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[nettime-fr] voilàça vient en dépit des signatures...

L'OMPI travaille depuis 2002 en commissions successives au Maroc le résultat


Nouvelle loi relative aux droits d'auteur et droits voisins

08.01.2006 | 19h23 
Mise à niveau de la législation sur la propriété intellectuelle
La Chambre des conseillers et la Chambre des représentants du Parlement
bicaméral ont récemment approuvé une nouvelle loi modifiant et complétant la
loi promulguée par le dahir du 15 février 2000, relative aux droits d'auteur
et droits voisins. Pour en dégager les caractéristiques principales, de
façon à les présenter au lecteur et afin de les comparer à ce qui existe
dans les pays développés, il est nécessaire de relever les particularités de
la nouvelle loi. Il faut d'abord souligner que la réglementation de la
propriété intellectuelle au Maroc date de près d'un siècle.

C'est avec l'arrivée du protectorat français en 1912 et l'introduction de
l'imprimerie moderne que la propriété littéraire, commerciale et
industrielle reçut une première réglementation au Maroc. Ce furent les
dahirs de 1916 portant l'un sur le droit des brevets et l'autre sur le droit
d'auteur révisés respectivement une et deux fois.

Selon Ahmed Hidass, professeur de propriété intellectuelle à l'Université
Mohammed V de Rabat, la réglementation de la propriété intellectuelle est
relativement récente. «Depuis toujours et jusqu'au XXe siècle, les droits
d'auteur et créateur étaient inconnus. Un écrivain pouvait confier la
reproduction et/ou l'édition de son manuscrit à plusieurs copistes en même
temps et le possesseur d'un livre pouvait en disposer comme bon lui

Il pouvait y incorporer des ajouts et même en modifier le contenu et
proposer la nouvelle version à la vente pour son propre compte. Les
traducteurs et adaptateurs d'¦uvres aussi. En somme, une fois l'¦uvre
publiée, elle appartenait au public. Elle entrait dans le domaine public»,
souligne Ahmed Hidass.

Dans les ateliers de reliure tout autour des bâtiments de l'Université
Qaraouiyine à Fès, les copistes exerçaient la transcription des cours, des
traités et des ¦uvres au programme d'études librement. Ils pouvaient les
reproduire en nombre, les revendre et en tirer profit sans verser de droits
à leurs auteurs d'origine qui, le plus souvent, appartenaient à d'autres
époques ou résidaient dans d'autres pays. Tout au plus, les auteurs en
recevaient gloire et renommée, en général à titre posthume.
Quand cela arrivait de leur vivant, la popularité de leurs ¦uvres les
désignait à la générosité de la cour royale ou des mécènes.

Après l'indépendance, et pour des raisons de mise à jour des textes et de
marocanisation de la gestion des droits, le Maroc s'est doté de ses propres
instruments : le Bureau marocain des droits d'auteur (BMDA), créé par décret
le 8 mars 1965 et le dahir du 29 juillet 1970 relatif à la protection des
oeuvres littéraires et artistiques.

Mais depuis 1993, la propriété intellectuelle a connu, avec l'Accord sur les
droits de la propriété intellectuelle touchant au commerce (ADPIC/TRIPS),
des bouleversements tels que tous les pays membres de l'Organisation
mondiale du commerce (OMC) sont appelés à harmoniser leur réglementation
selon les nouvelles normes et procédures internationales. Le Maroc,
signataire de l'Accord sur les ADPIC, avait remis à niveau sa législation
sur la propriété intellectuelle, en promulguant la loi sur les droits
d'auteur et droits voisins du 15 février 2000.

Actuellement, la propriété littéraire et artistique et droits voisins sont
régis par la loi du 15 février 2003 et gérés pour ce qui est des droits
pécuniaires par le BMDA.

Avec cette loi approuvée récemment par le Parlement, le Maroc a puisé dans
les «dispositions types pour la législation sur le droit d'auteur» que
l'Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) a conçues
suivant les résolutions de ses «organes recteurs» pour une meilleure
protection de la propriété intellectuelle au niveau mondial. Il a pris en
compte les différentes dispositions des deux conventions de cette
organisation mondiale sur l'Internet et qui concernent les droits d'auteur
(WCT), les interprétariats et les enregistrements sonores (WPPT).

