vladimir muzhesky (by way of pit@contrib.de (PitSchultz)) on Fri, 28 Mar 1997 03:59:09 +0100 (MET)

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<nettime> Nettropics: immunities versus politics 1/2

Nettropics: immunities versus politics
synthetic plane of immanence

        Reflecting the net as an extension of human informational
processing one can encounter a certain sprout of its mental fractalization,
which is essentially not a cluster or a map of possible informational
pattern recombinations, but pretends to be as if it is for a correspondent
faculty of our mind has to survive and support the bioelectronic
correspondence in the economy of action (operationally, it is nothing more,
than geometry of perception, of course).  Hence, there is another economy,
located beyond the simulation, a hypersimulatory pattern, which clashes
artificial and human intelligence in the frame of homonified conceptual
location.  It suggest that the net can be a synthetic plane of immanence,
and that it can spatially realize the concepts which never could be
realized before either on the institutional basis of philosophy, nor on the
basis of tribal economy of concreticism.

        There is a mimicry effect inherent to electronic technology, in
accordance with which the relation between artificial and biological neural
network in the process of informational activity is hidden behind "as if
intelligence" of computational system.   For example, the whole area of
pattern recognition research is based on the technological transcendence of
human ability to recognize and classify patterns.  The mathematical
transcendentalism and fundamentalism are fused in one, when it concerns
artificial intelligence: the rational behind fuzzy ART and ART map
discourses of clustering and mapping informational activities are good
examples of how one can transcend a neural simulation by making it operate
as if it would be naturally attributed to the area of human mapping
activity.  Although fuzzy neural networks is a successful mental hybrid,
which possesses the advantages of both neural networks (plasticity in
incorporating expert knowledge) and fuzzy systems (excellent learning and
optimization abilities), the representation of their activity, and hence
the interactivity with the operational factor of human system is limited to
eidetic reduction of the screen image.

        It seems that there is a mental interface of perception missing as
an alternative to the existing and widely abused interface of action.  If
we as a sort of gedanken experiment imagine some kind of integration of
human and machine system, whatever monsters will come out of our imaginary
plants, we will never end up with two elements in the end of this
procedure, because this is how the framing works in cognitive systems.  And
even though fuzzy networks is this kind of hybrid as to its rational, in
reality, what we encounter as a result of this imaginary human-machine
coupling is not a multidimensional space of multilayered metaneural
network, but a human mind dissociated with a pattern of its own
technological projection.  It is obvious that as much as pattern
recognition systems recognize patterns, because the latter are projections
of human mind, the human mind being involved in the process of this
projection is able to project, because it is subjected to the projection of
artificial informational system.  In sum, both human faculty of
intelligence and its simulation conceptually interpenetrate each other
creating a synthetic or biotronic plane of thought, which is essentially
not restricted to either one of its composing elements.

        Therefore in the neurocognitive context it is possible to analyze
the synthetic interaction of human and electronic system, with the
following extension of the analysis into conceptual, economical and
political faculties.  It is not for nothing that mental ideological
phenomena are strongly defined as based on the neurocognitive platform:
while it can be one of the ways to look at them in the set of specifically
human dimensions, like human social sciences; the models of neural networks
bring out a necessity to define the infrastructural elements of human
intelligence in terms of its vision and activity.  Actually, post modern
social sciences and contemporary philosophical theories of technology often
consider the element of simulation and hyperreality as a part of
contemporary mental universum.  In fact, from Heidegger to Baudrillard
there was a strong tendency in philosophy to highlight the influence of
technologically mediated and even economically and ideologically simulated
(in case of Derderrian's analysis of espionage structures)  social
terrains.  From this point of view, current mental alienation of biotronic
conceptual status, is even more appealing, than physical labor alienation
of the dawn  of technology.  And as the latter was resolved with the
geopolitical pattern recombination of industrial and socio-idustrial
revolutions, the former as the closure of revolutionary localities should
be resolved on the metalevel:  the selfdominant for synthetic concepts
should be defined and fractalized, with existing one dimensional
ideologies, economies and politics being referred and mentally attracted to
this new field.

