Morlock Elloi on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 00:55:25 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain

Very possible. The mechanism of financialization of the society is inherently artificial and divorced (or just separated) from 'value'. The traditional requirement that it is somehow tied to the reality (as 2nd or 3rd derivative) is seen as deficiency. Bitcoin may finalize the divorce.

Dealing with few Chinese mints will be preferred over dealing with quirks of the real estate market in California, for example, which is one of the primary vehicles for parking private money these days (ironically, mostly Chinese money.)

On 12/30/17, 14:38, byfield wrote:
After the 2008 meltdown it became clear that taking entire nations
hostage, with ransoms paid in form of public bailouts, was a viable
business strategy. Would it really be surprising if Bitcoin, in some
aspect, turns out to be TBTF? The

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