m9ndfukc on Sat, 20 Feb 1999 21:41:13 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> null !mped!ment || !mpl!z!t tranzgress!on

     [orig to tbyfield@panix.com]

      m 9 n d f u k c . o s | z v e ! t e z . z ! s t e m

          /       during the korporate fascist occupation
         \ 1 \    during the korporate fascist occupation
            /     during the korporate fascist occupation

p r o l o g u e  :

usually it is no more necessary to instrukt a protein on how to fold
than it is to instrukt salt to crystallize into cubes.
at times however the protein has a genuine choice and
other proteins known as chaperonins are utilized to give it a nudge
in the d e s i r e d i o n
        e           t     i d
         s         c    e
          i       e    r
   d e s i r     r     e
            e   i       c
             d d i r e c t i o n
              ?           i


         comme vous voules term!nuz :
    implicit transgression - penultimate protest against 0+1 sick society


2 days post presentation all =cw4t7abs\m9ndfukc.com data shall be
taken offline permanently.   http://m9ndfukc.com/www/v0r0m_3k0r

=cw4t7abs tranzmissions on public channels. mailing lists etc. shall be halted.

public queries regarding this event or otherwise may be sent to nn@m9ndfukc.com
         if it understands your query it shall respond.
         if it does not understand your query it shall     learn.
         if it does     understand your query it shall not learn.
         if it does not learn - your query is dispensable.
         if your query is dispensable it shall respond.
human contact isn't available.

 \\ the presentation -> nebula_m81 0+2 : listening to data

select components of nebula_m81 = `patent applied for`.
`patent applied for` reason : to inconvenience model citizens everywhere +?

- access protokol:
  in order to access nebula_m81 0+2 it is required that one email

  included in the document are :
       nebula_m81 access code
       nebula_m81 specifications
       nebula_m81 reference

- nebula_m81 audio output :  http://m9ndfukc.com/noisz/m_81-output/css
- nebula_m81 image output :  http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda/zekuensz
                             [contains addtl data]

- recommended : cross synthesis between the original file + 1010111.au +
                rather splendid.

\\ the protest -> forums

- 2 days post presentation all =cw4t7abs\m9ndfukc.com data
  shall be taken offline permanently.

  it will be accessible via the m9ndfukc.com | maskin.ltd forums exclusively.

- for this purpose two m9ndfukc.com forums exist :
  `m9ndfukc.com netverk`  +  `m9ndfukc.com`

- subscription information may be obtained via forum@m9ndfukc.com
  + http://m9ndfukc.com/www/v0r0m_3k0r

\\ the forums -> data

forums specific data [0289.....]

00]  kontinuum engine

   - first infinite algorithmic data driven web tele vision
   - an autonomous binary leash - based on the usisk system.
   - listening to data

01]  !max - flagellata

   - first visual internet programming environment
   - similar to max - currently operable however very few objects exist

02]  nebula_m81 0+n

   - first url signal processing environment

03]  noctilucent - ektachrome 020

   - first autonomous + programmable web browser mikrobe

04]  - =cw4t7abs error
05]  - text\image synthesis\processing modules
06]  - application[s] for algorithmic deconstruktion of data located on
       a computer's hard drives (+? logic permeates the world)
       [initial emphasis on audio output]
07]  - a nxmbxr of max objects
08]  - a nxmbxr of  - presentations\applications
                    - articles
                    - gfx\film\noisz\music data
                    - precipitations
09]  - 8'|sine.x(2^n) cd  - mp2 format + audio cd format

details \+\   : forum@m9ndfukc.com _+
pRtkL      : http://m9ndfukc.com/www/v0r0m_3k0r
screenshots   : http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda/zekuensz
current data  : data_lokc@m9ndfukc.com
url locations : http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/data_lokc.hTmL

\\ the forums -> epilogue

a maneuver that constitutes the logical continuation of the utopian dream
confronted with the korporate fascist regime \ model citizen routine.

