mihaela kavdanska on Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:51:28 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fw: Reminder: 10 days until the deadline for call for student films DA Fest 2011

we would like to remind you that we are approaching the deadline of DA Fest 2011 
call for films, which close on June 30th.

This year call for films is addressed to students or graduates finishing in 2011 
art or film academies or  departments from all around the world.

The complete text of the call you can see below in this message.

Best regards,

DA Fest team

Call for student films - DA Fest 2011

Deadline for submission: 30th June 2011 

DA Fest launches a call for student experimental films for its international 
screening programme.

DA Fest is international digital art festival, organised by the  National 
Academy of Art in Sofia, Bulgaria. The festival aims to present  diverse trends 
and practices in the fields of digital film&video,  sound art, net art, 
robotics, multimedia performances, installations and  other interdisciplinary 

Festival mission is to build an environment that fosters the digital and  
electronic arts in art education and to create a platform for dialogue  between 
artists, media activists, academics and students. 

The  festival programme consists of five days of performances, screenings,  
workshops, lectures, and exhibitions. More about the festival you can  see at: 

The third edition of the festival will take place from 12â16  September, 2011, 
and will present fascinating programme of events  showing various trends and 
practices in the field of digital and  electronic arts.

In the third festival edition we would like to present new trends in  students 
filmmaking, and invite for participation students from all  around the world. 
 No limit for the year of their training and specialities in which they study. 

We will consider all genres and styles, that show new voices and new  
perspectives, including experimental film and video, animation, etc.,  made by 
students or graduates finishing in 2011 art or film academies or  departments. 

Films should be up to 10 minutes in length.
Deadline for submission is 30th June 2011.

In order to apply, please to fill out the online form you can find at: 

To send us your film, choose one of the three options: 
1. upload it the online form (for file up to 50 MB)
2. give us a link where we can see your film online or download a preview
3.  send us a DVD with the film by post to the address given at the bottom  of 
the form. Please, consider the time for delivery, as we need to  receive the 
film until June 30th, 2011.

If you have any questions, write to: da_fest@nha.bg
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