fokky on Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:52:50 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> The Weekender 083

   . The Weekender ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send your announcements and notes to .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .
   . for subscription info & help .
   . archive (separate msgs) .

01 . Ars Electronica Center    . Ars Electronica 99 -
                                 1st announcement
02 .               . Ars Electronica 99 Net Symposium
                                 'Life Science'
03 . ...                       . MOWA: Museum of Web Art
04 .              . Otan suspend ton vol
05 . ANAT - Honor Harger       . changing of the guard
06 .        . MWMWM Art Opening April 30th
07 . Hofstetter Kurt           . THE FIRST SUNPENDULUM TIME-EYE
                                 OF HAWAII
08 . Tom Gaitens               . Update on World Premiere
                                 of Tod Machover's Opera
09 . KOGO                      . DESKTOP TOOLS FOR SIT.COM
10 . point project             . Eaglethorpe meet...
11 . Joost Hageman             . anti-war activities in manchester
12 . point project             . Listening to the rail:
13 . . [cultstud-l] Forum FYI
14 . Alessandro Ludovico       . [new issue] Neural, cyberculture magazine
15 . reception                 . SOUND OFF Acoustic Shadows Workshops
                                 and Talks at Site, UK (f)
16 . Station Rose              . STR-Webcast Active Weekend
                                 during Art Frankfurt

   ................................................................... 01

Date:  Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:15:25 +0200
From: Ars Electronica Center <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Ars Electronica 99 - 1st announcement

Ars Electronica 99
September 4-9, 1999
Linz, Austria

Ars Electronica 99 - 1st announcement


0. Introduction

1.1 What is Ars Electronica?

1.2 What is this year's Festival theme?

1.3 20 years of Ars Electronica

1.4 Ars Electronica Net Symposium

Next update: May 29th 1999

0. Introduction

You are reading the first issue of the Ars Electronica 99 newsletter. It
has entered your in-box because you've either subscribed to our mailing
list or have demonstrated an interest in Ars Electronica. We sincerely
apologize if you find this service unpleasant.

Please do not reply to this message. If you want to remove your name from
this mailing list, you can send mail to <> with
the command "unsubscribe announcement" in the body of your email message
and we'll remove your e-mail address from the list. These announcements
are also available on our homepage. Please check This is an English-only version; you can
find the text in German on our website too.

1.1 What is Ars Electronica?

Once a year, Linz is the centre of computer culture. The Ars Electronica
Festival, established in 1979 to provide an open meeting-place for
artists, scientists and researchers, has since developed into a
world-famous forum for the arts, technolgy and society.

The 96 Festival was of particular significance, marking the inauguration
of a new phase of the Ars Electronica project: Until then Ars Electronica
has appeared as an annual highlight, concentrated into a few days
duration, in the international calendar of events. The opening  of the Ars
Electronica Center in September 1996, not only marked an increase of
activities, but equally an expansion in chronogical terms. In the form of
the Center, Ars Electronica has now a permanent presence in the
international context. Ars Electronica is organized by the Ars Electronica
Center and the Austrian Broadcast Corporation (ORF), Upper Austria
Regional Studio.

Since its inception in 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica has been awarded
annually by the ORF's Upper Austria Regional Studio within the framework
of the Ars Electronica Festival. It is one of the most important prizes
for the application of creativity and pioneering spirit in the field of
digital media.

1.2 What is this year's Festival theme?

On the threshold of the year 2000, Ars Electronica - in accordance with
our conception of our mission - will focus on the future. Ars Electronica
99 - entitled LifeScience - turns attention to the key technologies of the
coming decades. Based upon the achievements of digital information
technology, biotechnology and genetic engineering are bringing forth a new
definition of our future. Life science, a term denoting a wide range of
areas in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering and connoting
a "science of life," very clearly expresses fundamental associations with
cultural and philosophical questions and issues.

