Stichting Outline on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 14:34:56 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] A river runs through

Hello all,
Please read and react. Hope all is good with You and I'll be in touch.
Please pass this on to all your friends, we're at the half-way mark!!!

In the Valle de San Felix, the purest water in Chile runs from 2 rivers,
fed by 2 glaciers. Indigenous farmers use the water, there is no
unemployment and they provide the second largest source of income for the

Under the glaciers has been found a huge deposit of gold, silver and other
minerals. To get at these, it would be necessary to break, to destroy the
glaciers - something never conceived of in the history of the world - and
to make 2 huge holes, each as big as a whole mountain,one for extraction
one for the mine's rubbish tip.

The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company is called Barrick Gold.

The operation is planned by a multi-national company, one of whose members
is George Bush Senior. The Chilean Government has approved the project to
start this year, 2006. The only reason it hasn't started yet is because the
farmers have got a temporary stay of execution.

If they destroy the glaciers, they will not just destroy the source of
specially pure water, but they will permanently contaminate the 2 rivers so
they will never again be fit for human or animal consumption because of the
use of cyanide and sulphuric acid in the extraction process.

Every last gramme of gold will go abroad to the multinational company and
not one will be left with the people whose land it is. They will only be
left with the poisoned water and the resulting illnesses. The farmers have
been fighting a long time for their land, but have been forbidden to make a
TV appeal by a ban from the Ministry of the Interior.

Their only hope now of putting brakes on this project is to get help from
international justice. The world must know what is happening in Chile. The
only place to start changing the world is from here.

We ask you to circulate this message amongst your friends in the following
way. Please copy this text, paste it into a new email adding your signature
and send it to everyone in your address book. Please will the 100th person
to receive and sign the petition send it to
<mailto:>  to be forwarded to the Chilean

No to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera on the
Chilean-Argentine frontier.

We ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the Pascua Lama project to
protect the whole of 3 glaciers, the purity of the water of the San Felix
Valley and El Transito, the quality of the agricultural land of the region
of Atacama, the quality of life of the Diaguita people and of the whole
population of the region.

Signature, City, Country

1) Katharine Proudfoot, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

2) Laura Cole, London, UK

3) David Platt, London, UK

4) Diane Platt, Manchester, UK

5) Tanya Corker, Manchester, UK

6) Claire Colvine, Liverpool, UK.

7) Charles Williams, Liverpool, UK

8) Mary Williams, Manchester, UK

9)Sarah Wettenhall, Melbourne, Australia

10] Mary Moore, Healesville, Australia

11) Jocelyn Harvey, Madrid, Spain

12) Michelle Campbell, Vancouver, Canada

13) Lynn Irving, Westport, NZ

14) Glenn Irving, Westport, NZ

15) Kate Dermer, Raglan, NZ

16) Joanna McKay, Raglan, NZ

17). Anna Bartlett, palma, spain.

18) Hamish Moeller, Taupo, NZ !

19) andreas eggmann, chamonix, france

20)jackie ke eble, Mount Maunganui, NZ.

21)Simon Fritchley, Mount Maunganui, NZ.

22)Abi Cross, Plymouth, UK

23) Kirsteen Ruffell, London UK

24) Julian Drummond, Isle of Wight, UK

25) Serena Gower-Johnson, Isle of Wight, UK

26) Angela Gower-Johnson, Isle of Wight, UK

27)  Jesuriel Senechal, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA

28)  Alexander Phelps, Miami Beach, FL, USA

29) Jana Soukup-Razga, Mt.Elphinstone, BC, CANADA

30) Kristina Keaveney, Sechelt , BC, CANADA

31)  Albert S. Genette, Seattle, Washington, USA

32) Dan Covan NYC  U.S.

33)Tina Nance,Sydney,Australia

34) Louise Aboud, Sydney, Australia

35 Helen Mendels Sydney Australia

36. Debrah Algar Sydney Australia

37. Della Goswell Sydney Australia

38. Chris Miller Blue Mountains Australia

39. Kellie Walsh, Blue Mountains, Australia

40. Barbara Hoffman, Sydney, Australia

41. Peter Roins, London, England

42. Anna Roins-Fisher, Sydney, AUSTRALIA

43. Louka Miller-Momberg, Sydney, AUSTRALIA

44. Caroline McNeill, Sydney, Australia

45. Dan and Row Clarke, Australia

46. Barbara Lembo and Matthew Lynch, Dublin, Ireland
47. Elaine Hall and Sharyn Hodel - AUSTRALIA

48. Thais Hardman, Victoria, Australia

49. John Saunders, Victoria, Australia.

50. Yasmin Nurmohamed-Callaghan, VIC. Australia

51. Robin Pera, Netherlands

52. Paul Veld, Amsterdam , Netherlands

53. Tom van Heel, Amsterdam , The Netherlands

54. Dirk Jan Jager, The Netherlands

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