        The fact that fractalization substitutes the revolution, speaks for
itself in terms of spatial properties: the new plane of immanence is not a
frozen pattern of biosocial oscilation, with which philosophy can easily
play, it is a dissipative and in some cases selforganizing terrain of
attractors, which implies that at least a part of its organizational points
are useless.  In terms of neural networks, the new emergent attractors of
pattern recognition activity are referred to as spurious memories.  Net as
a bioelectronic phenomenon has plenty of them.  It is wilderness for
Freudian practitioners, or may be an avatar of escape from recurrent
dissublimization: if we look at this phenomenon from the neurological
perspective, then cocaine as a neuroformative element of Freud's
cognitive-textual conglomerates , which Freud himself censored out of his
textual consciousness, becomes a decisive monodimensionally directed
psychotropic factor, which intensified author's perception through the
interference with the activity of and consequential disintegration of the
brain pleasure centers, and determined Freud's discourses of sex and power.
 Hence, Freudian cognitive-textual complex in order to survive and stay
integrated had to acquire external centers of stability, which formed the
basis for subconscious interpretations techniques.  Accordingly, projected
onto the bioelectronic plane, dissublimization of the net spurious
memories, should be connected with the hierarchy of perceptual intensities.

hyperreality neurolized

        Historically, humans heavily relied on the plant kingdom and its
interlocked network of species localities, in their relation to perceptual
modulation.  In this context the phenomenon of ascribing "as if
consciousness" to plants (rigidly criticized by Searle as fallacious
construct of human conscious activity) acquires in fact rational
explanation: human consciousness and its functional planes and localities
was historically connected with psychotropic compounds found among the
multiple botanical species.   If one describes the functions, which the
plant kingdom performed in relation to human economy, one can name
replication and transformation: it produced the environment for people to
grow and multiply and brought the outer environmental information directly
into their neurological centers avoiding monitoring filters of
consciousness.  That is why one point was always a priori informationally
censored, because it was embodied in the historical development of the
perceptual modulation dimension:  in particularly, the fact that human
informational system as founded on multiple levels of input was based on
the transformative biochemical terrain, which accepted no outer
representational activity.  The effects of psychotropic plants were
directly neurolized via molecular synthesis inside human organism.

        Being separated with the great thermodynamic wall (the difference
in energy-entropy levels) artificial and human neural networks can not be
integrated directly.  That is why "as if consciousness" as pattern of
synthetic neurological integration emerges in the sphere of artificial
intelligence as well as in human relation to the plant kingdom.  As a
matter of fact, Victorian passion to organize plants into garden mazes
seems to be one of the first spurious attractors of European mentality;
now, we know what terrain it  has marked: a desperate attempt to form a
synthetic plane of immanence.  With the appearance of artificial
intelligence, it is pretty obvious why those labyrinths were organized in

        However, the idea of revolutionary movement as a pattern
reorganization of biosocial dispositions also acquires reinterpretation
from the point of view of biotechnological conceptual plane.  The complex
mental curvatures of Campanella's, Marxian, Lenin's, Mao and other
revolutionary (whether imaginary or actual) discourses is spurious in
nature to the existing state of economic affairs of their contemporary
societies, and hence alienated and transformative, they caused new
ideological and economical patterns to emerge.

        With the discovery of neural systems, the ability of single class
networks to generate additional or spurious memories was classified as
generalization activity, when involved in the pre-recognition of new
stimuli (Ezhov, VVedensky, 1996).  This aspect of artificial neural
networks corresponds to the immune complex of human systems, where
antibodies are preliminary generated in order to establish a binding with a
potentially new antigen.  The fact that the reaction to an imaginary agent
is present on both sides of the thermodynamic wall constitutes an abstract
tunnel, a hyper neurodimension of interaction between human and electronic
systems, and opens biotronic perspective of development for the net as a
hybrid aggregate.