LifeScience Symposium
September 5-6, 1999, Brucknerhaus Linz

Information technology - long the leading-edge technology which has
pointed the way to the future - has become the decisive tool with which
biology can forge ahead into truly new realms. In particular, it is
genetic engineering - outfitted with the achievements of the Computer Age
- in which new possibilities are opening up that deliver forceful thrusts
against the limitations and taboos of our culture. Today, no other branch
of science approaches it as a bearer of hope for the future and
simultaneously as a center of controversy. The LifeScience Symposium turns
attention to the new potential for dispute and the emerging zones of
conflict at the interface of technology and society, focusing on the
current scenarios of science and business revolving around the gene.

1.3 20 Years of Ars Electronica

20 Years of Ars Electronica
Symposium: September 4 and 9, 1999

Continually since 1979, Ars Electronica has been reflecting and analyzing
the process of sociocultural transformation triggered by digital
technologies. Ars Electronica's 20th anniversary is an appropriate
occasion to carry out an archeological examination of the artistic and
technical development of digital media, following two decades that have
witnessed the emergence of a global Information Society that has long
since become the determinative circumstance of our culture. The analytical
recapitulation of this developmental process constitutes a focus of Ars
Electronica 99.

In connection with this anniversary, The MIT Press of Cambridge, MA is
bringing out "Ars Electronica: Facing the Future. A Survey of Two
Decades." Editor Tim Druckrey has selected 73 original texts that will now
be republished in this volume-a compendium that impressively brings
together in one work the past 20 years of Ars Electronica. This
publication focuses on three main areas-history, theory and practice-which
offer an opportunity to examine the wide-ranging activities and
multifaceted creativity connected with the oldest and most renowned
festival of art, technology and society. "Facing the Future" will be
available in bookstores and at Ars Electronica beginning September 4.

1.4 Ars Electronica Net Symposium

April 20 is the starting date for the LifeScience net symposium that is
being held as part of the preliminary activities leading up to the
Festival symposium. As a platform supporting a global exchange of views
and as a means to prepare and more precisely formulate opinions on the
respective issues, this form of moderated network discussion has proved
its worth in prior years. The moderator of this year's net symposium is
Prof. Birgit Richard, a scholar in the field of media studies and art
history in Frankfurt.

The Ars Electronica 99 Advisory Board also includes Prof. Eduardo Kac
(US), Dr. Georg Schfbnker (Austria), and Ingrid Fischer, M.A. (Austria).
Contributions to the discussion can be submitted in both German and
English to:

On the festivalpage ( you can also find an
on-line magazine which has been designed by Oliver Frommel (Germany). This
site is meant to accompany the LifeScience net symposium during the months
prior to the actual Ars Electronica event in September and beyond. We will
present material that is essential to the ongoing discussion. There are
three major areas we found to be important in connection with LifeScience:
technology, society and art. This won't be a scientific biological
magazine; however, it is meant to be a serious forum for discussion about
different aspects of LifeScience. The archive of the mailing list in plain
format can be found on these pages too. Furthermore, we will integrate the
best submissions to the mailing list into one of the areas of the
magazine. We hope to provide a basis for wide-ranging discussions about
Life Science as a key technology of tomorrow that concerns all of us.

Next update: May 29th 1999
Content: Prix Ars Electronica 99

The next announcement update will appear on May 29. It will focus on the
winners of the Prix Ars Electronica 99. Conducted for the 13th time this
year by the ORF's Upper Austria Regional Studio, the Prix Ars Electronica
is the most highly regarded competition for digital media in the world.
April 25 is the deadline for submissions to the categories of Digital
Musics, Computer Animation/Visual Effects, Interactive Art and .net. More
details as well as the official submission form are available at

Ars Electronica 99:

Organization: Ars Electronica Center Linz and ORF - Upper Austrian
Regional Studio
Co-organizers: Brucknerhaus Linz, O.K. - Center for Contemporary Art