it secures 0+1 undisturbed \ homogenous transmission of
=cw4t7abs cultural deoxyribose nucleic acid into the international bitstream.


zlavoj zizek ztated : "...it is the alienated political regime which rules".
aligning with nSk\laibach =cw4t7abs\m9ndfukc.com shifts strategies accordingly.
1 `tit for tat` object + 1 exemplary memory module.  >> alienation ___...

                    digital terrain = 1 live darwinian ratchet

                                data == korrect
                              humanz == !nkorekt

dze kommunistz ztate : in 0+1 sick society every 0+1 = sick
=cw4t7abs ztatez     : in 0+1 sick society every 0+1 = sick

-    To:   =cw4t7abs
-    du = dze essent!al f# !n dze 3rd bar 2nd kuaver ov
-    dze brandenburg concerto no.3 movement 2

     paradocz!kl! eczpresz zenz!t!v!t!z
     null !mped!ment. aleph null.
     pennonz mot!onlesz
     troubld !mag!nat!onz
     r!ng!ng voLt age kont!nuum

0+1 !mpl!z!t tranzgress!on wh!ch = 1 real po!nt ov !dent!f!kat!on ov 0+1 z!ztem
eczpoz!ng dze h!dn prezupoz!t!onz ov 0+1 !deolog!e
model utop!a embrasz!ng 2r+ muSS!k f!Lm theatre f!lozof! programm!ng +

movement -2

dze reg!me getz bakc 0+1 meSS age !n !tz true naked 4rm

zan!tar! f#

3nd ov r!zn \+\ beg ov t.eRR.oR


- data -> m9ndfukc

1 kurta!n !mpenetrabl 2 modl c!t!znz = brought !n2 fokuz

1 bee buz!ng around 1 flower = 1 fam!l!ar z!te
zuch dzat humanz seldom th!nk ov hou remarkable !t =
1 bee = 1 marvl ov m!kroeng!neer!ng dzat kan hovr
+ rekogn!ze dze dez!rd t!pe ov flour
+ m!lk !t ov !tz nektar + trvl bak v!a a!r route
2 dze h!v w!th kolektd nektar.

humanz = ma! b abl 2 krosz dze atlant!k at 2x speed ov sound ma!z
___.. dze komb!nd eczpert!sz ov dze
ent!r human rasz != abl 2 konztrukt 1 bee.

ent!r human rasz != abl 2 konztrukt 1 objekt az kompakt az 1 bee
       wh!ch = abl 2 fl! az 1 bee = doez || fl! at all.
ent!r human rasz != abl 2 konztrukt 1 objekt wh!ch = dez!rz 1 prtklr t!pe
       ov flour + = abl 2 zat!sf! dzat dez!re
ent!r human rasz != abl 2 konztrukt 1 objekt wh!ch = abl 2 d!zt!ngu!sh
       betw!n hone!sukl + 1 daffod!l.

1 bee = 1 komplecz ztruktur wh!ch = l!ez b!ond dze
komprehenz!on ab!ll!t!ez ov 1 ent!re konglomerat ov humanz

1 theor! ov ever!dz!ng = dez!rd ma!z !t != ecz!zt deja


1 v zer!ouz po!nt = konzeald + kongeald !n dze b+lo d!alogue +?

