Erick Iriarte on Wed, 27 Mar 2002 00:03:02 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-lat] Proyecto GIC: Group of Internationalization of Cyberspace

De mi mayor consideracion:


Podran encontrar la informacion del proyecto que James Graham ha comenzado 
sobre un Grupo para la Internacionalizacion del Cyberespacio, en aras de 
plantear la Internacionalización del Cyberespacio como solución en temas de 
Jurisdicción y Legislación aplicables.

La información conceptual, asi como documentos y otros de este proyecto se 
encuentran en la dirección indicada.

Este es uno de los proyectos que se estan poniendo en practica, surgidos en 
el seno de la Comunidad Alfa-Redi.

Con el ruego de que puedan difundir esta informacion.


Erick Iriarte Ahon
Comunidad Alfa-Redi

History of Group of Internationalization of Cyberspace

Dear Internet user,

The present initiative aims to resolve most of the actual legal problems 
that are discussed on national and international level. Internet being 
transnational by its nature, regulators do accord that there is a real need 
for some international legislation. However, their will of protection of 
sovereignty does not permit today to find a global solution. Although, some 
treaties have been achieved (e.g. the Cybercrime Treaty of the European 
Council) or will be achieved (e.g. the Jurisdiction Convention of the 
Conference of the Hague), no international organization does treat Internet 
and its issues as a whole. Beneath specific topics like e-signatures or 
cybercrimes, there are other issues like the digital divide and the respect 
of fundamental freedoms.

Most of the Internet users do consider themselves as belonging to a global 
community and do consider that Internet is mere than just some 
telecommunication network; in their view they do consider Internet as a 
space - Cyberspace.

We do have already in practice a regime that functions well: the status of 
the High Sea with its 1982 Montego Bay Convention and its established 
Authority. Such a mechanism fits well to Cyberspace: on one hand States' 
sovereignty is well-kept; on the other hand, Cyberspace will remain free 
and will be regulated by consensus of the International Community. However, 
on the contrary to the Montego Bay system, Cyberspace's Authority should 
also include, beneath State representation, representatives of the Internet 

A first step has been made in this direction with the establishment of 
ICANN. However, for one part, its goal is limited to DNS problems, and, for 
other part, there is no real equal representation.

The Internationalization of Cyberspace could be beneficial to all Internet 
users may they be States, organizations, merchants or individuals. That's 
why we invite you to support the present Resolution. Once adopted by the 
the First World Congress for Cyberlaw, we will look for the largest support 
possible for the resolution among the today established organizations and 
among the Internet Community as a whole. In a second step, we will direct 
the resolution to the Secretary general of the United Nations and to local 

The resolution does not aim to give answers to all questions; it does not 
correspond to a fixed program; it does not represent a mainstream ideology. 
The resolution has only for objective to initiate a debate at the highest 
level. The supporters of the following resolution are not bound by its 
content, but do express their contentment to an objective: an equal, 
non-discriminative share of a global space to the benefits of all.

In the future there might be adoption of other resolutions, which might 
slightly change in form and content, reflecting thus the echo of the 
supporter group, without, however, deviate from its initial goal.

We do count on your support through your participation of the Group for the 
Internationalization of Cyberspace (GIC).

Please express your support through mailing to with 
the mention "I do support the Resolution of Quito" and your coordinates.

If you have any comment please send a mail to: or

Discussions are welcome at (to subscribe send a 
mail to:

Sincerely yours
J.A. Graham
E. Iriarte 

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