paul via Nettime-tmp on Mon, 29 May 2023 12:41:47 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Funding

Hi all,

I think it'd be good to plan for a way to pay for nettime-l's hosting costs. I can imagine that electricity at the very least will cost something, or maybe we'll end up needing to pay a periodic charge for whatever server is chosen. I know that hosting isn't free, it's (sort of) my day job. 

Personally i'd be happy to pay towards that, maybe others too. I believe it'd be best (as others have said) to keep participation free, and such monetary contributions optional. 

I imagine it could be good to set up some sort of pool of funds for this, even if it's just a trusted volunteer holding onto a few €'s. 

I'm not very experienced with such things, perhaps others have concrete suggestions for shared maintenance funds? I imagine costs wouldn't exceed maybe €200 per year, but still. 

Or do we feel strongly that whomever ends up running the list should be responsible for funding it? If so i think we should be explicit about that. 

Cheers, with respect to the long-time maintainers,

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