Sponsors and Partners
Creditanstalt, Digital/Compaq, Gericom, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft,
Oesterreichische Brauunion, Oracle, Quelle, SGI, Siemens AG, Telekom
Austria AG, Novartis

   ................................................................... 02

Date:  Tue, 20 Apr 1999 23:23:23 +0200
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Ars Electronica 99 Net Symposium 'Life Science'

Ars Electronica 99
Life Science 4.-9.9.99
Linz, Austria

Ars Electronica 99 - Net Symposium

Once again, Ars Electronica is hosting a net-symposium as an introduction
and complement to this year's Festival symposium which will focus on the
subject of Life Science and will be held on September 5 and 6, 1999 in Linz,
Once again, Ars Electronica is hosting a net-symposium as an introduction
and complement to this year's Festival symposium which will focus on the
subject of Life Science and will be held on September 5 and 6, 1999 in Linz,

The net-symposium consists of a mailing list which starts today, April 20,
1999 and is moderated by Dr. Birgit Richard, professor of New Media at
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet in Frankfurt. It also features an online
magazine on the Life Science site conceived by Oliver Frommel.

You are invited to subscribe to the mailing list by sending mail to with the line
"subscribe lifescience-en" for the English language
version. For the German language version write
"subscribe lifescience-dt" to

You may also use an online form to subscribe to the mailing list

For your convenience, you may send all contributions - German and English -
to Please send a short introduction of yourself to the
moderator of the list (to describing your areas of
interest (in connection with Life Science) and some biographical notes.

Over the course of the net-symposium, we will make the best submissions to
the mailing list available as permanent resources in the magazine.

Please find below the first statement to the discussion from Gerfried
Stocker, director of Ars Electronica.

Life Science

You don't need to consult a trend researcher to find out which issue is
currently dominating the public discussion of progress and the future.
Following the Industrial and Digital Revolutions-from the steam engine to
the atom bomb to the Internet-the Biological Revolution is now being
Spurred on by the success stories of information and computer technologies
and the fabulous stock market profits reaped by their promoters, reports
from fields of science, research and technology have achieved headline
status as dispatches from the "world of wonders" and attained a sensational
impact equaling those of natural catastrophes and major sports
events-tantalizing prospects that correspond so very closely to our
high-performance society's dreams of a life that is healthy, beautiful and
long. The internationally prognosticated developments make the option of
doing without these achievements seem a hardly realistic one, and-in light
of hunger and disease-many observers go as far as calling it a moral
imperative to deploy every technological means possible to alleviate these

And thus it is not without justification that life science-the term which
subsumes modern genetic and biological technologies-has emerged as leading
contender to become the key technology of the coming decades. Molecular
biologists and genetic engineers equipped with the tools of information
technology made available by the Computer Age have opened up doors whose
thresholds have, in many instances, marked the limits and taboos of our
culture, though it is the traversal of precisely these boundaries upon which
our civilization has increasingly pinned its expectations and hopes for
continued prosperity.

Beyond any doubt is the social-political and cultural potential of these
developments. What can well be foreseen are the efforts going beyond those
of scientists and scholars-economic and industrial enterprises on a scale on
which we have heretofore gone about the task of mastering, harnessing and
exploiting our physical environment that will now be concentrated upon life
itself and its constituent elements. The very idea of having the capability
of forming life (including human life) beyond the morphological level of the
body and designing its predispositions and talents makes it incumbent upon
us to assume new perspectives on the limits of this life and its social and
metaphysical constitution.

To an extent unmatched by other sciences, genetics and biology have also
been used as tools of ideology and instruments enhancing claims to political
power, and they bear the historical burdens of the interpretations of their
findings and results.

Moreover, in the case of biological and genetic technologies, we find
ourselves confronted by a lofty domain in which authoritative experts are
few and far between-a fact which, in light of the lasting consequences of
the social and political decisions looming on the horizon, will also become
a touchstone of the democratic political process. Between the arrogance of
businessmen and the ignorance of politicians, the human being remains alone
to face this dilemma-enticed by the hopes of healing all illnesses and
deeply troubled by the fears of a biological Armageddon (legitimate fears in
the wake of Bhopal, Chernobyl, BSE ...).

