David Garcia via nettime-l on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:50:13 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Stealing the spotlight

Stealing the spotlight

The trope from a number of commentators who had once been close to Trump was that the Sun King never tolerates any whisper of a challenge to his pre-eminence. The story goes that if Trump ever says to you sarcastically “good morning, Mr president xxx “ then the named individual had better start packing their bags, so needy and greedy he is for our undivided attention.

But till now (and admittedly its early days) an exception seems to have been made for Musk. It would have been inconceivable in Trump 1.0 for him to have sat by quietly, scowling behind the Resolution desk while someone else presided, taking most of the questions from the press. Let alone accepting without equivocation endless media speculation that he was simply following Lord Elon's lead.

Possible scenarios:
1.    Trump’s dominance and the "opposition's" (ha!) shock induced passivity meant he is less insecure than first time around.
2.    He’s fallen in love with the son he wished he’d had
3.    he so awestruck by dark lord MAGA’s X-elerationist blitzkrieg that he is as bewildered and paralyzed as the rest of the US?
4.    Musk is providing the useful cover as a “fall guy” to be dispensed with when the consequences of Trump 2.0 hit the fan.

Anything else?

David Garcia


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