Patrice Riemens on Fri, 21 Oct 2011 08:09:37 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> William Bowles on the revolt of the Middle Class Proletariat

Bwo Sarai Reader list/ A.Mani

Occupy The World! To the Barricades Comrades?

by William Bowles

Four years ago in a Ministry of Defence Review, the Whitehall Mandarins, 
more astutely than any so-called Lefty, determined the following:

    âThe Middle Class Proletariat â The middle classes could become a 
revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by 
Marx. The globalization of labour markets and reducing levels of 
national welfare provision and employment could reduce peoplesâ 
attachment to particular states. The growing gap between themselves and 
a small number of highly visible super-rich individuals might fuel 
disillusion with meritocracy, while the growing urban under-classes are 
likely to pose an increasing threat to social order and stability, as 
the burden of acquired debt and the failure of pension provision begins 
to bite. Faced by these twin challenges, the worldâs middle-classes 
might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape 
transnational processes in their own class interest.â

â âUK Ministry of Defence report, The DCDC Global Strategic Trends 
Programme 2007-2036â (Third Edition) p.96, March 2007

Yeah, I know, I'm always using this quote (I first used it four years 
ago) but it illustrates the great intellectual divide between the 
political class and the citizens they rule, including our Left, now made 
so apparent by what the pundits are now calling the 'Occupy The World' 
(OTW) movement. It seems that only our very own ruling class foresaw 

Dig a little deeper into OTW and we find that with a few exceptions, 
there are no challenges to capitalism, mostly it's a 'clean up your act' 
kinda thing. Throw a few billionaires in jail, add some regulation and 
things will eventually turn out just fine. Dream on...

But we've been here before. This is what attempts at 'reforming' 
capitalism in the past have looked like. We lived under such a system 
from 1945 until the late 1970s, before the Empire reasserted itself, 
proving once again, that concepts like 'democracy' under capitalism, are 
at best, mere conveniences and so vague a concept that it can be made to 
resemble almost anything.

And once the so-called Good Life that capitalism allegedly had offered 
us started to wear thin and capitalism once more plunged us into war and 
poverty, so too the 'Good Life' had to be dumped. Belt-tightening time 

But unlike 1968, or even the 'Anti-Globalization Movement' that some are 
comparing OTW to, socialism is barely mentioned, let alone the central 
motif. Yes, there are increasing anti-capitalist references but in 1968, 
politics was at the very heart of the situation. It wasn't about money 
but about posing a real alternative to capitalism. The concept of 
belonging to a class still existed in the public's consciousness, even 
if it lacked the collective will to do anything about it.

Am I being altogether too cruel to OTW? It is after all, early days in 
the development of OTW. It might all fizzle out or if it doesn't, the 
political class might have to use the logical response to the MoD's 
quote above: suppress it. Something for which, no doubt in another 
(secret) report, the Whitehall Mandarins have laid out the strategy and 
tactics to be employed in suppressing a burgeoning (socialist?) 

After all, when "[f]aced by th[o]se twin challenges, the worldâs 
middle-classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and 
skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interestâ, 
says it all.

You have to take this stuff seriously! It's not a game and the state is 
very adept at employing whatever tactics it chooses to suppress serious 
dissent including the use of agents provocateurs (a long-standing 
'tradition') to infiltrate and provoke pointless confrontations with the 
state, in order not only to justify suppression but more importantly, as 
part of a propaganda war waged through the media, where we have no 

Repression of course carries its own risks and far from being a solution 
could only further excerbate the problem. Timing is all. This is not a 
game. The political class is fighting for its life and that of its 
masters, the corporations. That's why they write those reports. Just as 
with the insurrections earlier this year in the UK, the state had a 
clear response to it and the role of the media was central to its 
effectiveness in spreading the state's message.

Let it 'burn baby, burn' and turn the world's cameras onto the 
conflagration, followed by a good dose of Victorian 'rough justice' 
(pity they've abolished hard labour and deportation to Australia). Make 
an example of them should anyone else have ideas about following in 
their footsteps.