        The best indicator of spurious memories on the net are virtual
complexes and communities, which are designed to "reflect" the actual
structures of human society and architecture.  They remind an easy
interpretation of chimerical patterns in human dreams, when imaginary
cities are interpreted as real.  For example,  imaginary city of London is
taken as if it were London.  If one considers new attractor-spurious memory
effect, the phenomenon of "as if London" becomes possible only, if the
informational system, revealing its resemblance with immune complex has
generated the class "London" in advance.  The same concerns virtual
architecture on the net, which does not of course reflect, but replicates
the class of Amsterdam or London in virtual reality data bases.  Human
operators have to assume that the city, which they build is Digital
Amsterdam before the spurious representation is architecturally realized
and installed on a server.

        Consequently, virtual architecture takes over a
replication-transformation function first of the plant kingdom in the
process of reintroducing an agent of the outer environment inside neural
networks, and second, of the revolutions by reorganizing communities on the
virtual basis.  The latter are something very obscure in architectural
terms, but at the same time very obvious in terms of  synthetic recognition
systems: every new attractor is a meaningful system of a new language,
which neither machines nor humans can speak separately, but which they can
only speak together.

        The classes of this new language are organized by location in both
human and artificial neural networks, and not by qualities or properties.
To the same extent as plants reintroduced outer environment in
perceptionally illegal way (avoiding the filtering of the outer senses)
in-forming human system, the net reintroduces  it in conceptually alegal
way and reveals that, as much as spurious memories are utilized, net is
first of all a psychotropic complex.  As such, like many other psychotropic
natural or artificial compounds, the net possesses structural key to the
neural informational processing.  This phenomenon is not and cannot be
controlled by either human or artificial intelligence, it is extremely
autonomous, to the extent of aforementioned conceptual illegality: from the
point of view of the law the action, for example, of currency analysis,
destruction, and who knows, may be replication on the internet can be
interpreted as the act of crime or of art, depending on the extent of
reality.  However, this is exactly the point, where semiotically based
intelligence of the law is decomposing itself under the influence of higher
informational structure: virtual index of membership and action leaves no
unified space, time, and agent of action.  Thus, hyperreality of neural
network simulation is censoring every possible plane except of neural
terrain.  This is when neurospace enters the game.

neurospace and offscreen resistance

        When we face the situation, when points of stability of legal
reality, such as a subject of action with its unified complex of
personality, spatio-temporal locality and linear logic are not  transmitted
through the net, we have to question the causation of this alegal
resistance.  Imagine an illegal action realized via remote control
machinery interface, which the net essentially appears to be; what would be
the basis to determine  whether the subject of crime was only one person,
or a whole group, where each member was responsible for a certain
algorithmically step of illegal operation.  Furthermore, the personality of
the virtual criminal, and hence motifs of crime, also remain quite vague,
especially, if we consider that all representations including agent of
crime, instruments, and actions can be imaginary, hence numerous replicants
of these representations are as much real on the net, as the ones which
actually disturbed the law.  Finally, in between when and were the complex
of computer commands was launched and the period and place when and where
it was executed there can be millions of miles and hours.  The last kick in
the shorts, which the remotely manipulated metal boot of the net gives to
the legal system is that all this may be a self organized process,
triggered without direct human interference.

        In this respect the bioelectronic complex of the net generates a
membrane effect, which just doesn't let the legal system through, partially
because the latter appears to be based on the strictly human body
spatiality, which implies physical disposition of action and meaning.  But
one important thing is denied by the legal discursive dimension: the sphere
of vision, which as an essential part of monitoring has to be pushed away
from legal interrogation, because otherwise it would interrogate itself
creating the infinite spiral of metareflections.

