Marina Grzinic on Wed, 23 Nov 2022 07:35:46 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> Grzinic: INVITATION, EXHIBITION; opens 25 November 2022 in SLOVENIA, Koper (Capodistria, gallery): Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid : 40 YEARS OF WORK: DISSIDENT HISTORIES (1982–2022) |
Dear all, INVITATION, EXHIBITION; opens 25 November 2022 in SLOVENIA, Koper(Capodistria, gallery): Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid : 40 YEARS OF WORK: DISSIDENT HISTORIES (1982–2022) Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid ODPADNIŠKE ZGODOVINE STORIE DISSIDENTI DISSIDENT HISTORIES(1982–2022)
25.11.2022-28.2.2023 Galerija Loža Koper/Galleria Loggia Capodistria / SLOVENIA Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid have been working with video since 1982. They have participated in numerous video, media and film presentations and received numerous awards. In Piran Coastal Galleries they present themselves not with a retrospective, but with a rearticulation of the state of affairs in video production in the national context. This is their first presentation in the Loža Gallery Koper, where the artists are offering us a rich overview of their work.
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