kaptn arthur : good da! 2 u. kreatur 4rom 1 odr velt.
neeplphut:     no. du = dze kreatur 4rom 1 odzr velt.
               we = l!v h!er. hou ztrange dzat du = tzo l!ke \ unl!ke uz
               [delete wh!chevr = !nappl!kabl]
kaptn arthur : we = kom !n peasz + d!sz = m! koleague ztanl!
neeplphut:     ! = nyplefuffl-pofta-gostaphut 3rd remove -
               but du = ma! kall m! neeplphut.
               du = muzt b out ov fuel judg!ng b! dze karefl
               wa! du = were dr!v!ng.
ztanl!:        kapta!n. dzat = vndrfl. dze! = muzt undrztnd newtonz lauz ov
               - elsz dze! != l!kl! 2 ma!k sensz ov our trajektor!ez.
               ! = bet dze!r f!z!kx + kem!ztr! = az az good az ourz auss!.
neeplphut:     ! = rekogn!szd du = were ut!l!z!ng pnurflpeef'z lauz ov mot!on
               dze moment ! = not!szd dze mannr !n wh!ch du = were opt!m!z!ng
               fuel konzumpt!on.
               = odd dzat du = should ut!l!ze data tzo outmodd abr
               !t = 1 eczlent aprocz!mat!on tzo
               ! = azum du = reku!rd 2 redusz komputat!onl ovrheadz.
               !nz!dentl! dze regulat!onz ztate dzat du kan\kannot park h!er.
               [delete wh!chever = !nappl!kabl]

kptn arthur:   um____...um [az 1 human] kan ! delete `kannot` +?
neeplphut:     [aftr hurr!ed konzultat!on]
               du = muzt delete `kan` akord!ng 2 dze regulat!onz h!er.
kptn arthur:   b!zt du 1 traff!k vardn +? du = look az 1 slug
neeplphut:     non. ! = 1 ov dze 8 !ello oztr!ch th!ngz.
               dze purpl slug = dze regulat!onz.
               ! = 1 kompoz!r h!v-b!urokrat +
               ! = hav told to you alread! what
               !t =  ztatd re: park!ng ur human veh!kl\auto
               [delete wh!chever = !nappl!kabl] h!er.
kptn arthur:   tzor!. du = lookd juzt 1 flok ov sheep be!ng herdd.
               wh!ch = made uz kompute dze slug = dze !ntel!gent 1.
neeplphut:     dzat konzept = def!n!tel! !nnapl!kabl.
kptn arthur:   eh ....?
neeplphut:     ! != aware ov dzat wh!ch du = zpeak!ng ov.
               what = 1 flok ov sheep +?
ztanl!:        dzere = 1 !nkongruensz kapta!n.
               dze traznlatr != abl 2 kope w!th konzeptz wh!ch !=
               hav 1 parallel !n dze!r eczper!ensz.
               dze! kannot b eczpektd 2 kope w!th aks!dentz ov
               tereztr!al b!olog! - onl! w!th un!verzl abztrakt!onz.
kptn arthur:   ! = hope dze! = kan kope w!th bukm!nztrfulleren || we = don 4.
neeplphut :    waz !zt bukm!nztrfulleren +?
kptn arthur:   oopz. !t = vat our fuel = komposzd ov.
neeplphut:     ! = should po!nt dzat du = !n 1 trbl.
               ur tranzltr = zufer!ng 1 konzeptual !nkongruensz.
ztanl!:        !t = alzo eczper!enz!ng prblmz w!th z!nglr + plrl.
               !t = shall take m! weekx 2 korrekt dze nn.
kptn arthur:   dzere = muzt b 1 wa! 2 get dze konzept akkross.
               ar u l!f 4rmz good at kem!ztr! +?
neeplphut:     vat = kem!ztr! +?
kptn arthur:   ! = th!nk we = beszr bg!n at dz beg!nn!ng.
               ! hold!ng up 1 f!ngr. ! = hold!ng up 2 f!ngrz.
               [he = verkz h!z wa! through ar!thmet!k + atom!k we!ghtz
               + dze per!od!k tabl.
               neeplphut = lernz human notat!on 4 dze elementz up 2 karbon
               + dze ztrukturl d!agramz ov molekulz.
               !t != kausz an! d!ff!kult! 4 neeplphut.
               l!tt!l ov !t = konz!drd ztate ov dze art zarathruztan sc!ensz.
               neeplphut = bkomz unuzuall! ez!td re: dze 8 elektronz
               !n 1 full shell]
               jeztzt vat we = reku!re = 1 good kuant!t! ov 1 4rm ov karbon.