The key here is the observation made by the Whitehall Mandarins about 
"class interests". Now if well-paid and no doubt loyal members of the 
political class' intelligentsia have gotten it figured out (and so far, 
their prediction is right on the money), how come the 'Left' hasn't?

Currently class is something almost entirely absent from the OTW 
movement. Without it eventually taking centre stage, OTW is bound to be 
stillborn. But there are some positive signs that some kind of 
'consensus' mechanism is emerging from the chaos akin to some kind of 
'self-organizing' principle. After all, we have what the MoD report 
called "access to knowledge, resources and skills" necessary to produce 
workable alternatives not only to capitalism but to fashion a new kind 
of inclusive democracy, one that hasn't existed before.

    The aim is to create a venue for democratic deliberation and open 
debate in a place normally associated with secretive privilege. People 
working in the City of London have played a starring role in creating 
the global economic crisis. Since our representative institutions have 
thus far failed to address this crisis in a way that is both sensible 
and just, it is only fitting that we should use the City as a place in 
which [to] work on solutions ourselves. -- 'Talk Amongst Yourselves' By 
Dan Hind

It's not a 'peasants revolt' kinda thing, though of course inevitably 
those hit the worst by the crisis will revolt first. But the crisis of 
capital has now hit those who make up the very bedrock of capitalist 
society's justification for existing, its so-called middle classes. 
These are the major consumers in our economy, not only is their 
consumption a major chunk of our GDP (as well its debt), they are also 
the managers and technicians of capitalism and the state machine. Piss 
them off and things could get out of hand just as the MoD has predicted.

Some on the Left in the UK are still calling for revitalizing the Labour 
Party as a potential force for socialism but if so, then it means that 
it would have to come from its decimated grassroots membership, a tall 
if not impossible order to carry out. At the first signs of revolt in 
the Labour Party's constituency membership, the Party Machine will 
intervene and purge its ranks just as it has done so many times in the 

For a Left largely pinning its hopes on a working class that no longer 
exists, it will have to broaden and deepen its knowledge of how 
capitalism has evolved and transformed the nature of the working class 
and learn to seek connections to a much more diverse and complex 
alliance of forces if we are to defeat the Empire.

What an irony that the Leftâled largely by middle class 
intellectualsâfails to see what has happened, trapped as it is in its 
own patronizing and nostalgic vision of the working class aka George 
'middle class' Orwell's 'Road to Wigan Pier'. And this is the problem: 
it's always middle class intellectuals on the Left who have set the 
agenda, not for their own 'class' mind but for an idea that emerged in 
the middle of the 19th century; that the organized industrial working 
class would undertake the Revolution, led of course by middle class 

OTW is nevertheless a transcendent moment, one to cherish and sustain 
and no doubt just the first shot across the bows of Global Capital but 
for it to have a chance of success it will have challenge corporate 
capitalism's right to exist.

To do this we will first have to dispel the 'bad apple' theory as the 
cause of the current crisis. That it's just a question of regulating 
capitalism, smoothing out the rough edges, eliminating the extremes and 
above all, restoring 'competition', so-called real capitalism.

But this could only be done by breaking up the giant corporations and 
abolishing the financial sector in its entirety as it currently exists. 
Is it likely that advocates of 'real' capitalism aka Max Keisser could 
undertake such a mission? The way I understand it, a 'real' capitalist 
economy would consist only of small competing private businesses, 
cooperatives, public utilities and the self-employed, and one assumes 
massive state intervention in order to make it all happen.

Sounds a bit like my favourite kind of socialism, William Morris's 
version and not an overly ambitious objective given the political will 
to carry it out.

But who will break up Shell or Goldman Sachs? Who will smash the 
military-industrial-media complex? Only a state owned and managed by the 
working class can undertake such a momentous task. OTY OTW...

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