Thomas Gramstad via Nettime-tmp on Sun, 28 May 2023 12:07:35 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> process reporting?

On Sat, 27 May 2023, Ted Byfield via Nettime-tmp wrote:

On 27 May 2023, at 14:33, Geoffrey Goodell wrote:

So, let's start handing over the keys. Felix and Ted -- and yes, thank you very much for your service -- have you started handing over control to Menno and Geert and company? And if not, why not?

I've already answered this question in two ways on the list: (1) we're not going to fall back on first-mover advantage, and (2) the proposal was misinformed or, less benignly, misleading about potential moderators. Now I'll add two more: (3) it's already led to one on-list message with bizarre and borderline ad-hominem accusations involving "endless"(?!) teenage spats, "dark unspecified hints of bad faith," and an analogy to Bismarck; and, off-list, (4) the proposal's own advocates can't seem to get their stories straight about who is or isn't involved. We won't be bum-rushed into that or any other proposal by a handful of aggressive voices. And if it feels like any proposal is being pushed in ways that shut down or preclude further discussion, that's probably a pretty good indicator of the approach they'd bring to running the list.


I would add even one more concern to the ones that Ted raised:

I think it is important that the technical host organization is
a collective functioning with a long time horizon -- and not a
Single Person Organization that may collapse when the founder
fades away or retires. From what I understand (admittedly from
far away), there are concerns that INC is an SPO.

Thomas Gramstad
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