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nettime: Reification, Schizophrenia, Artificial Intelligence - Phoebe Sengers |
Fabricated Subjects: Reification, Schizophrenia, Artificial Intelligence Phoebe Sengers Computer Science --- Literary and Cultural Theory Carnegie Mellon University phoebe@cs.cmu.edu Schizophrenia is the ego-crisis of the cyborg. How could it be any other way? Cyborgs are the fabrications of a science invested in the reproduction of subjects it takes to be real, a science whose first mistake was the belief that cyborg subjects were autonomous agents, that they existed outside any web of pre-existing significations. Pre-structured by all comers, but taken to be pristine, the artificial agent is caught in the quintessential double bind. Fabricated by the the techniques of mass production, the autonomous agent shares in the modern malady of schizophrenia. This paper tells the story of that cyborg, of the ways it has come into being, how it has been circumscribed and defined, how this circumscription has led to its schizophrenia, and the ways in which it might one day be cured. The Birth of the Cyborg: Classical AI -------------------------------------- The cyborg was born in the 1950's, the alter ego of the computer. It was launched into a world that had already defined it, a world whose notions of subjectivity and mechanicity not only structured it but provided the very grounds for its existence. It was born from the union of technical possibility with the attitudes, dreams, symbols, concepts, prejudices of the men who had created it. Viewed by its creator as pure potentiality, it was, from the start, hamstrung by the expectations and understandings which defined its existence. Those expectations were, and are, almost unachievable. The artificial subject is one of the end points of science, the point at which the knowledge of the subject will be so complete that its reproduction is possible. The twin births of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science represent two sides of the epistemological coin: the move to reduce human existence to a set of algorithms and heuristics and the desire to re-integrate those algorithms into a complete agent. This resulting agent carries all the burden of proof on its back; its ``correctness'' provides the objective foundation for a huge and complicated system of knowledge whose centerpiece is rationality. Make no mistake, rationality is the central organizing principle of classical AI. The artificial agent is fabricated in a world where `intelligence,' not `existence,' is paramount, and `intelligence' is identified with the problem-solving behavior of the scientist. For classical AI, the goal is to break intelligent behavior down into a set of more-or-less well-defined puzzles, to solve each puzzle in a rational, preferably provably correct, manner, and, one day, to integrate all those puzzle-solvers to create an agent indistinguishable (within a sufficiently limited framework) from a human. That limited framework had better not exceed reason. Despite initial dreams of agents as emotionally volatile as humans, the baggage of a background in engineering quickly reduced agenthood to rationality. For example, Allen Newell, one of the founders of AI, wrote an influential paper which stated that the decision procedure of an agent must necessarily follow the ``principle of rationality.'' Any agent worthy of its name must have a set of goals it is pursuing, and any action taken must, in its opinion, help to achieve one of its goals. In the narrow constraints of this system, any agent that defies pure rationality is explicitly stated to be completely incomprehensible, and hence scientifically invalid. Given these expectations, it was all too ironic when the artificial agent began to show signs of schizophrenia. Designing a rational decision procedure to solve a clearly defined puzzle was straight-forward; connecting these procedures together to function wholistically in novel situations proved to be well-nigh impossible. Bound in the straitjacket of pure rationality, the cyborg began to show signs of disintegration: uttering words it did not understand upon hearing, reasoning about events that didn't affect its actions, suffering complete breakdown on coming across situations that did not fit into its limited system of pre-programmed concepts. Being understood purely on its own terms and not with respect to any environment, the agent lived in a fabricated world of its own making, with only tenuous connections to shared physical and social environments. Autistic? Schizophrenic? In any case, deranged. The Promise of Alternative AI ----------------------------- It was time for therapy. The shortcomings of the classical agent were becoming more and more obvious: it could play chess like a master, re-arrange blocks on command in its dream world, configure computer boards, but it could not see, find her way around a room, or maintain routine behavior in a changing world. It was defined and fabricated in an ideal, Platonic world, and could not function outside the boundaries of neat definitions. Faced with an uncertain, incompletely knowable world, it ground to a halt. Understanding that the cyborg was caught in a rational, disembodied double bind, some AI researchers abandoned the terrain of classical AI. Alternative AI --- aka Artificial Life, behavior-based AI, situated action --- sought to treat agents by the redefinition