Corina Lucia Apostol on Fri, 2 Sep 2011 09:24:42 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] Lansarea platformei ArtLeaks - va rugam distribuiti ! |
RO/ *ArtLeaks* este o platformÄ colectivÄ iniÅiatÄ de un grup internaÅional de artiÅti, curatori, istorici de artÄ Èi intelectuali Ãn semn de protest Ãmpotriva abuzului integritÄÅii lor profesionale Åi ÃncÄlcÄrii flagrante a drepturilor lor de lucru. Ãn comunitÄÅile artistice, aceste abuzuri rÄmÃn deseori invizibile; dar cÃteodatÄ anumite evenimente le aduc Ãn vizor foarte clar - Åi acestea meritÄ aduse Ãn atenÅia opiniei publice. Numai prin analizarea deschisÄ a cazurilor concrete de abuz putem aduce la luminÄ condiÅia precarÄ a muncitorilor culturali Åi necesitatea unui protest susÅinut Ãmpotriva ÃnsuÅirii artei angajate politic Åi a teoriilor radicale de cÄtre instituÅii legate de Putere Èi Capital. Ãn cazul nostru, am Ãnceput sÄ colaborÄm pentru a aduce la luminÄ tratamentul injust al Centrului de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ Pavilion UniCredit â Ãmpotriva artiÅtilor, angajaÅilor sau chiar vizitatorilor centrului lor din BucureÅti. Acest spaÅiu este dedicat artei Åi culturii contemporane Åi finanÅat de una dintre cele mai importante bÄnci din Europa â UniCredit. Cu toate acestea, am vÄzut cum misiunea lor de a crea un spaÅiu pentru dialog Èi gÃndire criticÄ a fost compromisÄ â prin manevrele represive ale conducerii Ãmportriva celor care le-au problematizat politicile sau le-au criticat relaÅia dubioasÄ cu sponsorul lor principal. Mai mult, considerÄm cÄ acest caz este paradigmatic pentru o situaÅie de inegalitate generalÄ; de aceea cÄutÄm sÄ oferim Èi altor membri din comunitatea internaÅionalÄ ocazia sÄ ridice probleme similare - Ãn legÄturÄ cu co-optarea activitÄÅii culturale de cÄtre sponsori corporativi Èi folosirea negativÄ a credibilitÄÅii pe care aceÈtia o dobÃndesc astfel. ConsiderÄm cÄ este inacceptabil din partea acestor aÈa-ziÈi surporteri sÄ refuze sÄ ofere condiÅii decente de lucru pentru muncitorii culturali prin manevre opresive â aceloraÈi oameni a cÄror muncÄ le face subzistenÅa posibilÄ. Ca rÄspuns la punerea pe liste negre Åi abuzuri continue Ãn conjuncÅie cu exploatarea nelimitatÄ, este datoria noastrÄ civicÄ Åi politicÄ de a aduce la luminÄ mecanismele corupÅiei Èi de a-i inspira pe alÅii sÄ facÄ la fel. Ãn loc sÄ lÄsÄm proteste singulare sÄ decadÄ Ãn anonimat, bÃrfÄ sau secretizare instituÅionalÄ, trebuie sÄ extragem din situaÅii de inegalitate condiÅii generale care afecteazÄ misiunea socialÄ Åi politicÄ a muncitorilor Åi spaÅiilor dedicate artei Åi culturii. O formÄ radicalÄ de criticÄ instituÅionalÄ este implicitÄ Ãn acest protest colectiv â subliniind nevoia urgentÄ de a contracara Èi a face vizibile orice forme de represiune, abuz, tratament indecent Èi aroganÅÄ care au devenit normalizate prin acÅiunile multor manageri culturali. Fiecare caz de abuz poate fi diferit - dar cu toate acestea puterea Èi influenÅa instituÅiilor de artÄ controlate la rÃndul lor de corporaÅii, ne Ãmping la o luptÄ colectivÄ pentru drepturi egale Åi tratament just al muncitorilor culturali. Numai ÃmpreunÄ putem aduce la luminÄ practicile bine cunoscute de defÄimare, intimidare Åi Åantaj . Vrem sÄ Ãi determinÄm pe cei care se confruntÄ cu aceleaÅi probleme sÄ se solidarizeze Ãmpotriva tratamentului indecent Ãn activitatea culturalÄ, a represinii implementate de managementul corupt Åi Ãmpotriva cenzurii. Vrem sÄ creem un sistem putenic de *artleakers *â prin care ne susÅinem reciproc Èi ne protejÄm pe cÃt se poate Ãn momentele critice. Prin puterea faptelor, a mÄrturiilor celor direct implicaÅi Åi a informaÅiilor vizuale, cÄutÄm sÄ demontÄm politicile netransparente de acces Ãn spaÅiul expoziÅional: cui, ce Åi cum Ãi este permis sÄ expunÄ Åi Ãn special circumstanÅele prin care cineva este ÃnlÄturat Åi pus pe lista neagrÄ. Credem Ãn putearea artleaking-ului susÅinut de a contracara corupÅia Åi exploatarea, forÅÃnd instituÅiile de artÄ Åi culturÄ sÄ rÄspundÄ public pentru politicile Åi acÅiunile lor. Ãn faÅa tacticilor mafiote Åi tendinÅelor autoritare, vom rÄspunde cu dialog public, indignare Åi solidaritate. Instrumentele pe care continuÄm sÄ le construim ÃmpreunÄ sunt Ãndreptate spre a da forÅa de a munci cu demnitate Åi a ne articula poziÅiile fÄrÄ obstrucÅii, de a schimba informaÅii Åi idei dincolo de graniÅele naÅionale. Am construit urmÄtoarele instrumente online - site-ul: http://art-leaks.orgÅi pagina facebook âArtLeaksâ- pe care le punem la dispoziÅia comunitÄÅii Åi care sunt gata de folosire pentru oricine vrea sÄ contribuie cu un caz legat de cele menÅionate mai sus. Fiecare caz va fi arhivat, pentru a consolida o arhivÄ comprehensivÄ a represiunii. ConsiderÄm cÄ artleaking-ul retroactiv este la fel de important ca Èi leaking-ul Ãn timpul prezent. InvitÄm muncitorii culturali sÄ publice rapoarte legate de situaÅia din instuÅii sub orice formÄ. Raporturi semnate dar Åi transmise sub anonimat sunt bine-venite. RugÄm doar sÄ prezentaÅi fiecare caz ÃmpreunÄ cu dovezi colective, cum ar fi mÄrturii ale celor direct implicaÅi Åi documente â corespondenÅÄ prin email sau scrisori, documente, poze, ÃnregistrÄri video Åi aÅa mai departe. Aceste dovezi pot fi transmise Ãn limba originalÄ â Åi vom face tot ceea ce putem pentru a le face disponibile audienÅelor internaÅionale Ãn englezÄ. Moderatorii noÅtrii vor