Olivia Nitis on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 13:16:31 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] @aiurat/Momentum/vernisaj: joi, 14 martie, h 19.00

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Spatiul de arta contemporana Aiurart (Lirei, 21 Bucuresti), 14 martie - 30
martie 2013
Vernisaj: 14 martie, orele 19

Organizatori: Asociatia Experimental Project si Centrul de Dezvoltare
Curriculara Åi Studii de Gen: FILIA in parteneriat cu Spatiul de arta
contemporana Aiurart
Coordonatoare de proiect: Oana Baluta si Olivia Nitis
Curatoare: Olivia Nitis
Artisti: Carmen Acsinte, Matei Bejenaru, Simona Dobrescu, Mario Ionescu,
Dan Piersinaru, Renee Renard, Marilena Preda Sanc, Valeriu Schiau, Patricia

"Daca forta este mai mare decat rezistenta, miscare este ceea ce va
John Wallis, matematician englez, Mechanica sive De Motu, Tractatus
Geometricus (1670)

Completa depolitizare si accentuarea reductiva a celebrarii femeilor ca
prezente delicate, decorative si materne reprezinta o confortabila
mistificare a semnificatiilor istorice si socio-politice pe care le are sau
ar trebui sa le aiba ziua de 8 martie in constiinta colectiva. Momentum
este un proiect despre recuperarea istorica si, in egala masura, despre
schimbarea de sens pe care traditia si dinamica socio-politica si culturala
au determinat-o in timp la nivelul mentalitatilor colective.
Momentum invita la reflexie, la deconstructie si resemnificare. Momentum
inseamna recuperarea unui time frame si implicatiile simptomatice ale
acestui proces. Momentum face trimitere la un sistem inchis, dar si la
impulsul care il poate reconfigura.

RSPV facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/344296292343517/



Contemporary Art Space Aiurart (Lirei 21 Bucharest), March 14th - 30th
Opening: March 14th at 7pm

Organizers: Experimental Project Association, Center for Curricular
Development and Gender Studies: FILIA, in partnership with the Contemporary
Art Space Aiurart
Project coordinators: Oana Baluta si Olivia Nitis
Curator: Olivia Nitis
Artists: Carmen Acsinte, Matei Bejenaru, Simona Dobrescu, Mario Ionescu,
Dan Piersinaru, RenÃe Renard, Marilena Preda Sanc, Valeriu Schiau, Patricia

"If the force is greater than the resistance, motion will result"
John Wallis, an English mathematician, Mechanica sive De Motu, Tractatus
Geometricus (1670)

The full depoliticization and increased reductive celebration of women as
delicate, decorative and maternal is a comfortable mystification of
historical and socio-political significance that the 8th of March has or
should have in the collective consciousness. Momentum is a project of
historical recovery and equally about changing the meaning that tradition
and socio-political and cultural dynamics caused at the level of collective
Momentum invites to reflection, to deconstruction and redefinition.
Momentum means the recovery of a time frame and the symptomatic
implications of this process. Momentum refers to a closed system, but also
to the impulse that can reshape it.

RSPV facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/344296292343517/


Parteneri/ Partners: Crama Oprisor, Editura Vellant, Zeppelin, All Hollow,
Tataia, Sapte Seri, TVCity, Modernism, Metropotam, Avantaje, ArtClue,
ArtAct Magazine, Liternet.
Olivia Nitis 
curator&art critic
Vice-President of Experimental Project Association
e-mail: olivia_nitis@yahoo.com 
phone:+4 0747491279 
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