Michiel de Lange on Thu, 1 Dec 2011 13:41:47 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] aankondiging: workshop & conferentie "Social Cities of Tomorrow" 14 - 17 February 2012

Beste Nettimers,

Graag wijs ik jullie op een workshop en conferentie die wij (The Mobile City, Virtueel Platform & Arcam) van 14 tot 17 februari volgend jaar organiseren in Amsterdam. Website: http://www.socialcitiesoftomorrow.nl

Op de conferentie zijn 10 slots van 10 minuten gereserveerd voor presentaties van diverse projecten die gerelateerd zijn aan ons hoofdthema. Wellicht interessant voor sommigen van jullie? Voor meer informatie hierover, zie: http://www.socialcitiesoftomorrow.nl/call

Hartelijke groet:

*Social Cities of Tomorrow*
International conference & workshop in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Conference: 17 February 2012
Preconference workshop: 14-16 February 2012

Our everyday lives are increasingly shaped by digital media technologies, from smart cards and intelligent GPS systems to social media and smartphones. How can we use digital media technologies to make our cities more social, rather than just more hi-tech?

This international conference brings together key thinkers and doers working in the fields of new media and urbanism. Keynote speakers such as Usman Haque, Natalie Jeremijenko will speak about the promises and challenges in this newly emerging and highly interdisciplinary field of urban design. The keynotes will be accompanied by presentations of âbest practicesâ from various disciplines, such as architecture, art, design, and policy.

Join us in February 2012 at Amsterdamâs Westergasfabriek to explore how urban designers, interface developers, app builders, policy makers, housing coorations, artists, scientists and others can use digital technologies to organise citizen engagement, and to contribute to our social cities of tomorrow.

Who should attend Social Cities of Tomorrow?

	â Architects and urban planners interested in the ways digital media technologies shape city life, and how this translates to urban design.
	â Housing cooperations and real estate developers interested in new ways to engage citizens in the co-creation of their living conditions.
	â Artists, designers and media creatives who make work for physical environments and the urban public sphere.
	â Policy makers and local government interested in the potential of digital media technologies for urban issues.
	â Community organisers and social innovators who want to learn more about how digital media and collaborative principles from e-culture can be used for citizen engagement.
Call for projects (17 February 2012)

The conference programme will feature around ten project presentations: urban design interventions, projects by housing corporations, media artists, citizen initiatives, technology companies, or others. If youâre interested in proposing your project for a presentation during the international conference on 17 February 2012, go to Call for Projects. The deadline for submission is 15 December 2011, 17:00 CET

Workshop (14 â 16 February 2012)

A preconference workshop will be held at ARCAM, Amsterdam for a select, interdisciplinary group of designers, programmers and digital creatives. The aim of this experimental workshop is to bring together local stakeholder organisations, and participants from various professional and national backgrounds to collaborate in real-world social design challenges. All those interested in participating should visit the Workshop section of this website.

Social Cities of Tomorrow
International conference & workshop 14 â 17 February 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

How can we use digital media technologies to make our cities more social, rather than just more hi-tech?

Social Cities of Tomorrow is organised by The Mobile City, Virtueel Platform and ARCAM.


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* Contact: Menno Grootveld (rabotnik@xs4all.nl).