Estrenos on Thu, 1 Jan 2004 01:22:30 +0100 (CET)
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[nettime-lat] Nueve estrenos para fin de año en!
Amig@s de, l@s invitamos a ver los estrenos de esta
La insoportable levedad del zombie
Dos zombies esperan en una parada de autobús a que llegue el que va
hacia el purgatorio.
Lo mejor para el
Mala jugada
Juan es un jugador empedernido, su pasión es escribir sus andanzas; lo
que no sabe es que sus escritos pueden llegar a convertirse en realidad
Afilando el destino
La doble vida de las marionetas
A veces los sueños pueden ser peligrosos...
Fantasia en Mini Disc
Una plaza, un chocolate y coldPLay son el marco de una fantasía que
puede dejar de serlo
Esto no es lo que parece
Sin receta
Una farmacia y un personaje...
Veneno en 4 minutos
La Pedrera Short Film Festival
Entre el 3 y el 5 de enero del 2004 La Pedrera contará con un Festival
Internacional de Cortometrajes. La iniciativa tiene como objetivos
crear un ámbito para la exhibición de cortos de nivel internacional y
desarrollar en La Pedrera un evento cultural gratuito para quienes
asistan a disfrutar del verano.
La Pedrera Short Film Festival trascenderá el entorno del Club La
Pedrera, donde se realizarán las exhibiciones, para instalarse en todo
el balneario.
Como cierre del festival se realizará una gran fiesta en el boliche
Arachanes de La Pedrera.
Se entregará un Primer Premio Kodak-Montrasi al Mejor Corto Ficción o
Animación (película virgen Kodak de 16 mm).
Mas información en
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una que recuerdes, mantener tu email, edad, y teléfono actualizado para
que podamos informarte sobre las novedades de y para que
puedas participar en futuros obsequios y promociones.
Y como siempre las secciones de Avisos Gratis, Envía tu corto, los
Estrenos, el Ranking, El Recomendado y más.
Un abrazo para tod@s
Mariano D'Ortona y el equipo de
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[nettime-lat] . | " || 30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red|rot|vert|purpura|verde|azul ||schrijft+mij || jmcs3 || " | . *rouge ** red amarillo verde verde WRITE she remaining feetaskeda --me to vezto * handsexplain remain as doing to doingso t addingi and caratried -- *to addition remainignexplain the --thattouching thei to staticcould IMG_3116.JPG writeonly o lawrite soundskinabout at additionit IMG_3116.JPG thinking the so252.JPGinitiation being *of vez asa * reduction the theIMG_3114.JPGsecond mix launiverse the * athe as *** inci -- asiniciacion the sounddel -- IMG_3117.JPGuniverso down lasegundoperson with la * second at she athesome reduction *s -- the tsilence t at some 257.JPGsome * questionpoint creacion IMG_3116.JPGtodo * someil down IMG_3115.JPGcontinente 252.JPG the la 256.JPGcreacionfigura * at la * *cara the some veron, adding humanmale, *soman male, this as silence dathe the triedthird 253.JPG the a theIMG_3111.JPGmix -- 255.JPG up remaining *to * 252.JPGcounting *IMG_3115.JPG cada that athevez down as down skim worldto at256.JPGthinking * 255.JPG down counting sto feet skinthe thirdtodothinking 258.JPG figura with addition lasound it oas 252.JPGtoa remain onlycertainty initiation she da da on reai and *remaining to *the * aqui * to remainign * could remaining upaskedthe so il remaining the worldthis the * remain -- *remaining ** lathe and thequestion mix me IMG_3110.JPG * write--the male,251.JPG explain inci IMG_3111.JPG remain adding-- laIMG_3114.JPG252.JPG remaining so IMG_3112.JPG as to-- on it253.JPGcontinente -- IMG_3113.JPG * *-- -- del254.JPG question silenceIMG_3114.JPG 254.JPG the-- cada doing255.JPG counting universoIMG_3115.JPG sound sound-- * --256.JPG *** -- IMG_3116.JPG heuthird-- * the257.JPG explain multi IMG_3117.JPG IMG_3113.JPG257.JPG-- * a258.JPG skim * IMG_3118.JPG male, inci-- * and259.JPGs il remain man as remaining * *the remaining seconddeletionabout this the could explainsubstitution the at as thinkingthesilence sound qui the remainign IMG_3116.JPGaddition at * *second shemulti * as* remaining addition* * explain * 257.JPG a*adding she* reduction the* 254.JPG la* tried feet* doing initiation* to t** -- touching* IMG_3112.JPG ** about -- * * ** o feet* incidel *** remain --* 255.JPG la ** IMG_3118.JPG at* athe 258.JPG* toa* 258.JPG reduction* inci being skin IMG_3115.JPG 259.JPG skimcould IMG_3117.JPG reduction -- at absolution * skin a touchingaperson the la a person IMG_3113.JPGheu inci some a the delhuman *aboutbeing qui the with the universehands -- IMG_3111.JPGand *ifeet the to on it *the it 258.JPGworld on the touching -- onadding could with to remain remainingthe * manto a figura towrite thew -- 259.JPG the IMG_3118.JPG qui o skin the to ***IMG_3111.JPGthe second worldworld silence the static * to lasegundo silencecreacion ** IMG_3114.JPG remaining IMG_3117.JPGathe as third remainignsilence * the| rouge || jmcs3 || schreibt+mir || " | .|------| red | amarillo|------| verde |------| verde . | " ||30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red | rot| vert | purpura| verde | ------| azul || jmcs3 ||m+ecrit || " | .