garanta obiectivitatea fiecÄrui caz printr-o comunicare Ãn stil wiki cu fiecare contributor Ãn parte. A venit timpul sÄ rupem tÄcerea. Pentru mai multe infomatii vizitaÅi site-ul nostru: **<> ** Email de contact: ** EN/ *ArtLeaks* is collective platform initiated by an international group of artists, curators, art historians and intellectuals in response to the abuse of their professional integrity and the open infraction of their labor rights. In the art world, such abuses usually disappear, but some events bring them into sharp focus and therefore deserve public scrutiny. Only by drawing attention to concrete abuses can we underscore the precarious condition of cultural workers and the necessity for sustained protest against the appropriation of politically engaged art, culture and theory by institutions embedded in a tight mesh of capital and power. In our case, we began collaborating as a working group who wanted to publicly bring to light Pavilion UniCreditâs consistent mistreatment of artists, workers and even visitors to their center in Bucharest, Romania. This center is devoted to contemporary art and culture and financed by one of the most prominent banks in Europe â UniCredit. Yet, we saw its mission to provide a space for critical thinking and dialogue compromised â through the managementâs repressive maneuvers against those of us who problematized their politics and criticized their dubious engagement with their main sponsor. Having witnessed and experienced first-hand the exploitations perpetrated by the management, we decided it was our collective duty to openly speak against them, as well as warn those artists, curators and workers collaborating with this center. Further, we regard this case to be more than a singular instance of abuse; but seek to enable other members of the community to raise similar issues - related to corporate sponsorsâ co-opting of cultural activity and mis-use of social credibility thus gained. We consider it unacceptable on the part of these so-called benefactors to refuse decent conditions for cultural workers through oppressive measures â the same workers whose labor makes their subsistence possible. In response to blacklisting and continued abuse conjoined with unbridled exploitation, it is our civic and political duty to bring to light the mechanisms of corruption and inspire others to do so as well. Instead of letting singular protests succumb to anonymity, gossip or institutional hush-hush, we must extract from situations of inequality, general conditions that affect the social and political mission of workers and establishments for art and culture. Implicit in this collective protest is a radical form of institutional critique â emphasizing the urgent need to make visible and counteract all forms of repression, abuse, mistreatment and arrogance that have been normalized through the practices of many cultural managers. While each case of abuse may be different, the increasing amount of power vested in art institutions controlled by corporate players, calls out for a collective struggle for equal rights and fair treatment of cultural workers. We must expose common-currency practices of slander, intimidation and blackmail as they are. We seek to enable like-minded people to stand together against instances of mistreatment related to cultural labor, repression channeled through dishonest management or blatant censorship. We want to create a strong network of art systemsâ whistleblowers â through which we support and protect each other in critical moments as much as possible. Through the power of facts, first-hand testimonies and visual information we seek to deconstruct the politics of who, what and how is invited into the exhibition space, and most importantly the circumstances under which one is ousted and then blacklisted. We believe in the power of sustained artleaking to turn the tables on corruption and exploitation, to force art and culture institutions to publicly account for their politics and their actions. To mafia tactics and authoritarian tendencies, we answer with openness, angriness and solidarity. The tools that we continue to build together are geared towards empowering â to work with dignity and articulate our positions without obstruction and to exchange information and ideas beyond national borders. We initiate and provide the community with online tools which are open for use by anyone ready to share this or that case. Each case will be archived, building a comprehensive index of repression. We believe retroactive artleaking is just as important as early-warning leaking in the present. Thus, we welcome cultural workers to publish reports on the situation inside of the institution in any form. Both anonymous and signed reports are welcome. We only ask to submit each case with collective evidence, such as first-hand reports and documentation such as e-mail correspondence, internal regulations and documents, video recordings and so on. We welcome the submission of evidence in the original language and we will do our best to make it available to international audiences in English. Our moderators will guarantee the objectivity of each case in a wiki style of communication with each contributor. It is time to break the silence. For more information please visit: ** Email contact: ** _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: