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[Nettime-ro] Dan Raul Pintea, artist talk @ PAVILION |
/for English please scroll down ARTIST TALK Dan Raul Pintea GÃndul e perversiune. Pentru cÄ e produsul zilei de ieri Joi, 18 aprilie 2013, 19.00 @PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac Bank Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (intrarea din str. Jean Louis Calderon) FB event: "Ãn strÃnsÄ legaturÄ cu tradiÈia, gÃndurile se muleazÄ pe culturÄ. Rezultatul este o minte cu imagisticÄ inoculatÄ, ce-Èi formeazÄ viziunea asupra lumii printr-o percepÈie coruptÄ. AÈa ajungi sÄ judeci. Eu unul mÄ confrunt periodic cu astfel de prejudecÄÈi cÃnd Ãn locurile publice aud frecvent âUite-l pe Iisusâ sau â FaceÈi loc lui Iisus sÄ treacÄâ. Èi asta doar pentru cÄ am barbÄ. Ba chiar o datÄ era sÄ iau bÄtaie Ãn plinÄ zi, cÃnd niÈte tipi m-au abordat cu un dispreÈuitor: âbÄi tu nu ai lamÄ sÄ te bÄrbiereÈti?â â Èi n-aÈ fi scÄpat dacÄ n-aveam inspiraÈia sÄ zic ca sunt preot. Dar chiar aÈa? Ei nu Ètiu cÄ mai sunt Èi filozofi, scriitori, artiÈti, hipsteri cu barbÄ? ÃncÄ de cÃnd ne naÈtem societatea ne inoculeazÄ imagini perimate, energii impersonale pe baza cÄrora ne construim universul ce are sÄ vinÄ. Deliberat sau nu, noi ni le ÃnsuÈim. Nu avem cum sÄ ne opunem influenÈei gÃndului. Pentru cÄ el este energie, iar noi apÄ. Èi cea mai bunÄ metodÄ de disimulare a gÃndului este adÄpostirea Ãntr-o gazdÄ, o specie purtÄtoare de apÄ. Ãn consecinÈÄ, gÃndurile noastre Ãntotdeauna vor fi atrase de situaÈiile care ne oferÄ echivalentul imaginii inoculate Ãn minÈile noastre. Poate Èi de aceea m-am (re)gÄsit deseori Ãn postura Ãn care sÄ relaÈionez cu diverse texte prezente Ãn imaginile motivaÈionale postate pe Facebook. N-am putut sÄ nu observ similitudinea pozelor postate dinÄuntrul conÈtiinÈei colective, aÈa cÄ am Ãnceput sÄ le colectez. AÈa am observat cÄ vedem ce vrem noi sÄ vedem, astfel ÃncÃt mintea sÄ ÃndeplineascÄ gÃndul inoculat deja. Asta ÃnseamnÄ cÄ avem un destin Ãn care suntem ÃnscriÈi, din care ne survin gÃndurile. Iar singurul lucru ce ne rÄmÃne nouÄ de fÄcut, e sÄ le acceptÄm. Nu sÄ trÄim energiile altora, disimulate Ãn visele noastre, nici sÄ devenim ceea nu suntem. Ne construim visele Ãn funcÈie de ce ÃnvÄÈÄm, vedem sau auzim de la alÈii. Nu acceptÄm cÄ atunci cÃnd nu ne iese ceva e pentru cÄ n-am fÄcut-o Ãn viitor. Ne opunem la ce vine, ce ni se aratÄ, pentru cÄ percepem totul din perspectiva altora. Nu ne ascultÄm gÃndurile Èi dÄm curs raÈiunii, ÃntrebÃndu-ne apoi de ce ne simÈim nefericiÈi cÃnd nu luÄm decizia cuvenitÄ. Asta-i nefericirea: ÃndepÄrtarea noastrÄ de viitorul deja ÃntÃmplat. Dragostea poate fi doar atunci cÃnd gÃndul stÄ Ãn loc, pentru cÄ tot ce el construieÅte se aflÄ Ãn zgomotul timpului. El trebuie sÄ fie static pentru ca dragostea sÄ poatÄ fi. Ea este Ãntotdeauna acum, iar gÃndul nu. GÃndul, fiind Ãntotdeauna vechi, nu poate atinge niciodatÄ dragostea, care e de fiecare datÄ nouÄ." (Dan Raul Pintea) Dan Raul Pintea s-a nÄscut la Sibiu Ãn 1981. Ãn 2004 a absolvit Facultatea de Arte Plastice, departamentul de GraficÄ al UniversitÄÅii de Arte Åi Design, Cluj Napoca, unde Èi-a susÈinut Åi masteratul Ãn 2006. A lucrat un an Ãn cadrul UniversitÄÅii ca Åi tehnician serigraf, dar vÄzÃnd cÄ nu-Åi poate dezvolta propriile proiecte s-a intors Ãn Sibiu, pentru a-Åi putea prioritiza gÃndurile. Devenind conÅtient de puterea lor, a devenit interesat sÄ le exprime prin mijloace vizuale cÃt mai directe Åi eficiente. Per ansamblu abordÄrile sale artistice sunt mai degrabÄ atipice, dar Ãn acelaÅi timp reflectÄ situaÅia inoculÄrii Ãn culturÄ Åi societate. ÃncepÃnd cu 2007 a expus Ãn galerii precum Ivan Gallery (RO), Galeria 26 (RO), Anca Poterasu Gallery (RO), Victoria Art Center (RO), Sala Dalles (RO), Trypthycon (GER), Visual Kontakt (GER), Program Gallery (POL). Ãn prezent este reprezentat de Anca Potersau Gallery, alÄturi de care â Ãn 2011 a participat la Preview Art Fair din Berlin. Dan Raul Pintea este participant Ãn expoziÈia "Common Nostalgia", curatororiatÄ de Eugen RÄdescu. Imagine: printscreen din âShiny Fay Of Sorrowâ Volkova Sisters (music video) --- ARTIST TALK Dan Raul Pintea Thought is perversion. For it is a product of yesterday Thursday, 18 April 2013, 19.00 @PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac Bank Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (Entrance from str. Jean Louis Calderon) FB event: "Bounded by tradition, thoughts follow culture. The product is a mind with inoculated imagery that shapes our world through corrupted perception. And thatâs how you start to judge. I, for instance, confront with such biases often when in public places I hear: âLook. Itâs Jesusâ or âMake way for Jesus to passâ. And all this, only because I have a beard. I even got almost beaten by some guys on daylight. Visibly scornful, they asked me: âHey, donât you have a shaving blade?