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[nettime-lat] Infomama ? NO TENGAN MIEDO dice Dick El Demasiado
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[nettime-lat] . | " || 30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red|rot|vert|purpura|verde|azul ||schrijft+mij || jmcs3 || " | . *rouge ** red amarillo verde verde WRITE she remaining feetaskeda --me to vezto * handsexplain remain as doing to doingso t addingi and caratried -- *to addition remainignexplain the --thattouching thei to staticcould IMG_3116.JPG writeonly o lawrite soundskinabout at additionit IMG_3116.JPG thinking the so252.JPGinitiation being *of vez asa * reduction the theIMG_3114.JPGsecond mix launiverse the * athe as *** inci -- asiniciacion the sounddel -- IMG_3117.JPGuniverso down lasegundoperson with la * second at she athesome reduction *s -- the tsilence t at some 257.JPGsome * questionpoint creacion IMG_3116.JPGtodo * someil down IMG_3115.JPGcontinente 252.JPG the la 256.JPGcreacionfigura * at la * *cara the some veron, adding humanmale, *soman male, this as silence dathe the triedthird 253.JPG the a theIMG_3111.JPGmix -- 255.JPG up remaining *to * 252.JPGcounting *IMG_3115.JPG cada that athevez down as down skim worldto at256.JPGthinking * 255.JPG down counting sto feet skinthe thirdtodothinking 258.JPG figura with addition lasound it oas 252.JPGtoa remain onlycertainty initiation she da da on reai and *remaining to *the * aqui * to remainign * could remaining upaskedthe so il remaining the worldthis the * remain -- *remaining ** lathe and thequestion mix me IMG_3110.JPG * write--the male,251.JPG explain inci IMG_3111.JPG remain adding-- laIMG_3114.JPG252.JPG remaining so IMG_3112.JPG as to-- on it253.JPGcontinente -- IMG_3113.JPG * *-- -- del254.JPG question silenceIMG_3114.JPG 254.JPG the-- cada doing255.JPG counting universoIMG_3115.JPG sound sound-- * --256.JPG *** -- IMG_3116.JPG heuthird-- * the257.JPG explain multi IMG_3117.JPG IMG_3113.JPG257.JPG-- * a258.JPG skim * IMG_3118.JPG male, inci-- * and259.JPGs il remain man as remaining * *the remaining seconddeletionabout this the could explainsubstitution the at as thinkingthesilence sound qui the remainign IMG_3116.JPGaddition at * *second shemulti * as* remaining addition* * explain * 257.JPG a*adding she* reduction the* 254.JPG la* tried feet* doing initiation* to t** -- touching* IMG_3112.JPG ** about -- * * ** o feet* incidel *** remain --* 255.JPG la ** IMG_3118.JPG at* athe 258.JPG* toa* 258.JPG reduction* inci being skin IMG_3115.JPG 259.JPG skimcould IMG_3117.JPG reduction -- at absolution * skin a touchingaperson the la a person IMG_3113.JPGheu inci some a the delhuman *aboutbeing qui the with the universehands -- IMG_3111.JPGand *ifeet the to on it *the it 258.JPGworld on the touching -- onadding could with to remain remainingthe * manto a figura towrite thew -- 259.JPG the IMG_3118.JPG qui o skin the to ***IMG_3111.JPGthe second worldworld silence the static * to lasegundo silencecreacion ** IMG_3114.JPG remaining IMG_3117.JPGathe as third remainignsilence * the| rouge || jmcs3 || schreibt+mir || " | .|------| red | amarillo|------| verde |------| verde . | " ||30-12-2003-12:06 |-| red | rot| vert | purpura| verde | ------| azul || jmcs3 ||m+ecrit || " | .
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[nettime-lat] Infomama ? NO TENGAN MIEDO dice Dick El Demasiado
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