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;) As promised, below you will find several examples of the unique commentary published by FinancialWeb.org and our affiliates. These in-depth perspectives include current economic conditions, financial trends, and investment strategies you can use to build and protect your wealth.
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;) How, more than a few readers ask, can the economy continue to Muddle Through if I am right about the market eventually dropping another 40% before we get to the end of the secular bear market cycle? Won't such a massive destruction of wealth mean a depression? We look at that question, some thoughts on earnings, the world and a whole lot more this week.
What Are They Drinking?
First, let's look at the prospect for earnings growth this year. Global analysts are projecting earnings growth of more than 20% in the coming year, with unbelievable growth of 30%...
;) Click Here to read the full report >>
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;) As I have written often in my Forecasts & Trends E-Letter and monthly printed newsletters, I am a strong advocate of “market timing” investment strategies, especially in the difficult market environment we have experienced over the past few years… and which may continue for some time into the future.
;) For many years, most of the so-called experts on Wall Street and elsewhere argued that market timing strategies do not work, and that a “buy-and-hold” approach was the only way to invest successfully for the long-term. However, after three consecutive down years in the equity markets, more and more investment advisors are now recommending market-timing strategies.
;) In this Special Report, I examine various market timing strategies and systems and how to evaluate them. Let me warn you up front that there are good market timing strategies and systems, and there are bad ones. Some of these approaches you can...
;) Click Here to read the full report >>
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;) With the stock markets down for the third consecutive year, with CD and other 'safe' investment yields at or near all-time lows, and with certain other investment options struggling as well, investment scams are on the increase. Unfortunately, many people continue to fall for these schemes. In this issue, we'll look at some of the more common investment scams and give you the information you need to avoid them.
Generally speaking, American consumers are a savvy bunch...
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