Kees on Mon, 1 Oct 2001 17:27:52 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] IMPAKT-festval met KINO-mobiel

Beste Lezers,

Van 2 tot en met 7 oktober vindt in het Centraal Museum van
Utrecht het IMPAKT festival plaats. Voor een overzicht van het
volledige programma verwijs ik u naar:

Andre Noorda en Kees Brienen verzorgen een deel van het IMPAKT-
programma van korte films in de open lucht vanuit het KINO-mobiel,
een mobiele projectiecabine die u zult aantreffen in de tuin van het
CM. Elke dag, behalve zondag, vertonen we om 20.00 uur een
programma liefst met zoveel mogelijk makers erbij:

2 oktober 20.00 uur: GRAND IMPAKT & KINO-MOBIEL

Een programma met een combinatie van onmogelijke
mogelijkheden van 50 jaar televisiebeelden tot en met Rockers ‘the
movie’ in klanken en beelden. (Dit programma valt buiten het
officiële IMPAKT-programma.)

3 oktober 20.00 uur: WILDLIFE & SCENERY

The borders between nature and culture are blurring: pure virgin
nature is becoming ever more rare. Our forests and oceans have
turned into clearly delimited and carefully planned free-time
destinations. The contemporary phenomenon of "nature," as well
as the way we deal with it, form an interesting starting point for
many artists. On one hand is the urge to penetrate this fascinating
world of flora and fauna, while on the other many artists react to
how people deal with nature. Is nature used, misused, or used up?
Are our forests a way of getting in touch with ourselves, or are they
instead fake decoration that we no longer know how to deal with?

- eden capwel, Pedro (France 2001, video, 1min)
- Het Pad, SUKK (Su Tomesen and Janneke Küpfer)(The
	Netherlands 2001, video, 3min)
- Deer mouse, Sam Easterson (USA 2000, video, 1min)
- hills & valleys, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- For the birds, Keith Sanborn (USA 2000, video, 8min)
- Animal, Vegetable, Video: Oasis, Sam Easterson (USA 	2000,
	video, 11min)
- Effigy - specimens 4 to 12, Sheri Wills (USA 2000, video, 3min)
- Investigation of the Emerged Part of the Undermoon World,
	Mathilde Rosier (France/The Netherlands 2001, video, 30min)
- Go (down) Mary, Börries Müller-Büsching (Germany 2000, video,

4 oktober 20.00uur: CLASH OR JAM

Music videos and videos about music: a varied compilation of short
productions in which pop music and the interaction between sound
and image are the focal point, from likeable do-it-yourself products
to complex, processed computer videos. Some works are about
the pure relationship between music and image, in which each
strengthens and supplements the other. Other videos are short
statements that comment upon lyrics, certain lifestyles and
childhood memories.

- Viv Gunzie, David Haines (The Netherlands 2000, video, 7min)
- God Save the Queen, Vedova Mazzei (Italy 1998, video, 5min)
- Advice, Tony Cokes (USA 1999, video, 7min)
- another tribute to the sex pistols, Pedro (France 2001, video,
- Comunista, Jim Finn (USA 2001, video, 3:30 min)
- Female Clouds, Ivan Civic (Germany 2000, video, 4min)
- bumble bee, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- Most Beautiful Girl, Jinhan Ko (Canada 1999, video, 2min)
- Recruitment Video, Ann Course and Paul Clark (UK 2000, video,
- blue squirrel, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- Highway of Crime, Eliane Schott (Germany 2000, video, 2min)
- big dog, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- Endeka, D-Fuse (UK 2000, video, 3min)
- bouncing, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- Danse Macabre, Persijn Broersen (NL, 2000, video, 3min)
- twee einden, Dan Geesin (The Netherlands 2000, video, 4min)
- In My Slipstream, Angela Hanke-Wahls (Germany 2001, video,
- The Girl from Ipanema - The Chinese Version, Manfred Pollert
- Die angefahrenen Schulkinder (Germany 2001, video, 2min)