of the grounds of their existence. No longer limiting itself to the Cartesian subject, the principle of situated action shattered notions of atomic individualism by redefining an agent in terms of its environment. An agent is, and should be, understood as engaged in interactions with its environment, and its `intelligence' can only be gauged by understanding the patterns of these interactions. `Intelligence' is not located in an agent but is the sum total of a pattern of events occuring in the agent and in the world---the agent no longer `solves problems,' but `behaves;' the goal is not `intelligence' per se but `life.' Redefining the conditions of existence of the agent breathed new life into the field, if not into the agent itself. Where once there had been puzzle-solvers and theorem-provers as far as the eye could see, there were now herds of walking robots, self-navigating cans-on-wheels and other varieties of charming stupidity. Alternative AI had given the cyborg its body and had lifted some of the constraints on its behavior. No longer required to be rational, or even to use mental representations, the artificial agent found new vistas open to itself. It did not, however, escape schizophrenia. Liberated from the constraints of pure rationality, practitioners of alternative AI, unwittingly following the latest rages in postmodernism, embrace schizophrenia as a factor of living experience. Rather than creating schizophrenia as a side-effect, they explicitly engineer it in: the more autonomous an agent's behaviors are, the fewer traces of Cartesian ego left, the better. May the most fractured win! At the same time, that schizophrenia becomes a limit-point for alternative AI, just as it has been for classical AI. While acknowledging that schizophrenia is not a fatal flaw, alternativists have become frustrated at the extent to which schizophrenia hampers them from building extensive agents. Alternativists build agents by creating behaviors; the integration of those behaviors into a larger agent has been as much of a stumbling block in alternative AI as the integration of problem-solvers is in classical AI. Alternativists are stuck with the major unsolved question of ``how to combine many (e.g. more than a dozen) behavior generating modules in a way which lets them be productive and cooperative.'' Despite their differences in philosophy, neither alternativists nor classicists know how to keep an agent's schizophrenia from becoming overwhelming. What is it about the engineering of subjectivities that has made such divergent approaches ground on the same problem? Fabricating Schizophrenias -------------------------- There can be no doubt that alternative and classical AI have very different stakes in their definitions of artificial subjectivity. These different definitions lead to widely divergent possibilities for the range of constructed subjects. At the same time, these subjects share a mode of breakdown; could it be that these agent-rearing practices, at first blush so utterly opposed and motivated by radically dissimilar politics, really have more in common than one might suspect? The agents' schizophrenia itself can point the way to a diagnosis of the common problem. Far from being autonomous and pristine objects, artificial agents carry within themselves the fault lines, not only of their physical environment, but also of the scientific and cultural environment that created them. The breakdowns of the agent reflect the weak points of their construction. It is not only the agents themselves that are suffering from schizophrenia, but the very methodology that is used to create them -- a methodology which, at its most basic, both alternative and classical AI share. In classical AI, the emphasis is on agent as problem-solver and rational goal-seeker, and agents are built using functional decomposition. The agent is presumed to have a variety of modules corresponding more or less to problem-solving methods in its mind. Researchers work to `solve' each method, creating self-contained modules for vision, speaking and understanding natural language, reasoning, planning out behavior, learning, and so on. They hope that once they've built each module, they can with not too much effort glue them back together again and, presto, a complete problem-solving agent appears. This is generally an untested hope, since integration, for classicists, is at once undervalued and nonobvious. Here, schizophrenia appears as an inability to seamlessly integrate the various competences into a complete whole; the various parts have conflicting presumptions and divergent belief systems, turning local rationality into global irrationality. For practitioners of alternative AI, the agent is thought of behaviorally, and the preferred methodology is behavioral decomposition. Instead of dividing the agent into modules corresponding to the various abstract abilities of the agent, the agent is striated along the lines of the behaviors it engages in. An agent might typically be constructed by building modules that each engage in a particular observable behavior: hunting, exploring, sleeping, fighting. Alternativists hope to avoid the form of schizophrenia under which classicists suffer by integrating all the agent's abilities from the start into specific behaviors in which the agent is capable of seamlessly engaging. The problem, again, comes when those behaviors must be combined into a complete agent: the agent knows what to do, but not when to do it or how to juggle its separate-but-equal behaviors. The agent sleeps instead of fighting, or tries to do both at once. Once again the agent is not a seamlessly integrated whole but a jumble of ill-organized parts. At its most fundamental, in both forms of AI, an artificial agent is an engineered reproduction of a `natural' phenomenon and consists of a semi-random collection of rational decision procedures. Both classical and alternative AI use an analytic methodology, a methodology that was described by Marx long before computationally engineering subjectivities became possible: ``the process as a whole is examined objectively, in itself, that is to say, without regard to the question of its execution by human hands, it is analysed into its constituent phases; and the problem, how to execute each detail process, and bind them all into a whole, is solved by the aid of machines, chemistry, &c'' (Marx 380). In AI, one analyzes human behavior without reference to cultural context, then attempts, by analysis, to determine and reproduce the process that generates it. The methodology of both types of AI follows the straight, narrow, and ancient road of objective analysis, with the following formula: 1. Identify a phenomenon in the world to reproduce. 2. Characterize that phenomenon by making a finite list of properties that it has. 3. Reproduce each one of these properties in a rational decision procedure. 4. Put the rational decision procedures together, perhaps under another rational decision procedure, and presume that the original phenomenon results. The hallmarks of objectivity, reification, and exclusion of external context are clear. Through their methodology, both alternative and classical AI betray themselves as, not singularly novel sciences, but only the latest step in the process of industrialization. In a sense, the mechanical intelligence provided by computers is the quintessential phenomenon of capitalism. To replace human judgement with mechanical judgement - to record and codify the logic by which rational, profit-maximizing decisions are made - manifests the process that distinguishes capitalism: the rationalization and mechanization of productive processes in the pursuit of profit.... The modern world has reached the point where industrialisation is being directed squarely at the human intellect. (Kennedy 6) This is no surprise, given that AI as an engineering discipline has often been a cozy bedfellow of big business. Engineering and capital are co-articulated; fueled by money that encourages simple problem statements, clear-cut answers, and quick profit unmitigated by social or cultural concerns, it would in fact be a little surprising if scientists had managed to develop a different outlook. Reificatory methods seem almost inevitable. But reification and industrialization lead to schizophrenia - the hard lesson of Taylorism. And the methodology of AI seems almost a replication of Taylorist techniques. Taylorists engaged in analyses of workers' behavior that attempted to optimize the physical relation between the worker and the machine. The worker was reduced to a set of functions, each of which was optimized with complete disregard for the psychological state of the worker. Workers were then given orders to behave according to the generated optimal specifications; the result was chaos. Workers' bodies fell apart under the strain of repetitive motion. Workers' minds couldn't take the stress of mind-numbing repetition. Taylorism fell prey to the limits of its own myopic vision. Taylorism, like AI, demands that, not only the process of production, but the subject itself become rationalized. ``With the modern `psychological' analysis of the work-process (in Taylorism) this rational mechanisation extends right into the worker's `soul': even his psychological attributes are separated from his total personality and placed in opposition to it so as to facilitate their integration into specialized rational systems and their reduction to statistically viable concepts'' (88). This rationalization turns the subject into an incoherent jumble of semi-rationalized processes, since ``not every mental faculty is suppressed by mechanisation; only one faculty (or complex of faculties) is detached from the whole personality and placed in opposition to it, becoming a thing, a commodity'' (99). At this point, faced with the machine, the subject becomes schizophrenic. And just the same thing happens in AI; a set of faculties is chosen as representative of the desired behavior, is separately rationalized, and is reunited in a parody of wholism. It is precisely the reduction of subjectivity to reified faculties or behaviors and the naive identification of the resultant system with subjectivity as a whole that leads to schizophrenia in artificial agents. When it comes to the problem of schizophrenia, the analytic method is at fault. Schizophrenization and Science ------------------------------ Where does this leave our cyborg? Having traced its schizophrenia to the root, it would seem that the antidote is straightforward: jettison the analytic method, and our patient is cured. However, just as there are times when a patient cannot recover because his/her family needs him/her to be sick, the cyborg cannot recover because its creators cannot give up analysis. The analytic method is not incidental to present AI, something that could be thrown away and replaced with a