Allan Siegel on Sun, 12 Feb 2023 22:46:53 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Stormy weather?

# Nettime 12/02/23
Dear Brian and other nettimers.

It is not an understatement to say that we are at the doorstep of a potential apocalypse; tragically following on the lingering residue of COVID and all the social trauma that continues to follow in its wake.

The neoliberal paradigm is a global phenomenon, with few exceptions; it mobilizes an array of economic and political permutations selling the same lies and false promises. It represents  and promotes a materiality of false consciousness window dressed in seductive paraphernalia.

What confounds us at this moment is  the sense of political impotency; not because of ignorance, the present political conflicts have been well described and analyzed.  Yet, the vehicles of resistance appear incapable of deterring  a global political elite that has walled itself off from meaningful discourse, criticism or a necessary change of course. Within this neoliberal paradigm democracy becomes nothing more than a hollowed out commodity with a rapidly deteriorating shelf life.

Nevertheless there exists a few grams of optimism: As in the past the capacity for progressive change arises at the local level where people’s voices can be validated collectively; where forms of resistance are imagined and made real. Otherwise our fate is left in the hands of a corporate elite and their political enablers who abandoned any moral compass long ago.


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