This is a situation in which we require a Wissenschaftskultur (the way
science is done and promulgated) and a critique of science that dispense
with the myth of neutral facts and findings.

The experiences and methods of media art can help us go about this. What we
need are interdisciplinary collaboration in a modern, pluralistic society,
and artistic intervention that gets beyond moralizing political correctness
to actively engage in the social discourse concerning progress and

With this year's Festival, Ars Electronica begins to focus on issues in the
field of modern biotechnology. This constitutes a reorientation, as well as
the continuation of a practice with a long history of success: namely,
turning attention to those areas where conflicts develop in the sphere of
tension and interplay at the nexus of technology and society, and bringing
art into play as an interface and catalyst for the interaction involving
science and the general public.

Gerfried Stocker,
director Ars Electronica

   ................................................................... 03

Date:  Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:15:44 +0200
From: Geert Lovink <> (by way of fokky)
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  The Scout Report -- April 16, 1999

MOWA: Museum of Web Art

Founded in 1997 by Amy Stone, the Museum of Web Art is dedicated to
presenting the art of the Web in its own environment. MOWA is a bright,
clean, easily navigated Web exhibition space primarily showing works
probably best categorized as graphic design or commercial art. Look at the
North Gallery exhibition of buttons, the East Gallery visitor counters,
South Gallery wallpaper, or Classic Promos in the West Gallery for
illustration. The special exhibit in Linker Hall right now is Gateways,
interactive Website opening pages. Exhibitions are accompanied by guides,
which you can open in another browser window, to keep handy while you view.
The museum also has a kids wing currently featuring Susan Finley's animated
stories, The Lizzys. At a time when others are lamenting the ephemeral
nature of much of what we see on the Web, MOWA is archiving the best it.

   ................................................................... 04

Date:  Fri, 16 Apr 1999 23:09:03 +0100
From: "" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Otan suspend ton vol…

Hi ho,

Je vous propose ces confetti:
<<>> lancés comme des
Merci d'y répondre.
nouvelle adresse de courrier électronique: <>

I propose to you these confettis:
<<>> like questions.
Thank to answer
new e-mail: <>

please change my url (if bookmarked) to
- site: <<>>
- new add: <>
- cv: <<>>

   ................................................................... 05

From: ANAT - Honor Harger <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  changing of the guard

Dear All,

Many of you will already know this, but for those who don't, I would like
to let you know that Friday was my last day with ANAT.

The organisation remains in extremely able hands, through the outstanding
direction of Amanda McDonald Crowley and the ANAT Board, the technical
expertise of Martin Thompson, the enthusiasm and efficiency of our
Administrative Assistant, Samara Mitchell, and the experience and
dedication of Anne Robertson, who will be replacing me in the position of
Administration & Information Officer, on an interim basis.

This address <> will soon be out of operation, so please
address all ANAT related queries to <>.  If you need to
contact me on another matter, the address to use is <>.
Though I will shortly be going overseas, I will be able to pick email up at
this address.

Best wishes

Honor Harger


Honor Harger: Administration & Information Officer
PO Box 8029 Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
PH: 61 (0)8-8231-9037
FX: 61 (0)8-8211-7323

Memberships: $A12 (unwaged), $A25 (waged), $A50 (organisations)

   ................................................................... 06

Date:  Mon, 19 Apr 1999 01:48:19 EDT
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  MWMWM Art Opening April 30th

+ For immediate release +

( Color scan/file of work on request! )


Opening reception: Friday, April 30th, from 7-10pm
Show runs through June 6th, 1999
Gallery Hours: Sat & Sun 12-5 or anytime by appointment

Paintings, photographs and installation with live models
by the Viennese collaborative Muntean & Rosenblum.

