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[Nettime-nl] World of Nearness 2: Rietveld Academie: March 14 |
From: Gabriƫlle Schleijpen <> Date: 12 March 2007 1:58:02 PM To: Subject: World of Nearness 2: Rietveld Academie: March 14
STUDIUM GENERALE Rietveld Academie Fred Roeskestraat 96 Amsterdam
Lecture program Spring 2007 World of Nearness 2
Every Wednesday Studium Generale presents six lectures on postcoloniality and global practices; One in Dutch, five in English. The complete program is available at Entrance free
PLUS Filmprogramme The Beamclub at 13.30 pm (scroll for programme)
PLUS Seminars exclusively for students Eerste (First) VAKJAAR : 13.30 pm
Wednesday March 14:
Serie: DEALEN MET DE WAARHEID (NL) Where: Ovidiuslounge - 218, Rietveld Academie Moderator: Aaf van Essen
Race, religion and diversity in Dutch history
Dienke Hondius
Serie: DUTCH CONSCIENCE (ENG) Where: Baudelairesuite - 306, Rietveld Academie Moderator: Rebecca Sakoun
3 ALAIN BADIOU The true is always new Domeniek Hoens Serie: VIOLENCE & THEORY (ENG) Where: Benjaminzaal - K29 (new building), Rietveld Academie Moderator: Martine Neddam
Contemporary art exhibitions as 'exploratory' operations
Kitty Zijlmans
Serie: THE HYBRID MUSE & THE SO CALLED AUTONOMY OF THE ARTS (ENG) Where: Musopia - 104, , Rietveld Academie Moderator: Delphine Bedel
Serie: ARMENIA & AZERBAIJAN - THINGS HAPPEN IN LIMINAL ZONES (ENG) Where: Stoomcabine: K18 (new building), Rietveld Academie Moderator : Jeron Halewijn
6 ALIEN PERCEPTION Jasper van de Brink
Where: Buitenlust:
Seminars are hosted in the Library of the Public Space With A Roof.
The Library is part of the ongoing project " Beauty Unrealized: spider webs of personal universes seeking a form" dedicated to the investigation of beauty and the status of objects(
Lecture in De Peper ( Organic Cultural Kitchen) opposite PSWAR but in the same building.
Location: Public Space With a Roof, Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam.
Moderator: Jorinde Seijdel
Previous to the lectures THE BEAMCLUB presents :
Ashik Kerib (aka Ashug-Karibi): by Sergei Paradjanov 1988 - 75 min. & The Color Of Pomegranates 1969 Short Clip from Sergei Paradjanov's 'Sayat Nova'
In recounting Lermontov's fable a wandering minstrel Ashik Kerib falls in love with a rich merchant's daughter, but is spurned by her father and forced to roam the world for a thousand and one nights - but not before he's got the daughter to promise not to marry till his return. It's told in typical Paradjanov style, in a series of visually ravishing 'tableaux vivants' and are combined with intertitles, images of early Russian artwork overlaid with Turkish and Azerbaijani folksongs as well as other European musicial motifs.
" The Color of the Pomegranate", is a biography of the Armenian troubadour Sayat Nova (King of Song) reveals the poet's life more through his poetry than a conventional narration of important events in Sayat Nova's life. We see the poet grow up, fall in love, enter a monastery and die, but these incidents are depicted in the context of what are images from Sergei Parajanov's imagination and Sayat Nova's poems, poems that are seen and rarely heard. Sofiko Chiaureli plays 6 roles, both male and female, and Sergei Parajanov writes, directs, edits, choreographs, works on costumes, design and decor and virtually every aspect using very little dialogue.
His baroque masterpiece, "Sayat Nova", was banned in Russia in 1968 for its religious sentiment and nonconformity to "Socialist realism"; and in 1969 it was re-edited/censored and renamed, The Color Of Pomegranates. After years of intrigue and suspicion, Parajanov was arrested in Kiev on 17 December 1973 and was convicted on a number of trumped up charges, the charges were given as "business with art objects, leaning towards homosexuality, incitement to suicide, and black-marketing" and sentenced to five years of hard labor in the Gulag. A wave of protest from the international film community led to his release in 1978. On 11 February 1982, he was arrested again by the KGB,"for bribing a public official" to help a nephew gain entrance to the university, and detained in the Voroshilovgrad prison until November 1982. After 15 years on a blacklist, Parajanov received the support of Eduard Shevarnadze, First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party, to make the feature The Legend of Suram Fortress(1985), co-directed by actor Dodo Abakhidze, and the documentary Arabesques on the Theme Pirosmani (1986) at the Gruziafilm Studio in Tbilisi. His last film, Ashik Kerib (1988), a Georgian-Armenian-Azerbaijan co-production, received limited release. Sergei Parajanov died in July 1990 at the age of 66.
Studium Generale invited American filmmaker Tina Bastaijan to screen her personal selection of films and documentaries related to World of Nearness.
Location: K29 at the Rietveld Academie Entrance free. When: 1.30 pm ( half 2) SHARP!
More information:
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