pare [dse] on Tue, 18 May 2010 09:14:10 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] Invitation Upgrade! Eindhoven 27 May Jodi + Van der Cruijsen

Invitation Upgrade! Eindhoven 27 May

Thursday 27 May, 20:00 pm – 22:30 pm
(doors open 19:30)

Temporary Art Centre
Eindhoven The Netherlands

The next Upgrade! Eindhoven presents Jodi, interviewed by TAC Director, Walter van der Cruijsen, who will discuss their work and influences. Van der Cruijsen, an internationally renown digital art initiatives pioneer and digital artist himself, is the perfect person to contextualize Jodi’s groundbreaking artistic contributions.
Jodi is 2 internet artists, Joan Heemskerk (NL) and Dirk Paesmans  
(BE). In the mid 1990s, they established a visual language for artwork  
created specifically for the web. Their background also includes video  
and photography, which can clearly be seen in their “Screen Grab”  
period during the early 2000s. They have since progressed to software  
art and installations involving web based technologies, such as Google  
Earth combined with video game aesthetics. They are without doubt  
among the most significant artists working with the internet as their  
primary medium.
The venue is TAC, Temporary Art Centre
Vonderweg 1, 5611 BK Eindhoven
May 27,  20:00 – 22:30
Doors open 19:30, please be on time

more >>
MAD emergent art center
Eindhoven - the Netherlands
René Paré

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