Pour combler les lacunes enregistrées dans ce domaine en raison du progrès
technologique, la révision de la loi relative aux droits d'auteur et droits
voisins au Maroc, est devenue une nécessité. Aussi, cette mesure
repose-t-elle sur une protection de la propriété intellectuelle, marquée par
la conclusion d'un certain nombre d'accords de libre échange avec les
principaux partenaires du Maroc : Union Européenne, Association européenne
de libre-échange (AELE), monde arabe dans le cadre de l'Accord d'Agadir
(avec la Tunisie, l'Egypte et la Jordanie) ou dans le contexte de la Ligue
Arabe, Etats-Unis et Turquie.

Les principaux amendements concernent, entre autres, les définitions, la
propriété des droits, la durée de la protection, les dispositifs à la
frontière, les dispositions technologiques, des notions sur le régime des
droits, les sanctions et la responsabilité des prestataires de service..

El Mahjoub Rouane | LE MATIN





L'Unesco vient au secours du gouvernement

en publiant deux ouvrages pour lesquels la Culture Européenne invite...




Et regardez comme il réapparaît celui-ci, que Seillières réisntrumente...
C'était en 2000.  où l'on voit que la question n'est pas du plombier


Le tout du Centre national de l'Audiovisuel

Et pour conclure voici le message que j'ai trouvé sur nettime anglophone ce

From: Andy Oram <andyo@oreilly.com>
Date: January 13, 2006 10:27:07 PM EST
To: dave@farber.net
Subject: The Problem with Webcasting: A cast that can be imprisoning


Andy Oram examines the new concept of a "webcaster's right" that major
Web portals are trying to introduce through a World Intellectual
Property Organization treaty. The treaty would allow Web sites to
control the dissemination of content they put up. Using the failed
database protection laws as an example, and in the context of the
carrier's desire to create a tiered Internet, Andy analyzes this new
threat to the public domain.


Archives at:


> Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:06:12 -0500
> To: nettime <nettime-l@bbs.thing.net>
> Subject: <nettime> FW: Oram: The Problem with Webcasting: A cast that can be
> imprisoning

> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/etel/2006/01/13/the-problem-with-webca
> sting.html

The Problem with Webcasting

A cast that can be imprisoning

by Andy Oram


There's a new restriction on content waiting in the wings--a
"webcaster's right" that allows websites to control the dissemination of
content they put up. With this new privilege, they'll be able to prevent
retransmission even if the copyright on that content is owned by
somebody else--even, in fact, if that content was in the public domain.

What is webcasting, and what will be the effects of this restriction?
Nobody knows--except, one supposes, the large web portals pursuing the
webcaster's right. I will try to ferret out what they want to do in the
course of this article. First Came the Broadcaster's Right

Unbeknownst to most Americans, in many European countries, TV and radio
stations for some time had a "right" to control dissemination of their
broadcasts. A U.S. delegation to the World Intellectual Property
Organization, (peopled by members of the Copyright Office and the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office), wants to bring these restrictions home.

The harm this could do to public discourse hit me just recently when I
attended a forum on wiretapping
(http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/8923), where several TV clips of
George W. Bush's speeches were aired. The value of seeing these excerpts
was incalculable. But if we had to adhere to the broadcasters' treaty,
showing them would have been illegal. By copyright law, showing them in
a non-profit educational setting was probably fair use--but it's not
clear how any concept of fair use would apply to a broadcasters' treaty.

Because it's often impossible to contact the original copyright holder,
the right to retransmit broadcasts is essential to public discourse.
Copyright is motivated by the laudable goal of encouraging authors'
creativity and productivity--but what value do broadcasters add? There's
precious little creativity involved in sending out a broadcast.
Nevertheless, broadcasters are claiming an extra layer of rights--which
adds an extra barrier to reuse.

It's important to note that this legal maneuvering goes on in the
context of publishers' growing technical restrictions on dissemination
through digital rights management, and their attempts to plug the
"analog hole" so that no rebroadcasts could take place anyway. But now
we face the prospects of new barriers that have existed nowhere before

Then Came the Webcaster's Right

The U.S. WIPO delegation is also pushing for an extension of the
broadcasters' control to the Web. The European broadcast laws don't
cover the Web (although a European Union representative recently
endorsed the U.S. proposal), so this is a new threat to the public

What would a webcaster's right mean? It would mean you couldn't
retransmit content put up by someone else on the Web without permission.
The proposal tries to indicate that the restriction covers only images
and sound, but it's not clear that a line can be drawn between such
content and other things, including text. At any rate, the idea of
extending the broadcaster's right to the Web is bizarre and
fundamentally out of sync with how the Web works. The whole basis of the
Web is making links; people don't normally copy and retransmit material.

I take it back. Copying and retransmission happens on the Web all the
time. It's call caching, and it's crucial to the efficient operation of
the Web. Even if the webcasting treaty leaves a loophole to allow
caching, the treaty may hamper another promising way of reducing the
load on servers: chained downloads that piggyback on intermediate nodes,
the basis for useful protocols such as BitTorrent.

