D F J Wood on Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:12:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] RE: <nettime> William Gibson's "Pattern Recognition" and Ethnomathematics

> Yeah, but does he understand fiction?  

Haven't read 'Pattern Recognition', but having read everything else he's
ever written I have to say that this is a pretty stupid question. 

In any case 'fiction' doesn't have a specific form that you can
'understand' and then somehow be judged against criteria. You can do
this if you want, but in the end it's about whether you expereince the
writing as something rewarding and worthwhile, emotionally,
intellectually, aethetically, or any number of other -ally's (and
sometiems many of them at once). The 95% crap rule always applies - Lou
Reed once did a song called 'What's Good?' to which the answer is 'Not
much at all', but he could still come up with a random list of things he
liked, most of which mean very little to anyone else. 

> "Stephen King's Wang"?  Brilliant.

You are kidding, right? No, its your opinion and that's fine - but
you're hardly comparing like with like - next up in our random grudge
match: Jeff Noon's 'Falling Out of Cars' against Maureen F. McHugh's
'The Lincoln Train'. Meaningless...

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