        The representation of the legal one level reflection logic on the
net is the one way membrane of the screen: creating the illusion of depth
the screen seems to counterfeit the conceptual plane of phenomenological
philosophy.  Being the base of perceptual vision on one side and henceforth
being embodied in human perceptron, the screen is constrained of vision on
the other side, where it is embodied in the electronic configuration of
technological space.  As a hybrid of two bodies and two spaces, the screen
is exposed to both visibility and invisibility, the topic of the last
writings of Merleau-Ponty right before his death in 1961.  In this era of
television revival, he writes (his notes were actually entitled "On
Visibility and Invisibility"): This is what Husserl brought frankly into
the open when he said that every transcendental reduction is also an
eidetic reduction, that is: every effort to comprehend the spectacle of the
world from within and from the sources demands that we detach ourselves
from the effective unfolding of our perceptions and from our perception of
the world, that we cease being one with the concrete flux of our life in
order to retrace the total bearing and principal articulations of the world
upon which it opens.

        In other words, Merleau-Ponty delineates an economy of reflection,
which avoids effectiveness of acting in the world and connects it with the
eidetic reduction described by Husserl and publicly available on TV 24
hours a day for the spectators who didn't loose the ability of
metareflection.  This ability is the basis for contemporary alegal actions,
it neglects advertisement time, filters away tasteless music and makes the
voices of the governments numb and naked in revealing the recombinatory
intelligence patterns of the news.

        In fact, if the net refers to phenomenology, this is only due to
its embodiment in the mass media, a difficult infancy, so to say.  The
screen is what it is only because the media in its legal form was always
constrained of multidimensionality.  The 3D phenomenon is as good
indication of the alegal multidimensional arousal, as it is a harmless
placebo imposed on our vision by the legal and economic system.  However,
the invisible part of the screen remains uncensored, simply because of the
fact that legal system can not by definition include an illegal element,
although it can happen in practice.  The question, why the invisible body
of the screen is illegal, has a simple explanation:  because it performs
the role of mute representational plane of the plant kingdom, which had
been a posteriori censored out of human perceptronic networks.

        The fact that the screen is a perceptronic modulation complex
hidden under conventional placebo of perspective first received attention
in the seventies, when the advertisement with the invisible subliminal
component was widely introduced via the networks of cinemas and TV
stations.  The following prohibition measures reflected the pathological
fear of the law, when it concerns psychotropic effect: even though it was a
 brilliant marketing technology, subliminal advertisement was prohibited,
which was against any economic law.  What the legal system was fighting
against was an alternative economic attractor, which may have opened
virtually a new dimension for the biotechnological interaction, if not only
the signs but the products were neurolized.

        The evidence from the wide range of neuropsychological studies
suggest there is a clear dissociation between the visual pathway supporting
perception and action in the cerebral cortex.  In the context of media it
implies that the way the economy is transduced by the electronic repository
of information may imply at least two ways, which would accentuate action
or perception.  The fact that contemporary media is legally based on action
and participates and growth into the perception is a perfect revolutionary
situation in accordance with Lenin's theory of subjective and objective
causational revolutionary factors.  It implies impossibility to transmit
the lines of power into the perceptron, as much as it is based on different
logic than legal linear logic of causative action; thus, the connection
between ruling and ruled parts of the population is disintegrated on both
sides, which gives no basis for conventional electronic reconstruction, but
leads to the point of biotronic bifurcation.

        The economical disposition of powers in global hiatus is reflected
in relations of restricted and unrestricted, or horizontal (such as for
example Hegel and Marx theories) and vertical (such as Bataille's economy
of waste) economies.  If the former one presupposes the effectiveness of
action, which a priori can not be fulfilled because of the counteraction,
the latter one suggests to refer economic constructs to waste and thus
makes the restricted economy of action mutate into the unrestricted economy
of vision.

        In fact, the first thing, which is being violated by alegality of
vertical economies is an onedimensionality of products and production.
Analyzed by Marcuse, monodiscursive reality by means of repetition binds
mesmerized human consumers to the single dimension of products, which is
not even human, but is referred as human, or acts "as if humanified" by the
process of mass production.  On the contrary the fact that a perceptual
modulator is embodied into the legal economic routines fractalizes the
vision of the product to the extent where the borders of real and virtual
representations vanish among the millions of multiplied resonances of

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