _ _sparks of lost hu][bris][man $cent][+re.sieved][_ _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list Nettime-bold@nettime.org http://amsterdam.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-bold