integer on Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:31:02 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Re: multihizi .

             -+-+-+-+-+-   CHIMP     -+-+-+-+-+-
             | SIMIAN/ | ----------> *         *
             | MONKEY  |             *   ZOO   *
             |         | <---------- *         *
             -+-+-+-+-+-    KEEPER   -+-+-+-+-+-
                            /    \
                           /      \
                IAMB-PENT /        \ PAN
                         /          \
                        V            V
                 -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-
                 *         *     *         *
                 *  BARD   *     *  CRITIC *
                 *         *     *         *
                 -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-

64 bytes from icmp_seq=33 ttl=241 time=2256.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=241 time=2663.0 ms

timestamp #35 earlier than current time 956322623s 231000us;
was 956322623s 976941us
flame war module.

>> expression".  the upcoming "Liberty of communication law" in France is
>> the way by imposing an obligation of identification before any publishing.
>> individuals as well. If not on the webpage or in the message posted, it
>> have to be given beforehands to the host service.
>to give your identity here it's for giving citizen power to a whatsit netzen
>consumer and not the reverse and the time is near when net marketing poll
>would have more legitimacy than state counting vote and the time when
>microsoft will hold a world referendum is may be next.
>the democratic centralist frenchstate has sew the first a threat for its
>legitimacy in internet, so this ukase for normalising/civilising this place
>and second for infecting all its European partner with bullshit reason
>'of-face-of-netpornpedonazisalvetradedrugtraficsoccerholigan you have and
>park here for an urine analysis'. in US, trador vaterland, i guess it will
>be gallupwhatsit which will smoothly cockie you so much that soon all
>i-operator will know for some money netochka's bust mesurement and so
>precisely she couldn't order twice time the bra special offer of the month
>anymore. both intention are bad and both meet to the ugly point that
>internet couldn't be an experimentation field for self and others, a
>playground for mum and dad and swine doctor and 'death, old captain, weigh
>anchor for finding new'.. It's incredible how the computers could keep
>endlessy archive but has redundant identification in horror as it would be
>evil. so permit I use in advance of the definitive argument of my good
>friend JPII when he will stigmatise this new commie heretical positions very
>soon, "to have to give her/his identity on internet is intrinsically bad
>cause only god can recognize his/hers"

temperatur. pa!n. !r!taz!on + preszur.




ultra blue

        temperatur. pa!n. !r!taz!on + preszur.

        dze ep!thel!um ov dze pup!llae.
        dze zueet.zalt!.zour.+ b!tr taztez

        dze l!ngual branch. komme ca

=cw4t7abs = dze futur

chaos in economies

x = cx(1 - x) is known as the standard logistics difference equation. 
it models among other things the way in which the population of a 
product grows within its potential market. in this context,
the constant c is an amalgam of two factors. the first represents 
productivity - the number of product units which can be realised by one
of human effort. this is amplified by production technology. 
the second represents the number of product units which
can be sold into the market by one unit of human effort. 
this is amplified by communications technology. however it is
diminished by competition. the population of a product within a market 
is thus held in balance by a mechanism similar to
that which holds life-form populations in balance with their environments. 

nature yields bounteously the needs of life in return for human labour. 
in the absence of war. oppression and exploitation
all could therefore live in comfort and well-being. 
the value of c provided by nature (let us suppose it's around 1.3 or
1.4) is more than adequate for the needs of mankind. 
it creates an economy with a smooth productivity curve. 
but the human life-form then started to develop technology. 
first tools then the wheel. then machines. then automation.
computers. communications and mass-media. 

the smooth sigmoid reached to ever-greater heights. 
once c passed 2.34 the curve started to 'ring' as it reached the top.
that is - production over-shot and then fell back to its stable rate. 
the ringing became more pronounced until at c = 2.9 it
gave birth to an almost steady (albeit shallow) rhythm of boom/bust 
which western economies have gradually seen emerge from the end of world
war 2. 
nevertheless the ratio between boom and bust
gradually fades away (proving every time of course that government
economic policy 
is working!?). but technology keeps on advancing driving productivity and 
marketing reach ever higher and further. 

the result is that the ratio between boom and bust gets larger but now 
ceases to fade away. as c increases further so does the boom-bust ratio 
until eventually its rhythm becomes more complex. we will probably leave
20th century with many national economies booming and busting to this 
mesmerising 'waltz rhythm'. but of the future? what does the new
millennium hold in store for national economies? in a word: chaos. 

technical progress will not stop. on the contrary, its
rate of progress will accelerate. the boom-bust cycle will probably soon 
be following the profile of c = 3.68.

chaotic economic cycles are unlikely to hurt national economies or 
these who control them. however, they will ruin and
destroy the economic lives of ordinary people. 
that is - unless the rules of engagement between the 
individual and the body-corporate are substantially re-engineered. 

ciao. nn -> superb source for substantially re-engineered antibodies.

                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!n.     

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                                                       |       >

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