nettime-dig on Sat, 11 Oct 2003 15:42:44 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> NME and it's Discontent (ccUngerer,bbrace,J-Dx2,Patterson)

   re: New Media Education and Its Discontent                                      
     chris christiaansz ungerer <>                                       

   Re: <nettime> : Re:  New Media Education and Its Discontent                     
     { brad brace } <>                                              

   Re: nettime-l-digest V1 #1289                                                   
     J-D marston <>                                                  

   Re: nettime-l-digest V1 #1181                                                   
     J-D marston <>                                                  

   Re:  New Media Education and Its Discontent                                     
     David Patterson <>                                       


Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 17:01:51 +0200 (CEST)
From: chris christiaansz ungerer <>
Subject: re: New Media Education and Its Discontent

perhaps time to re-read Konrad, Szelenyi: The Intelectuals on the Road to
Class Power.



Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 09:44:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: { brad brace } <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> : Re:  New Media Education and Its Discontent

Institutions have become near-term, profit-driven parasites,
merely attempting to capitalize and commandeer cultural
trends/terminology for their own historically myopic ends.

[It's cost the public an eternal fortune, only to have
museums and universities bloated with useless
institutional-artifacts and insular careerists.]

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Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 12:12:04 CDT
From: J-D marston <>
Subject: Re: nettime-l-digest V1 #1289

>"Public universities are packed with students who simply should not be in
>college. This policy that everyone's son or daughter should be able to go
to >college is ludicrous and devalues the degrees of those of us who

This elitist load of crap is exactly why 'anti-intellectualism', and all
the varying threads surrounding such a vague concept, exist.  Get out of
our smart club you low scoring fool.  Don't you know I'm a 33rd degree

If indeed George W. Bush went to Yale, then I would urge you rephrase the
statement, to directly approach why elite ruling class offspring are
allowed access to 'worldclass' education (which equates, for me, to being
able to have an office hours with some star intellectual), regardless of
'intelligence' (do you subscribe to standardized testing, essay writing,
interview protocals, etc.)  No matter many these institutions serve as
nothing more than a certificate of 'meaningful' employment for a lifespan,
duly serving as an exclusionary social club.  Is it about education, or
about trimming the labor pool to a 'respectable' bunch of elite offspring? 
There are plenty of intelligent folks who refuse to participate in this
ruse of favors, they realize that with the level of access to documents and
materials, to meaningful discussions like these, they don't need to pay
$27,000/year to rocket to the top of the resume pile at SmithBarney.  Or
pay for NYU's endless real estate grab.



Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 14:11:31 CDT
From: J-D marston <>
Subject: Re: nettime-l-digest V1 #1181

Ahh, the real problem with our colleges in the US.  Sheesh.


"The number of minority students on America's campuses has more than
doubled since 1981, but white students are still more likely to attend
college, a new report says. 

The Minorities in Higher Education Annual Status Report issued Wednesday by
the American Council on Education found that the number of minority high
school graduates between the ages of 18 to 24 attending U.S. schools jumped
from nearly 2 million in 1980-81 to 4.3 million in 2000-01. 

Despite the gains, the ACE said only 40 percent of African-Americans and 34
percent of Hispanics attend college, compared to 46 percent of whites,
continuing a disparity that was even worse in the late 1980s but still

William Harvey, the author of the study, said the findings are a reflection
of American society. 

"The gaps relate to some of the real fundamental social and economic
conditions in this country," said Harvey, the director of the Office of
Minorities in Education for the ACE, a Washington-based umbrella
organization representing the nation's largest institutions of higher

"We know that individuals in underserved communities are less likely to
have the preparation in elementary and secondary school to prepare them for
college. And those communities are clustered among folks of color." 

Dramatic gains among women
During the 20 years starting in 1980, the ACE said black enrollment grew by
56 percent to more than 1.7 million, while Hispanic enrollment tripled to
1.5 million. 

The 1 million Asian-Americans attending college in 2000 also tripled the
1980 enrollment. 

Overall, 15.3 million students attended college classes last year,
according to the U.S. Department of Education." 


Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 14:52:45 -0500
From: David Patterson <>
Subject: Re:  New Media Education and Its Discontent

> Received: from [] by via HTTP; Wed, 08 Oct 2003 22:12:24 PDT
> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 22:12:24 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Morlock Elloi <>
> Subject: Re: <nettime> Re: Re:  New Media Education and Its Discontent
> To: nettime - posting <>
> > An interesting thread. The real problem with the American educational
> > system is that standards are not high enough. Public universities are
> > packed with students who simply should not be in college. This policy
> US (and many others') educational system is a business and as any business it
> wants to enlarge its customer base. Nothing wrong with it.

This should not be! There are many basic needs of a "civilized" society which are too damned important
to be part of the holy MARKET of Amerikan Kapital. Among these are the power utilities, communications
(we do still own the airwaves, at least on paper), health care, and public education. The sooner we
get our head out of our ass where the holy grail of profits is concerned the better the quality of
life for ALL Amerikans (except, of course for the profit whores of today.)

> Those who are more
> intelligent/capable will get themselves and/or their kids in better schools.

You mean like the idiot who is now our President?

> The mere value of a title in US is near-zero. It's what you did/can do.

WRONG, it still pays more to socialize with the right people than to excel at one's studies. We have
no titles, but there is still a royal mentality among good Republicans.

> I recall no point in history when governing regimes enabled unbiased education
> for intellectual elite. Educational filters were always used to promote the
> regime in more or less direct ways.

I agree, but to bias history and political information in a supposed "open Democracy" denies the
entire premise of government by the people. As far as I'm concerned, any falsehood knowingly told by
an elected official in this country is perjury at best, and should be punished accordingly.

- --
When you hear some men talk about their love of country it's a sign they expect to be paid for it.
H.L. Menkin


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