M&R's new work takes as its starting point the recent popularity of "heroin
chic" imagry in all sectors of haute couture.  But M&R push the iconography
a step further, adding to their young models lacerations, bruises, and
potentially dangerous domestic props.  The tableaux vivants frequently
present during openings (and present thereafter in the form of photographic
prints) comment on our persistent adoration of youth and beauty on the one
hand, and, on the other, our continued fascination with the grotesque, the
uncanny and the living dead.

M&R have recently shown at:
"Sarajevo 2000"
The Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna
"Lifestyle," Kunsthaus Bregenz
Georg Kargl, Vienna
City Racing, London
Shift, Berlin
Chicago Project Room, Chicago


MWMWM * 65 Hope St, Brooklyn 11211

Directions: L Train to Lorimer Street, Williamsburg.
West on Metropolitan, under the BQE.  Left on Marcy.
First Right on Hope.

Telephone   718.599.9411  *  Email

Contact Person: Chris Murray or Lars Haga

   ................................................................... 07

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 23:01:32 +0200
From: Hofstetter Kurt <>

by Hofstetter Kurt

N E W S - the first sunpendulum time-eye of Hawaii

The realisation phase I / development has been successfully finished and

phase II / installation has been started.

The first SUNPENDULUM TIME-EYE OF HAWAII has been installed for
permanent use at the Maui High Performance
Computing Center (MHPCC) in Kihei/Maui/Hawaii, a Center of the
University of New Mexico.

PARALLEL MEDIA (Barbara Doser/Hofstetter Kurt)
proudly presents the documentation - VIDEO, - IMAGES, - TALKS and -
click on and experience

Many thanks
1) for the great cooperation
     in parallel media with
        Barbara Doser (media artist)
     in research with
        Michael Gervautz (Ass.Prof. / Technical University Vienna)
        Stefan Mantler (scientific staff / Technical University Vienna)
        Christoph Traxler (scientific staff / Technical University
     in architecture with Reinhard Haslwanter (architect),
2) for the great collaboration with the MHPCC
     to Frank Gilfeather (Executive Director)
         Stephen Karwoski (Associate Director - Operations)
         Margret Lewis (Associate Director - Marketing & Outreach)
         Candace Shirley (Marketing Account Manager)
         Ernie Robello
         Dylan Grafmyre
         Ray Woo & Brent Sherman
         and the very cooperative MHPCC-staff
               including Harold Miyamoto / Paul Hill (DU-WATTS
3) for the great support in the
     REALISATION - phase II / installation:
     1st  Time-Eye of Hawaii:
         Maui High Performance Computer Center, Kihei/Maui/Hawaii
         Austrian Cultural Institute New York
         Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
         Telekom Austria AG
     REALISATION - phase I / developement:
     Austrian Federal Chancellory / Department for the Arts,
     Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Transport,
     Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
     The City of Vienna / Cultural Department,
     Institute for Computer Graphics / Technical University of Vienna,
     :3C! Creative Computing Concepts
     BekoNet Ing. Kotauczek GmbH
     The Living Earth Æ, Inc.
     Zeissel + Partner
     Maison Naturelle
     Pammer Druck

   ................................................................... 08

Date:  Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:51:43 +0200
From: "Tom Gaitens" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Update on World Premiere of Tod Machover's Opera

Dear Colleague-

In case you missed this weekend's papers, there were three articles
regarding Tod Machover and Resurrection, and a fourth featuring Machover as
well--two in the New York Times, one in the Boston Globe, and one in the
Houston Chronicle.  Please feel free to take a look:





   ................................................................... 09

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:34:42 +0900
From: (KOGO)


Takuji KOGO

candy factory

   ................................................................... 10

From: "point project" <>
Subject: Eaglethorpe meet...
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 11:11:31 PDT

Pointproject hereby invite you to take part in the:

Eaglethorpe meet...An interavtive drawing event.