5 oktober 20.00 uur: SONIC

With the introduction of cheaper editing techniques, faster
computers, and better software, abstract film is currently
experiencing a revival. Almost everyone can make a film at home,
which leads to radical formal experiments. In this block, videos will
be presented where montage is dominant and the filmed material
has often been stripped of its representative character. As the
narrative is usually nowhere to be found, the only thing you can
hold onto here is the soundtrack: from unassuming, catchy video
clips to hermetic compositions in which painting and music
expressly seek each other out, either with or without a message.

- echo/~sh0wables, Claudia Westermann and Florian Hecker
	(Germany 2000, video, 12min)
- G.S.I.L. VI / almada, lia+@c (Austria 2001, video, 4min)
- Unterwerk, Dariusz Krzeczek (Austria 2000, video, 3min)
- Tst. 02, Bas van Koolwijk (The Netherlands 2000, video, 8min)
- Miliminal, Marta Ares (Argentina 1999, video, 3min)
- K.Ü.S.S.E., Ute Heuer (Germany 2000, video, 5min)
- Number, Ivan Esquivel Naito (Peru 1998, video, 4min)
- Alien Fury, Mia Makela (Spain 2001, video, 4min)
- Inner, Dante E. Luza (Peru 2000, video, 1min)
- Dat Politics, Semiconductor (UK 2000, video, 5min)
- Post everything, Rubén Gutiérrez (Mexico 2001, video, 3min)
- Tst. 04, Bas van Koolwijk (The Netherlands 2000, video, 4min)
- Black Box 2.1.009, 2.1.013, 2.1.008 and 2.1.004, magu® (M.Fitz
	& G.Krüger) (Ger, 1999, video, 6min)
- Hey, Oh no, Beat & Perv, You're pretty, I'm scared, Aida Ruilova
	(USA 1998, video, 4min)

6 oktober 20.00 uur: DAILY OPERATIONS

Daily Operations shows the wonder and absurdity of the everyday.
In these works, the world is observed up-close under a magnifying
glass. We are witnesses to a personal outpouring, and find
ourselves amazed by unexpected absurdity in familiar situations. In
the process, the artists often direct themselves towards the
audience. From video diaries, via a surreal ride in a tram, to the
beauty of the imperfect and melting chairs in the garden.

- Eine Kurzstrecke (A Short Ride), Jeroen Kooijmans (The
	Netherlands 2000, video, 3min)
- Gezocht, Pia Wergius (The Netherlands 2000, video, 5min)
- Sad Disco Fantasia, Steve Reinke (USA 2001, video, 24min)
- Message To My Best Friend, Alan Currall (UK 2000, video, 4min)
- Amsterdam Camera Vacation, Steve Reinke (USA 2001, video,
- Voorbereidingen tot luisteren: Een relatie tussen overzichten en
	overalls, Guido Rainier van Troost (NL, 2000, video, 1min)
- Voorbereidingen tot luisteren: een poging het hoofd los te
	koppelen, Guido Rainier van Troost (NL,  2000, video, 1min)
- Voorbereidingen tot luisteren: opwaartse val, Guido Rainier van
	Troost (NL, 2000, video, 1min)
- light my fire, Pedro (France 2001, video, 1min)
- 16 Minutes Lost, Phyllis Baldino (USA 2000, video, 16min)
- Experience, Stephanie Hamaide (Belgium 1999, video, 2min)
- Being Fucked Up, Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby
	(Canada 2000, video, 11min)
- Zondagmiddag, Helmut Dick and Ruben Bellinkx (The
	Netherlands 2001, video, 3min)
- The Lawn, John Schmit (USA 1999, video, 1min)

Wij hopen dat u even enthousiast bent als ons, en het wordt
vanzelf schitterend mooi weer.

Met vriendelijke groeten van Andre Noorda & Kees Brienen.

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