The U.S. delegation is pushing for this strange new right under the
catch-all rubric of "harmonizing" the Web with broadcasting, and, of
course, that shibboleth of regulators, "technological neutrality." But
because equating Web distribution with broadcasting is absurd on the
face of it, one has to wonder what is really on the minds of the large
portals who put so much energy into forcing this radical change on the

The light went off in my head after hearing about plans by telephone
companies to reserve parts of their internet bandwidth for premium
content, rather like cable TV. This has been widely reported, and I
blogged about it last December in an article titled "Can We Still Say
that Nobody Owns the Internet?"

Since then, on January 6, the Wall Street Journal reported that the
carriers are trying to enter into special deals with major sites such as
Google to offer those sites faster downloads for a price--and the
websites are responding positively. Depending on your point of view,
this is the natural next step in what you could either regard as:

   1. A fair way to fund expensive network upgrades (except that phone
companies have already won major pricing concessions from regulators,
supposedly to fund those upgrades).
   2. Or, an unprecedented coup by those who own the pipes to control
what flows over those pipes.

So the telephone companies, which have also become major internet
providers, think they can intensify the commercial use of their internet
connections by providing their own content (or content licensed from
partners) at higher cost. Would it be too far-fetched to think that web
portals have a similar idea? If they had their own premium content, they
could essentially become like cable TV satellite radio companies. On
January 9, the Wall Street Journal reported the next brick laid on the
edifice, as Google announced it would offer TV shows and videos for a
fee (restricted, to boot, by a DRM scheme).

I don't mind premium content at special prices (hey, O'Reilly Media
itself started a subscription service called Safari
[http://safari.oreilly.com/]), but I don't see why a special webcaster's
right is needed to provide it.

Somebody is whispering poisonous thoughts in the ears of the portal
owners. Suppose the next Wizard of Oz type of blockbuster goes over your
wires ... You could get out of the nerve-wracking business of constant
innovation and start to make an easy living off of cash cows ... Just
imagine millions of captive viewers coming back to view your ads month
after month. Expect to see a further proliferation of DRM systems and
the erosion of fair use in the near future.

I believe that the resurgence of internet entrepreneurialism--the wave
of creative guys in lofts being bought out by the likes of Google,
Yahoo, and America Online--shows that innovation has not run its course
yet, and that we should keep competition vibrant. That means no new,
artificial monopolies on content.

The publishers who fund Safari are creating a successful business with a
modest investment and a legal foundation in standard copyright. Other
writers and artists may try to create their own online businesses with
even smaller investments, and may therefore depend more on portals or
"webcasters" for dissemination. In the balance of control between
artists and portals, I vote for the current legal system that favors

I recently sent the U.S. delegates to WIPO the following document in a
bid to ward off the webcaster's right--through the mechanism of throwing
the matter before Congress.

Submission to U.S. WIPO Delegation Concerning Webcast Rights

This paper calls for Congress to take up the question of broadcast
ownership rights on the internet, before they are proposed to the World
Intellectual Property Organization by a United States delegation.

The proposed extension of broadcast ownership to the internet represent
a new feature in the dissemination of information, and a potentially
disruptive change. Such a far-reaching grant of ownership should be
subjected to particular scrutiny and diligently checked for ripple
effects, because it consists of a sui generis right that can profoundly
change the creation and distribution of content. Therefore, Congress
should be the body in the U.S. to make the decision whether to request
such an ownership change.

To show the value of legislative deliberation, this paper will examine
the history of another recent, sui generis right: laws restricting
collections of information, also known as database protection.

As with broadcasting and the internet, laws restricting collections of
information were proposed by large companies with a valuable resource
(CD-ROMs and other data listings used in many research areas), and were
accompanied by claims that the current legal framework would eliminate
the incentive to produce more such databases.

The first victory for collections of information was in a directive
discussed in the European Community in the early 1990s and formalized in
a March 11, 1996 directive. It was subsequently made law in a dozen
European countries.

The scope and power of collections-of-information restrictions grew as
the directive went through EC deliberations. (Nowadays, because the
public interest sector in Europe is more organized and can make itself
heard better within the EU, this directive might not have passed at
all.) The original proposal was not a sui generis right, but a modest
reinterpretation of unfair competition to cover commercial reuse of
collections of information.