Created by Egill Saebj–rnsson

for Beyond This.Point There Is Only Possibilities

Eaglethorpe meet....

Egill wrote:". I made a drawing of "myself" and I wonder if you'd meet
me by drawing a picture of yourself into this picture taking my
hand... "
Feel free to send your comment to:

Tecnichal instructions how to percive,for those who need it:

1.Press down your mouse on top of the image.
2.Select "Save this image as" (the file name:"meet.jpg") on your
3.Open Photoshop,and open the file "meet.jpg" on your desktop.
4. Make your comment!
5.Save it as eg."meet.jpg comment" on your desktop.
6.Return an email with your "meet.jpg
comment" as an Attachment.


Be very carefull with the weight!!
The image now ways 14 k - be A B S O L U T E !!!!! sure to keep it
under 50 k.

Thank you for your participation!
Kjell and Henrik

<Beyond This.Point There Is Only Possibilities> is a communication
and interactive art project initilized by Kjell Hansson and Henrik
Ahlberg,Academy Of Fine Arts,Helsinki,Finland performed on  Internet
and exhibited in Trondheim,Norway 5:th-10:th of May 1999.

   ................................................................... 11

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:30:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joost Hageman <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> anti-war activities in manchester

war activities in *march 1998*


   ................................................................... 12

From: "point project" <>
Subject: Listening to the rail:Soundcollages...
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:41:20 PDT

Pointproject invites you to take part in:

  Listening to the rail: Soundcollages from the Net

 Created by Patrick M Lichty


 I live close to a railway, and one of my favorite sounds is the
'singing' of the rail that announces the approach of an oncoming

 Applying this metaphor to the Internet, there may be a number of
that are dedicated to sound installation, but this project
  is more interested in listening to a wide variety of sounds that
been chosen to be placed on the Net (metaphor for the
machine, or macrocosmic rail) as opposed to the train (or individual
installation/sounds) travelling on the rails.

   In so doing, this project wishes to create a pastiche of sound
representing the flow of information that speeds though the
Internet on an everyday basis, generated by its collective user base.


 Sounds will be collected fron three sources:

 1: Various sites and installations on the Net,

 2: Submissions from anyone wishing to submit a sound, and possibly

 3: sounds collected from the PointProject gallery space.

  These sounds could be placed on an FTP site, sent to Patrick Lichty
via E-mail, or submitted from websites. The resulting
            collection of sounds will be compiled into a collage and
reposted on the Net as a RealAudio stream.

  If time permits, a generative music piece could be created using the
sounds collected. This will create a sonic space of  non-repetitive
nature representing the collected sounds.

 REQUIREMENTS: In order to listen to the final product, you will need
an Internet connection, a Web-capable browser, and the RealAudio

 If time permits, a generative music piece could be created using the
sounds collected. This will create a sonic space of  non-repetitive
nature representing the collected sounds.


 Preferrably, sounds under 1 MB should be sent to Patrick Lichty at
 All major sound file formats will be accepted (wav, aiff, au, etc.)
MIDI files, please.

 Resultant files will be placed online for all to listen to. Nearly
sound editing/recording program will do.

 Patrick M Lichty

 8211 E. wadora NW

 N. Canton, Oh 44720

Beyond This.Point There Is Only Possibillities is an interactive
communication art project initialized by Kjell Hansson and Henrik
Ahlberg,Academy Of Fine Arts,Helsinki,Finland.
Exhibited on Internet and in Trondheim,Norway 5:th - 10:th of May

   ................................................................... 13

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:17:05 +1000 (EST)
To: "CULTSTUD-L: A listserv devoted to Cultural Studies"
Subject: [cultstud-l] Forum FYI


'Thought is non-productive labour, and hence does not show up as such on
balance sheets except as waste.' Bill Readings