â Luckily for me, I was inspired to say that I donât need it because Iâm a priest. I mean come onâ donât they know that also philosophers, writers, artists or hipsters grow beards? Since we are born society assail us with obsolete images, with impersonal energies upon which we build the universe to come. Deliberately or not, we take them. We canât resist their influence. Because the thought is energy and we are water. And the best way for a thought to dissimulate is to host in water-bearing species. Accordingly, our thoughts will always be drawn to situations in which we seek for the equivalent image inoculated in our heads. Maybe thatâs why I found myself in the position of coping with different motivational images posted by friends on Facebook. I couldnât help noticing the similitudes of the pictures within the collective conscious so I started to collect them. This is how I observed that we see what we want to see, so mind can achieve the thought already inoculated. This means that we have a destiny to fulfil, future thoughts to accept. Thatâs the only purpose. Not to live somebodyâs energies, their inoculated dreams, to become something we are not. By doing so, we dissimulate life. We build our dreams upon what we learn, see or hear from others. Ignoring ourselves and following reason, we feel miserable. And then we wonder why we feel this way. Define misery: not accomplishing what we already accomplished. Love can only be when thought is still and this stillness can never be touched by thought. Because everything put together by thought is within the area of noise, so it can in no way make itself stillâ thought itself must be still for silence to be. Silence is always now as thought is not. Thought, always being old, cannot possibly enter into that silence which is always new." (Dan Raul Pintea) Dan Raul Pintea was born on August 3, 1981, in Romania. He studied Fine Arts at the University of Arts and Design in Cluj Napoca (RO), where he also got his MA in 2006. He worked there for a year as an Silskscreen Tehnician, but seeing that he cannot develop his own projects he returned to Sibiu, to prioritize his thoughts. Aware of their power he quickly become interested in expressing them through direct, efficient, visual tools. His work and overall approach to art is rather untypical but at the same time they reflect inoculation situations in culture and society. Since 2007 he exhibited at Ivan Gallery (RO), 26 Gallery (RO), Anca Poterasu Gallery (RO), Victoria Art Centre (RO), Sala Dalles (RO), Trypthycon (DE), Visual Kontakt (DE), Program Gallery (PL). Now he is represented by Anca Potersu Gallery, whom he participated with at Preview Art Fair from Berlin, in 2011. Dan Raul Pintea is a participant in the current exhibiton at Pavilion, "Common Nostalgia", curated by Eugen RÄdescu. Image: printscreen from âShiny Fay Of Sorrowâ Volkova Sisters (music video) --- PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 36 (crossing with Str. Jean Louis Calderon), Bucharest 020015, Romania T: + 4 021 310 5469 E: Facebook: --- PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale. PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions. --- This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture. --- PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION CENTER are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu --- Institutional Partners: Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest Embassy of the United States in Bucharest FSPUB - Faculty of Political Science University of Bucharest CNI Coresi IASPIS Alert Studio Romanian Cultural Institute Rumanska Kulturinstitutet Stockholm Make A Point BAM - Flamish Institute for Visual, Audiovisual and Media Art Nana - natural food Cinema Union Arhiva Nationala de Filme White Night of the Galleries Media Partners: RomaniaTV Radio Romania Cultural RFI Romania BeWhere Zeppelin Vice tabu Alternativ Arte & Meserii Metropotam Ginger Group 24-Fun Modernism Hipmag Tilllate ArtClue ArtAct Urban Things Romania Afterall Radical Philosophy Springerin Cabinet Mute Open Official Hotel: Intercontinental Hotel Official coffee: Illy Printing Partner: Evergreen Concept Production Partner: Update Advertising Official Club: Control Official Restaurant: Shift _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: