| f | | | | 3 on Sat, 8 Nov 2008 14:16:07 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] Petitie Buget ICR catre Guvernul Romaniei

 >decit nimic e bine si asa

Krvava gruda plodna zemlja - bloody ground fertile land.

Therefore - why not embrace this opportunity and create something  
meaningful and sustainable.

Instead of emphasizing and perpetuating dependability on a precarious  
why not address the potential of the community of artists for  
creating a self sustainable
and self governing initiative.

Additionally, one characteristic which is immediately evident over  
and over is the
feeling of entitlement and self interest pervasive in individual  
statements concerning
this matter as well as the petition - WE NEED. WE WANT. WE DESERVE.

I fail to see how this differentiates the community of artists
from the community of politicians.

While I understand the predilection for adopting a tit for tat  
strategy - If the politicians
are selfish why shouldn't we. If the Romanian society is corrupt and  
selfish, why shouldn't we.
I suggest it is precisely because of this that the artistic community  
must adopt and articulate
a long term, altruistic, self sustainable strategy, that has as its  
objectives the good
of the community in its entirety, rather than isolated units.

Why not take this opportunity and emphasize and address these  
important factors.

While it is true that socially we must adopt a policy of compromise  
and pragmatism,
the artistic community has a _responsibility_ and commitment to  
articulate the potential and sublime,
to act as guides between what is and what can be.

This is not an insurmountable task. The singular requirement is
a shift from an emphasis of _I am entitled_ to a feeling of _I am  
a shift from an emphasis on _I_ to the I's within the _We_


This forum for instance can function, not only as a medium for  
passive consumption but also meaningful creation.

Instead of passively ingesting announcements and information its  
members can actively network,
offer ideas and tangible support, conduct fundraising and research,  
operate as
a self sustainable community rather than an amalgam of individuals  
with isolated interests.

In essence, Create the world rather than Demand the world.

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