* Professor John Frow, Department of English, Queensland University,
* Professor Iain McCalman, Director, Humanities Research Centre, ANU,
* Professor Ien Ang, Research Centre in Intercommunal Studies, UWS, Nepean
* Associate Professor Jane Goodall, Convenor of Postmodern Studies, Faculty
of Humanities, UWS, Hawkesbury

Boardroom, UWS Chancellory, Werrington North
Thursday April 29th 2.30-4.30.
Drinks to follow

This forum is being organised by the School of Cultural Histories &
Futures, UWS, Nepean and the Faculty of Humanities, UWS, Hawkesbury


RSVP by April 27th for catering -

   ................................................................... 14

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 08:43:33 +0200
From: Alessandro Ludovico <>
Subject: [new issue] Neural, cyberculture magazine

NEURAL is an indipendent quarterly printed magazine, in Italian, about the
digital culture at large.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Neural Online]
              New supplements in may.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Neural Station]
                       Every wednesday from 22:30 to 23:30 electronica and news
                       aired on Controradio Bari (Popolare Network) 97.3 Mhz
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Brain Machine]
                       Mind Gear and Xcelr8r II
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Neural n.14 contents]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                       . SCANNER interview
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                       . News (Mycoerbicidi, Cracker a Morte, Trepanation,
Addio Morse...)
                       . Feticci (SpaceTak, X1 Button Radio, Piedino)
                       . Citazioni (Quotes)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                       . Digital Comix
                       . Salvia Splendens, Intellivision e Dreamcast
                       . Il Futuro dei Media Online
                       . -bk: Cyborg Babies, Extra Life, Il Popolo del
Joystick, Jamming The Media
                         Simultaneita', -zine: Crash Media, Clips, -rom:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                       . Cyber.Sex:
		Handycam a Raggi X
		Deb Levine interview
		News, -rom: Virtual Sex with Jenna
                       . Chaos Communication Congress
                       . Hacktivism
                       . -bk: Steal This Computer Book, Growing Up Digital,
Deconstructing Web Graphics,
                         Internet Mediasurfer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                       . Scanner
                       . Todd Rundgren
                       . Purity
                       . -rom: Morpha, Deep Concentration, D.Code, VJamm,
Radar, GrooveMaker
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                       . Videogiochi e Cinema di Fantascienza
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                       . U.F.O.: Il Mistero delle Green Fireballs.
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On sale directly, via mail-order, and in Italian alternative bookstores.
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   ................................................................... 15

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 15:48:59 +0100
From: Reception <>
Subject: SOUND OFF Acoustic Shadows Workshops and Talks at Site, UK (f)

Acoustic Shadows Workshops and Talks

With the expansion of Site's electronic media facilities, the gallery is
organising a series of events led by leading UK practitioners in the field
of experimental sound and image.  All talks unless otherwise stated cost
gbp2.50 / gbp1.50 and talk + workshop gbp10.00 / gbp7.50.

For further details about each talk / workshop please contact the gallery
on +44 (0)114 281 2077

exploration, navigation & composition of sound on the web
Talk - Friday 23 April, 6:30
Workshop - Saturday 24 April 11:00 - 4:30

earshot <> is an experimental software
application for exploring and composing sound. earshot trawls through the
web, searching for audio files, as well as generating its own rhythms by
translating web site code into percussive sequences that trigger
pre-defined sounds.  earshot transforms the web into a vast sound machine;
an acoustic space under constant construction; a space which can be
endlessly remixed; where every sound path that earshot creates is a unique
performance and composition.

earshot artists, Andi Freeman and Jason Skeet will demonstrate its
capabilities, and discuss various ideas raised by the project regarding how
we use electronic media.  The workshop will explore the browser
construction kit and will also look at other possibilities for experimental
and innovative net audio projects.

