nettime-l Jan 25 by Thread
Messages are listed by thread.
The last update was on 17:50 GMT Fri Jan 31. There are 29 messages.
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- <nettime> Schoenberg Archive is destroyed in LA fires Alessandro Ludovico via nettime-l
- <nettime> Next ScreenSaverGallery via nettime-l
- <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Brian Holmes via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Allan Siegel via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Joseph Rabie via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Frédéric Neyrat via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Brian Holmes via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Gary Hall via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? David Garcia via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Allan Siegel via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Stefan Heidenreich via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Stella Aster via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Andreas Broeckmann via nettime-l
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? podinski via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Sean Cubitt via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Louis Rawlins via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? podinski via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? Simon Deutsch via nettime-l
- <nettime> anyone attending Sundance Film Festival?my doc GEN_ there donatella della ratta via nettime-l
- Re: <nettime> nettime-l Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5 Michael Benson via nettime-l
- <nettime> So what's the use of art, theory, activism? OR the public sphere? allan siegel via nettime-l
- <nettime> post to nowhere Max Herman via nettime-l
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