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[Nettime-ro] Oberliht VERNISAJ 'PEISAJ', joi 12 aprilie 2007, ora 18:00 >>>


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expozitie internationala de arta contemporana

vernisarea expozitiei
JOI, 12 APRILIE 2007, ora 18:00
Centrul Expozitional 'Constantin Brancusi' UAP
bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfint 3, Chisinau
intrare gratuita

organizator - Asociatia Oberliht

curator - Vladimir US

Ministerul Culturii ºi Turismului al Republicii Moldova
Muzeul Naþional de Artã a Moldovei
Uniunea Artiºtilor Plastici din Republica Moldova
Liceul Republican-Internat de Arte Plastice "I. Vieru"
Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii
Clubul Literar


Stimate(a) Domn/Doamna,

va invitam sa ne onorati cu prezenta Dvs la vernisajul expozitiei
'Peisaj', care va avea loc joi, 12 aprilie 2007 in incinta Centrului
Expozitional 'Constantin Brancusi', UAP, la orele 18:00.

pentru a afla mai multe despre proiectul 'Peisaj' descarcati comunicatul
de presa:
sau vizitati pagina web:

artisti participanti:

CANDU Angela | Moldova
DAVIS John | Statele Unite ale Americii
FABIAN Tudor | Moldova
FISTICANU Ion | Moldova
GAMARÞ Andrei | Moldova
JONES Dianne | Statele Unite ale Americii
MINCHEVA Penka | Bulgaria
POPESCU Ghenadie | Moldova
SAINCIUC Licã | Moldova
STUMPF Sebastian | Germania
THOMAS Benjamin | Franþa
US Vladimir | Moldova
VERLAN Mark | Moldova

Din colecþia Muzeului Naþional de Artã a Moldovei
BAILLAYRE August, 1879 - 1962
OKUªKO Vladimir, 1862 - 1919
PETRIC Mihail, 1922 - 2005
SEVASTIANOV Dmitrie, 1908 - 1956
VIERU Igor, 1923 - 1988
ZEVIN Ada, 1918 - 2005

Din colecþii private
GRECU Mihai, 1916 - 1988
ROMANESCU Eleonora, 1926

Liceul Republican-Internat de Arte Plastice 'I. Vieru'
ARAMÃ Ion / ATAMANIUC Valerii / BADANEV Natalia / BULGARU Gheorghe / CAUª
Alesea / CLAPATIUC Alexandra / DENISIUC Mihai / GALBUR Vitalie / LITVIN
Ecaterina / MARDARI Liuba / OLENICENCO Anna / PÎSLARU Cãtãlin / POPA Nelu
/ RABEI Carolina / SAMSON Dorina / ªIBAEV Dumitru / TOFILAT Igor / VOICA

- - - - - - - - - -


international contemporary art exhibition

opening of the exhbition
THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007, 18 pm
Exhibition Centre 'Constantin Brancusi' UAP
bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfint 3, Chisinau
free entrance

organizer - Oberliht Association

curator - Vladimir US

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Moldova
National Museum of Art of Moldova
Union of Artists from Republic of Moldova
Republican Lyceum of Fine Arts ?Igor VIERU?
Embassy of the United States of America in Chiºinãu
Literary Club


Dear Sir/Madam,

it is our pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition
'Landscape' that will take place Thursday, April 12, 2007, 18 pm, at the
Exhibition Centre 'Constantin Brancusi' UAP.

for more detailes feel free to download the press release:
or go to the web page:

participating artists

CANDU Angela | Moldova
DAVIS John | United States of America
FABIAN Tudor | Moldova
FISTICANU Ion | Moldova
GAMARÞ Andrei | Moldova
JONES Dianne | United States of America
MINCHEVA Penka | Bulgaria
POPESCU Ghenadie | Moldova
SAINCIUC Licã | Moldova
STUMPF Sebastian | Germany
THOMAS Benjamin | France
US Vladimir | Moldova
VERLAN Mark | Moldova

from the collection of the National Museum of Art of Moldova
BAILLAYRE August, 1879 - 1962
OKUªKO Vladimir, 1862 - 1919
PETRIC Mihail, 1922 - 2005
SEVASTIANOV Dmitrie, 1908 - 1956
VIERU Igor, 1923 - 1988
ZEVIN Ada, 1918 - 2005

from private collections
GRECU Mihai, 1916 - 1988
ROMANESCU Eleonora, 1926

Republican Lyceum of Fine Arts ?Igor VIERU?
ARAMÃ Ion / ATAMANIUC Valerii / BADANEV Natalia / BULGARU Gheorghe / CAUª
Alesea / CLAPATIUC Alexandra / DENISIUC Mihai / GALBUR Vitalie / LITVIN
Ecaterina / MARDARI Liuba / OLENICENCO Anna / PÎSLARU Cãtãlin / POPA Nelu
/ RABEI Carolina / SAMSON Dorina / ªIBAEV Dumitru / TOFILAT Igor / VOICA

Vladimir US

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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