But seeing an unobstructed road ahead of them, database manufacturers
managed to extend the collections-of-information concept to the point
where it gave them control over the reuse of facts in their databases,
which no other law or treaty had done. The new right made it risky for
users of databases to extract large amounts of information from a
database, which frequently has to be done to generate statistics, check
results reported in papers, and do other forms of research.

Database manufacturers simultaneously pressed for
collections-of-information laws in the United States. During the 1990s
and early 2000s, laws regarding collections of information were
introduced four or five times into Congress, and defeated every time.
WIPO noted the loss of support for database protection and refused to
take up the issue.

What happened to the momentum? Congress listened to both sides, and
realized that every ownership right in information represents a
trade-off. Restricting access and reuse of information must be
considered in light of the potential brake it puts on the research
required to produce the next information breakthrough.

This restriction could be justified only by evidence that there is
widespread copying, and that it is inadequately prevented by other laws
such as copyright and unfair competition. However, there is no evidence
that such widespread copying has taken place.

As reported by James Boyle, the European Commission recently conducted a
study and reported that the presence of collections-of-information laws
had no measurable impact on the production of databases. So the economic
argument for collections-of-information laws is weak. And this result is
easily to explain, because the most obvious kinds of copying (burning a
CD-ROM, for instance) are prohibited by copyright law.

Thus we can draw our first lesson from the collections-of-information
history: when a new and far-reaching change concerning information
rights is considered by a national legislative body, this puts the
change through valuable scrutiny and allows, more than in non-elected
international bodies, the true interests of both information producers
and the general public to be heard. The national body provides more
transparency in deliberations; more time and opportunity for key players
such as non-governmental organizations and small, competitive producers
to express their points of view; and more of a sense of responsibility
toward constituents.

Another valuable lesson can be gleaned from the history of
collections-of-information laws: the danger of basing a legal framework
on the exigencies of a particular industry at a particular time,
especially in a fast-changing technological environment.

Essentially, collections-of-information laws were conceived at a time
when most databases were distributed by CD-ROM. A few services such as
Lexis were online, but they had very restricted audiences. The model for
a collection of information was a fixed set of data, sold as a tangible

By the time the first European countries passed their
collections-of-information laws, it was becoming apparent that this
model was obsolete. Very few people get information nowadays by popping
a CD-ROM into a computer; instead, they visit a website and enter a
search term.

There are several important impacts of this change on
collections-of-information laws:

    * Copying becomes more difficult (rendering the laws even less
    * In regard to determining how much copying is too much, the new
structure of information makes it hard to determine how much of the
total collection was copied.
    * The frequent updating of information renders copies less valuable,
reducing the incentive for someone to profit by making extensive copies.
    * Expiration times, which were designed to protect the public by
placing deadlines on the restrictions imposed by database manufacturers,
become moot because the manufacturers keep updating the data.

Thus, technological and social change calls into question the value and
relevance of collections-of-information laws.

We can apply the same criteria to broadcasting laws on the internet.
These are narrowly tailored to particular uses of information made by
large news and portal websites, just as the collections-of-information
laws were tailored to the distribution of data on CD-ROM.

But what new technologies will come along after the Web? Could broadcast
laws hamper their development and adoption? Who will be the information
providers and distributors in the next generation of new media, and will
they need or benefit from broadcast protection? How will the locking up
of content in a broadcast treaty affect the dynamic and free-flowing
innovation currently represented by weblogs, wikis, podcasts, and other
media yet to be invented?

And what about the assumptions behind the broadcast treaty? Is putting
up a web page comparable to broadcasting a program over television or
satellite? Few people redistribute web content; instead, they make a
link to it.

However, useful applications exist for reducing the strains on servers
by sending data hop by hop between user systems, piggy-backing on
intermediate nodes to distribute streams and large data transfers. This
is just one example of potential innovations that might be squelched by
overreaching laws on webcasting.

This issue calls for careful consideration and views from all sides.
Congress is the body most suited to undertake this examination in the

For More Information

EFF material on webcasting and the broadcasting treaty in
general: http://www.eff.org/IP/WIPO/broadcasting_treaty/

Article by James Love, director of Consumer Project on Technology, on
the webcast treaty: "A UN/WIPO Plan to Regulate Distribution of
Information on the Internet":

My article on collections of information: "The Sap and the Syrup of the
Information Age: Coping with Database Protection Laws:"

Update on European database treaty by law professor James Boyle:

Andy Oram (http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/36) is an editor for
O'Reilly Media, specializing in Linux and free software books, and a
member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. His web site
is www.praxagora.com/andyo.

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Bref ce sont les grandes manoeuvres..
Et hop, qu'on en profite tant qu'on peut:

Un copyright pour faire comme il veut - pour l'instant


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