Irina Radu on Mon, 8 Jul 2013 10:09:23 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Vernisaj Oana Ionel - The Dreammachine, miercuri 10 iulie, ora 19.00

Oana Ionel - Masina de vise / The Dreammachine

10 iulie - 3 august 2013, Spatiul de arta contemporana Aiurart/ 16th of
July – 3rd of August, Aiurart Contemporary Art Space.

Curatoare/Curator: Olivia Nitis.

Vernisaj/ Opening: miercuri, 10 iulie, ora 19.00, @Aiurart (Bucuresti,
Lirei 21)/ Wednesday, 10th of July, at 19.00h, @Aiurart (Bucharest, Lirei

*for English please scroll down

"Am avut o furtuna transcendentala de viziuni de culoare in autobuzul spre
Marsilia. Alergam printr-o lunga sosea de copaci si mi-am inchis ochii
catre soarele ce apunea. Un val coplesitor de culori intens aprinse mi-a
explodat dincolo de ploape: un caleidoscop multidimensional invartindu-se
prin spatiu. Am fost sustras timpului. Ma aflam intr-o lume infinita.
Viziunea s-a oprit brusc odata ce am depasit copacii. A fost o viziune? Ce
mi s-a intamplat?” (Fragment din jurnalul lui Brion Gysin, 21 decembrie

Masina de vise a fost descrisa ca primul obiect de arta care trebuie vazut
cu ochii inchisi. Pulsatiile de lumina stimuleaza nervul optic si altereaza
oscilatiile electrice ale creierului. Sub influenta cartii lui William Grey
Walter, The Living Brain, impreuna cu Ian Sommerville, Brion Gysin a
construit The Dreammachine in 1961, un obiect cilindric cu fante a carui
viteza de rotatie permite luminii interioare sa se propage la o frecventa
constanta intre 8 si 13 pulsatii pe secunda. Aceasta frecventa corespunde
undelor alfa, oscilatiile electrice ale creierului in timpul relaxarii.

The Dreammachine este o instalatie de lumina, sunet si video, in care
artista apropriaza obiectul experimental din anii 1960 pentru a explora
dimensiunile psihice si teoretice ale privirii, de la constientizarea
imaginii privite, ca realitate estetica, pana la internalizarea imaginii ca
element pur senzitiv. Oana Ionel reconstruieste si recontextualizeaza un
traseu senzorial care pune in dificultate actul privirii aflat la granita
dintre relaxare si discomfort hipnotic. Aspectul aparent stiintific al
povestii din jurul Masinii de vise regreseaza catre un science fiction
fixat pe experienta vizuala imateriala, interioara, o traire psihedelica
lirico-tehnologica specifica avangardei tarzii. O astfel de propunere
intr-o lume contemporana in care adictia suporta un alt tip de reprezentare
are efectul unui obiect vintage.


 “Had a transcendental storm of colour visions today in the bus going to
Marseilles. We ran through a long avenue of trees and I closed my eyes
against the setting sun. An overwhelming flood of intensely bright colors
exploded behind my eyelids: a multidimensional kaleidoscope whirling out
through space. I was swept out of time. I was out in a world of infinite
number. The vision stopped abruptly as we left the trees. Was that a
vision? What happened to me?" (Extract from the diary of Brion Gysin,
December 21, 1958).

The Dreammachine has been described as the first work of art to be seen
with your eyes closed. Pulsating light stimulates the optical nerve and
alters the brain's electrical oscillations. Under the influence of William
Grey Walter's book, The Living Brain, along with Ian Somerville, Brion
Gysin built The Dream Machine in 1961, a slotted cylindrical object whose
rotational speed allows inside light to propagate with a constant frequency
between 8 to 13 pulses per second. This frequency corresponds to alpha
waves, electrical oscillations in the brain while relaxing.

The Dreammachine is an installation of light, sound and video in which the
artist appropriates the experiment from 1960s to explore the psychological
and theoretical dimensions of the gaze, from the image awareness regarded
as aesthetic reality, to the internalization of  the image as a pure
sensitive element. Oana Ionel recreates and recontextualizes a sensory
trail complicating the gaze on the border of hypnotic relaxation and
discomfort. The apparently scientific aspect of the story surrounding the
machine goes down to a science fiction fixed on the immaterial, inner
visual experience, a psychedelic lyrical technological experience specific
to late avant-garde. Such a proposal in a contemporary world where
addiction holds a different type of representation has the effect of a
vintage object.

Organizatori: Aiurart, Experimental Project
Parteneri: Radio Romania Cultural, Zeppelin, All Hollow, Tataia, Sapte
Seri, Senso TV Arte, TVCity, Modernism, Designist,,
Metropotam, ArtClue, ArtAct Magazine, Asdesign95, A R_chitecture T V,
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