Andi Freeman and Jason Skeet work together as part of the Deepdisc web
design collective <>  Jason Skeet also runs the
experimental dance music label Ambush <>. Andi
Freeman has also produced the sHrd browser for Channel

Shift Control
Talk Friday 14 May 6.30 pm
Workshop Saturday 15 May 11.00 - 3.00

AudioRom are known for their experimental work exploring and developing
interactivity which pushes
the boundaries of audience participation. The distinguishing and innovative
feature of their work is the equal emphasis on music and visuals within the
overall form of the work. Developing interactive multi-media installations
and CD-Roms, each project defines a different formal approach to the fusion
of visuals and music through the use of various sensory interactive devices
and musical styles and samples. Interaction with music uses such forms as
typing or game play, equipping the user with hundreds of possible
reconstructions while maintaining harmony and rhythm and this will be
explored in the workshop.

Shift Control will be installed in the Site gallery foyer from 10 April -
15 May 1999

The readymade in electronic space
Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead
Talk Friday 25 June 6.30 pm
Workshop 26 June 1.00 - 4.30

Thomson & Craighead use gif animations, midi files and text fragments taken
from web based chat lines as the main components of a fluid on-line
environment.  They will explore issues around the production of Weightless
and the use of the vast amounts of available online data to create new

Weightless was commissioned by Channel
<> and is the latest in a series of web
artworks by Thomson & Craighead <>

Sound Off Programme has been organised by Site in association with Channel
/ Artec, London as part of the Cached series of artists events.

More info from:

Site Gallery MAP
Sheffield, UK

t:  +44 (0)114 281 2077
f:  +44 (0)281 2078

Apologies if you have received this posting more than once

channel . commissions . residencies . network projects . information .
debate . webcasts . channel

David Sinden . Artec / Channel
Tel: +44 (0)171 477 2775 . Fax: +44 (0)171 477 2813 . Email:
Channel Web:

An archive of Cached talks at the ICA and information about events at Site,
Sheffield and Watershed, Bristol

Audio Channel 1 is a new sound space and resource for the web including:
experimental audio interfaces; unconventional musical histories; new sound
works; archives of innovative
audio work from diverse areas of musical production.
Audio Channel 1 requires Quicktime 3 plugin.

channel . commissions . residencies . network projects . information .
debate . webcasts . channel

   ................................................................... 16

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:05:22 +0200
From: Station Rose <>
Subject: STR-Webcast Active Weekend during Art Frankfurt

Station Rose/STReaming Art  &_____ LIVE-WEBCASTING @ the club _____

--> attention new schedule this week!
XL-Webcasts LIVE at

Dear Gunafa Netizens,

this is the new Station Rose WEBCAST_Newsletter 4.99

TOPIC: Webcasts No.39-40 :
webcasting LIVE audio & video in realtime-20sec.
Station Rose live saturday/sunday:
STR_Webcasts, Installation, Performance at ROTARI club during art fair

1) mise en scene of an electronic fireplace in the club & in cyberspace.
Your hosts: Elisa Rose (visuals, chairWoman), Gary Danner (sounds), Rotari
join us @ the club: April 24th, 10pm - 2am CET

LIVE at Rotari, Berlinerstrasse 50-52 Offenbach.

2) media-installation & exhibition
of brandnew art production.
distillates from  STR¥s Digital Archive:
Neon Shop Window Displays, Print Outs in Sign-Posts, Videos, SoundLoopz & more

-->take a look at the exhibition online:
die kuenstler sind anwesend.

LIVE at Rotari, Berlinerstrasse 50-52 Offenbach.
April 25th, 2pm - 7pm CET

The Installation is part of  RUNDGANG 99  (Ausstellungsraeume in Frankfurt
& Offenbach)

STR is the 1st webcasting station in Frankfurt.
important: as the sessions are realtime multimedia art, they will not be

Dislocation is Cool.
Cyberspace is our land!
 Gunafa !

STATION ROSE hypermedia (Elisa Rose & Gary Danner)
*"1st decade" (1988-98) - Das BUCH. edition selene. ISBN: 3-85266-082-3
* Frankfurt Community <>
* homepage <>

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