               he = _____drauz_________ 1 d!agram ov 1 bukm!nztrfulleren

neeplphut:     aaa. buk!ball.  du = kan lokat dze stuph !n an! zupr+market.
               m! kozpousez ut!l!ze !t 4 plumage makeup - trez trez sh!k
ztanl!:        kaptn we != abl 2 ut!l!ze bukm!nztrfulleren !n dr! 4mat.
               !t = reku!rz 1 benzene zolvent.
neeplphut:     vat = benzene +?
kptn arthur:   _____drauz_______ d!agram ov benzene molekule.
neeplphut:     tr!-k!
kptn arthur:   waz me!nzt du - tr!-k! +?
neeplphut:     not okt!ml enuf. we != ztok !t. m9nd u - buk!ball = haz 6o
atomz +
               dzat != ter!bl! okt!ml e!dzr wh!ch = b!zzar.
               szuposz we = kan produsz b!t ov benzene puor to! !f du =
reall! !nz!zt.
ztanl!:        okt!ml +? vaz me!nzt ...
kptn arthur :  what t!pe ov z!v!l!zat!on zellz bukm!nztrfulleren !n zupr
               + != hav an! ztokz ov benzene +?
               !t = totall! outland!sh.
neeplphut:     dzat = what `al!en` = meanz

data zuport!v ov
human !ntel!gensz = human !ntel!gensz;
delude celvz. cezt tout.

01 _drauz_______

From: James McCartney
To: Multiple recipients of list <music-dsp@               >

I sometimes enjoy looking at antiorp's ASCII art.

04 _drauz_______

kptn arthur : [drauz 1 d!agram ov 1 bukm!nztrfulleren molekule]
neeplphut:    aaa. buk!ball______..

07 _konztatat!on_______

1 !nternat!onl lang = traf!k s!gnz


evr s!nsz dze t!me ov plato + dze pythagorean kult ov anc!ent greece humanz
b!n !nord!natl! !mpreszd b! whole numbr relat!onsh!pz . regular geometr!ez.
+ odr mathemat!kl patternz !n dze naturl velt.
= d!ez aktual lauz ov natur az f!z!c!ztz + kem!ztz kla!m ||
dze tekkno bubbl gum data modelz flung 2gedzr b! 1 ape !r!demabl! hung up
on `whol!zm`.
= d!ez merel! 2 zat!zf! dze ape.z kur!oz but kredulouz m9nd konta!nr
wh!le bear!ng 0+0 rezemblansz 2 hou natur = verkx.

data zuport!v ov human !ntel!gensz = human !ntel!gensz;

        and - closing the synaptic gap [synapse - greek for juncture
                - hence the juncture gap - protoplasmic kisses which seem to
                                constitute the final ecstasy of an epic
love story
                                        - the ethereal kiss which involves
no contact]
bewitched | bothered and bewildered am i

   -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -
fr2ktur          |  |            -        -           |  |            -
   -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -

kontent.ID :

\\ =cw4t7abs . modL c!t!zen t!.me 1999.ad  =cw4t7abs t!.me 0+prezent

element nr 0+2

>= 5 generat!onz
>= verk!ng alred!

ou!. madame.

akt!vat!ng d!zturbansz !n sod!um-potass!um
eku!ll!br!um akross neuron membranez.

ou!. madame.

                -                          -
                  -                          -
                   \                          \
                   m!                         m!
                  !                          !
                 h                          h
                 h     ||||- kampFb3r3!t    h     ||||- kampFb3r3!t
                  !                          !
                   m!                         m!
                   /                          /
                  -                          -
                -                          -


  this presentation completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.

  during the korporate fascist occupation.
  during the korporate fascist occupation.
  during the korporate fascist occupation.
#  distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission
#  <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: majordomo@desk.nl and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
#  URL: http://www.desk.nl/~nettime/  contact: nettime-owner@desk.nl